12 - for the money

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(Pov: Confederate)

"What is so urgent that y'all have a meeting in an hour." I questioned "I don't know if you forgot or something, but UN is missing" Ame replied. "So? Did someone find evidence are somethin'?" I asked. "Oh... yeah.. I forgot to tell you.." America started. "Tell me what..?" I slowly asked. "Tennessee, Montana, and probably a few other states, found some note in UN's office after they snuck out of the house."
"For some reason I'm not surprised that they snuck out... honestly at this point at least half of them must have snuck out at some point." I stated. "It's not unlikely." Ame replied. "It's very likely!" New York yelled from the other room. "- and the states admit it." I added. America sighed in defeat before grabbing his stuff and heading to his car.

[time skip brought to you by Florida's lack of common sense]

"When's Dad getting home?" Wyoming asked for the third time within one hour. "I don't know." I answered. "Why not?" South Dakota questioned. "I don't know." I stated. "Why?" North Dakota cut in. "What?" I asked. "Why?" He repeated. "I don't know! Ok?" I said. "Stop asking questions."
"Why?" Wyoming asked. "That's a question." I responded leaving the room. Behind me I heard Wyoming ask, "it is?"
"So was that!" I called out. "What's for dinner?!" North Dakota called after me. "Food!" I yelled back. "Not helpful!" Wyoming said. "I wasn't trying to be."

(Pov: S.Carolina)

"We'll pay you!" I announced, looking at my sister. "We will?" Colorado questioned. "Yes!" I stated. "How much?" West Virginia asked. "Uhhhh- 50 dollars!" I replied confidently. "Where are you getting 50 dollars from?" Westie asked looking surprised. "We're not exposing our sources!" Louisiana told her. "... yeah!" I said surprised that Louise wasn't questioning it. "Uh- o-okay?" Westie replied. "So will you help us or not?" Colorado cut in. "What am I helping with exactly?" Westie said. "Sneaking out, Getting to the address, searching the place," Louise started. "Moral support!" I cut in. ".. I don't have my drivers license." Westie said. "Does Virginia?" Colorado asked. "Yeah?" Westie answered. "Helping to convince Virginia." Louise added on the the list.

"Fine." Westie said. "I will warn you now though, she's pretty hard to convince to do anything she thinks is dangerous." Westie stated. "Well, I'm not going to ask Massachusetts." I said. "Why?" Colorado said. "He ratted out Alabama, Sippi, and Ark. How do you think Confederate knew they were going to Dad's work?" I questioned. "Fair." He replied. "What about the other original colonies?" Westie asked. " Delaware's too responsible, same with New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, me and N.Carol don't have our drivers licenses, New York- actually- He would probably help.. but he's also not very good at driving, Massa is a no for obvious reasons, Rhode would tell Dad or Confederate, same with Georgia, although she would probably also try to tape us to the wall as punishment sooooo.. no. Connecticut would say no, New Jersey doesn't have a license cause she doesn't follow the "rules of the road", whatever that means, Maryland is too busy working on paperwork with D.C, D.C is too busy and would probably tell." I answered. "So that leaves Virginia." Colorado said. "Yeah."

"Also when do I get this 50 dollars." Westie asked. "Uh after we convince your very stubborn twin sister." Colorado said. "K." Westie responded. We all climbed down the ladder that lead to the attic, leaving all its dusty furniture and boxes behind. Honestly, I don't really know why there are boxes in the attic, I mean we have a show room where we put all of the important documents and other important stuff from like- uh.. wars? Most of the boxes I've looked into are filled with books. Like really really old ones. One of them I thought was going to collapse and turn into dust if I touched it.

We went downstairs to the living room to see Virginia on the couch reading some really old looking book. I wonder if she got it from the attic. Colorado walked over to her grabbing the book out of her hand saying, " Come on we need to talk to you."
"What is so important that you have to grab my book out of my hands." Virginia complained. "Honestly I'm surprised that book didn't turn to dust." Louise whispered in my ear. "Same here." I replied. "Where we goin'" Virginia asked. "Our room. C'mon." Westie stated, before turning around and walking out of the room.


"So, are you going to help?" Westie questioned. "How much money are you paying me for this?" Virginia asked ignoring her twin's question. "50 bucks." Colorado announced. "Okay fine. Just to be clear, I am only doing this for the money, and I only drove you. I was not involved in any other way." Virginia stated. "Fine by me." Colorado responded. "I'll go get the money." I said leaving the room, dragging Louisiana along with me.

Once we had left I said, "now, dear sister, you are probably wondering where we will be getting a hundred dollars from."
"Yes. Yes I am. Because I don't have that kind of cash." Louise answered. "Neither do I! Which is why we will be taking it from Confederate." I concluded. "Really." She said. "Yep! Do know anyone else besides Dad with that kind of cash laying around?" I questioned. "No.." She replied. "Then c'mon!"

"He's going to kill us in our sleep if he finds out, ya know.." Louise said. "Well.. then we have to make sure he doesn't find out!" I stated.


"K we're bac! Here your money." I said tossing the wads of cash to the twins.

While Virginia was clarifying that she was, and I quote, "oNLy dOInG tHiS fOR tHe MoNEy" West Virginia was running around singing, "If I was a rich girl nanananananannanaaaaaaaaa!"

"Okay! Plan starts tonight! 8pm. Meet here." Louise announced.

"Don't be late or else."

Word Count - 1026

So uh I do not do well with deadlines... uh I was supposed to write this over my spring break anddddd I did not. Sooooo yeah.

Also thank you for 6 thousand reads! I glad people actually kinda like this.

Also thank you for 6 thousand reads! I glad people actually kinda like this

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