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Down to the last few chapters .... :')


I don't think the fist in my hand has opened since I woke up tied to that chair two days ago. I couldn't do anything except think about where Naina could be, what state she might be in, if she'd eaten to slept in these 48 hours.

My fingers ached again as I felt myself clenching even harder.

It had been three hours since I'd been sitting in this lounge. I hadn't been able to touch the food some assistant put on the table in front of me. From where I was sitting, I could see Hasan, Namrata, Patrick, and the other agents working in a large conference room through the glass windows and doors. They would all be staring at their computers, then start talking really intensely with each other, then type furiously for a couple minutes, and the cycle would continue.

I tried to keep praying, instead of wasting my time glaring at anyone and everyone I could see.

"Mind if we join you?"

That girl from earlier entered the lounge with another guy. Both were hackers trying to find Naina through some tracking chip. Maheen I think was her name. I gave a curt nod and she sat down across the table from me.

"We'll find your wife, don't worry. There's never been so much man power behind a situation like this before."

"Shouldn't you be there working then?" That came out way harsher than I meant it to. "I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"Worried, I understand," she brushed off my rudeness. "I can only imagine how you're feeling. I'm just waiting for my results to load. I think we're close sir."

She reminded me a lot of my sister, Navsheen. She had an air of ease to her. She was bubbly, friendly, and probably younger than me.

"You can call me Armaan."

"Sure, Armaan," she smiled brightly. "I'm Maheen."

"You know Hasan?" I tried to make conversation, an attempt to distract myself for a few minutes at least.

"Uh yeah," she chuckled as if there was a joke there I was supposed to know. "We go back many years."

Someone called out to her before I could speak. "Let's go," she stood up abruptly, waving me over with her. I ran with her to the room she was sitting in. Her computer was doing something I couldn't understand but I watched her type a bunch of commands in and the screen produced back numbers and letters.

She was clicking here and there in programs and software I'd never seen. But a few seconds she stepped back and turned to me with a big, genuine smile on her face. "I think I found her."

She grabbed her laptop and took off again towards the main conference room with the agents. I followed, holding the door open for her so she could get inside without a second wasted.

"I found her," she announced to the room.

Everyone froze, dozens of eyes locked on her. She set the computer down on the big table in the center.

"What are her coordinates?" Hasan asked her and she read off the screen.

He had his laptop casting on a big projector screen. He typed in the numbers she said into a map and the screen loaded, zooming in closer and closer until it stopped in St. Donats.

"That's four hours away," Patrick muttered to no one in particular.

As soon as he finished say those words, the room erupted in chaos. Everyone packed up their things and ran off to places around the office.

Naina (Al-Ameen Family #4)Where stories live. Discover now