3 - i ain't get no sleep

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(Pov: Georgia)

Who the heck puts peaches above the pantry!? Also how'd Rhode even get'd up there. He's frigin' tiny. "Hi Idaho, hey Georgia- Whaaat are you doing..?" Washington asked, walking into the kitchen and looking up at me. "Oh hi Washington! and I'm trying to get my peaches-" I started,"And my potatoes!" Idaho said cutting me off. "-down from the cabinet. Rhode stole and hid them from us." I finished. "How? He's literally taped to the wall... or was taped" Washington questioned.

"That was after I hid them." Rhode stated, waltzing into the room like he was on a red carpet. He had some red marks on his arms from where the tape was. "Well maybe next time you shouldn't steal," Idaho said in an annoyed tone. "Yeah, then we won't have to duct tape you to the wall." I called out, tossing Idaho's potato sack to him. "How did you even get them up there?" Washington asked.

"Are you implying that I'm too short?" Rhode said with a deathly glare on his face.

Washington apparently can't take a hint because the next thing I know, Rhode is chasing him around with a frying pan. Great.

(POV: Confederate)

Me and Union finally got Delaware untied, whoever tied it did a really good job.
"Thanks Dad!" He called out running down the hall. America sighed and started to go towards the kitchen when I stopped him. "Sit your bloody ass down on that couch and fuckin relax fir' once, Union. I'm makin dinner t'night."

Why do I care? Don't I hate him?

I walked into the kitchen to see Rhode runnin' 'round with'a fryin pan chasin Washington. I stopped at the counter and waited til Rhode ran past me and I grabbed the pan out'd his hand. "Thank you for your generous donation towards makin dinner."


Finally, dinner is ready. I made spaghetti with garlic bread 🍞, nobody says no to gARliC bREaD. At one point a group of about 5 states plus the entire Pacific Coast walked in and I had to kick everybody out, the only one who stayed was Georgia, she was sayin somethin 'bout her peach cobbler.

*clears throat* "DINNER'S READY! EVERYONE UR ASSES INTO THE KITCHEN!" That was enough about all the states because the only thing anybody heard for the next 30-40 seconds was feet hitting the floor. "Papa, what does ass mean?" I heard Hawai'i ask America on the other side of the room. (How did you hear that over the yelling of the states???)

Union is going to fucking kill me.

~[time skip. Brought to you by a rat]~

I flopped into the couch as Union put the states to bed... or at least tried too, I don't think New York is gonna go ta sleep tbh. I think he has insomnia or some shit and isnt he 'The City that Never Sleeps'.

Me and Union were sittin on the couch watchin some random ass comedy that was on when New York sprints into the kitchen and grabs two fryin pans and before Union can say somethin he runs upstairs to the first floor and starts banging them together sayin,
After a few seconds, Alabama and Mississippi run into the kitchen, grab some pans and they join New York chanting,
(end of flashback)

I grinned as I thought about the memory and how everyone was pissed at NY, Bama, and Sippi for like 3 days. "What are you smiling at?" America asked walkin into the room. "Nothin, just rememberin the time New York kept banging pans together, keepin everyone up til Oklahoma threatened to hit'em with one. "Oh that reminds me..."

Union walks up to me and... smacks me in the back of ma head. "Ow! The fuck was that for!?" I complained rubbin the back of my head where he hit it. "That was for teaching my 6 year old daughter the word ass, ya fucking asshole." He stated (haha state-d) "Whatever. G'night"
I woke up the next morning at 7am to see... oh yea EACH SINGLE FUCKIN STATE DOWNSTAIRS CAUSING CHAOS. Wat the fuck.

(POV: America)

"papa?...... PAPA!"

I woke up to see New Mexico standing next to my bed rambling on and on about something. "Hold on, slow down. What do you need?"
"Uhhhhh.. i forgot." As my 47th state left the room, I looked over at the clock..... 11:37 am.....WHAT!

I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom to clean up. I stopped in front of the mirror, took off my sunglasses and looked at my reflection just to see a man with dark bags under his eyes and weird ass eyes staring back at me. The states always say that I shouldn't hide my eyes and that they're cool. But no matter how many times they tell me that they're not weird, I'm still insecure about them.

I put my glasses back on and changed into a pair of jeans and put on a Boston sweatshirt that Massachusetts must have give to me at some point. I left my room and walked down the stairs (Utah had finally picked up her fnaf plushies). I headed towards the kitchen stopping in one of the many living rooms.

"Hey Dad." New Hampshire said looking up from the chess game he and Vermont were playing (Vermont winning btw). "Hello, why didn't you guys come wake me up?" I asked looking around the room to make sure nobody, Florida, made a hole in the wall.
( "Hey! Why ya blamin me??" "cause you've done it like 7 times already. Now shush I'm tryin to write a story here.")
"We didn't wake you up because you barely slept anyway, so we all decided not to." Connecticut said looking up from his phone. "What do you mean? I sleep all the time." ("Lier" "I am not!" "R u sure about that?")

"Dad. We all know you don't get enough sleep. Even Hawai'i has noticed."
"You stay up until 2am and wake up at 5 or 6. That is not a normal or good amount of sleep." D.C said walking into the room.
"Okay! Fine. You got me." I said throwing my hands up. "Anyway, Confederate is in the kitchen making lunch, in case you're wondering." Connecticut said going back to whatever he was doing on his phone. "Thanks Connect!" I called out leaving the room.

I entered the kitchen to see Confetti making lunch.
"Sleeping beauty awakes!" He said sarcastically, not even looking up at me. "Shut uppppp."


"What's been up with you lately?" Confederate asked, walking towards me. "Nothing, just stress 'bout work shit." I said as my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I asked, answering the call. "Hello, America" UN said on the other side of the phone, "could you perhaps come in early tomorrow to talk about why you're always late to meetings?" He asked. I sighed, "yeah I'll be there."


Word count - 1201

Geez this took me a while to write. I had a competition to go to, so I didn't really have time to write this. Anyway, school started again today... let's just say I wasn't excited..
Cya, Kreative

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