9 - stop digging

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(Pov: Florida cuz I'm at Disney World)

"DisneyLand is better!"
"No Disney World is better!" I yelled back at my brother, Cali. "No it's not!" He yelled. "Yes it is!"
"No, it's not!"
"Yes it is!"
"What are you-"
"No it's not!" Cali yelled cutting off Oregon. "Uh, guys?" Oreo started, "Yes it is!" I said cutting Oreo off again. "Guys?"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it-" "GUYS!" Oreo shouted over me. "WHAT!" Me and Cali yelled at the same time. That must have shocked him because he took a step back before saying,"First, stop fighting and Second, it's time for dinner." Oreo finished. "Already?" Cali asked. "Geez today went by fast."
"Obviously." Oreo said. "Let's go, I'm hungry." I said leading the way.

(Pov: Hawaii)

"Папа, why do you and Confederate seem so... tense..?" My wONdeRfuL brother, Alaska asked Papa as he was putting us to bed. "Oh.. uh... something happened. Something bad." Papa started, "but don't worry, Me and the other countries have it under control."
"We can help!" I said referring to me and my siblings. "No. It's too dangerous." Papa said. "Also I don't think now is the best time to introduce all 50 of you."

[time skip :p]

"This. This is the definition of a terrible idea." Tennessee stated after my and Laska told her my idea. "I like it!" Montana said. "And, it's more interesting than listening to D.C talk about multiplication tables." D.C has been trying to teach us younger states basic school stuff. Like multip- hold on multi- uh.. 'multiplication?' Ya that. And weird curvy writing. 'Cursive' 'same thing.' "True." Tennessee said. "Okay I'm convinced. But let's modify the plan a bit to make it more, uh, realistic" she finished. "What do you mean by realistic?" Alaska asked, not really paying attention. "IT IS REALISTIC!" I stated throwing my hands up. "Sure. And that lamp is floating." Tennessee answered pointing to the lamp on the end table next to the couch. "I thought it fine." Montana cut it.

"Do you guys seriously think that I'm going to do a backflip out of your bedroom window. Which by the way is on the third floor." Tennessee questioned. "Ok maybe that part wasn't that realistic..." Montana said. "Wait the plan said to do a flip through our window?" Alaska asked turning to me. "Do you think that you're all going to jump out of a moving car going 45 mile per hour?" Tennessee interrupted. "The car won't be moving that fast... will it?" I said. "The speed limit on ##### street is 45 miles per hour. And most people go above that." She told us. "Fine... we can change it." I said. A feeling of defeat hanging over my head.

"Wait what? Explain it again." I said getting confused. "First we have to get to Dad's work building. I'll drive." Tennessee started. "Isn't that illegal? You're 13." Alaska cut in. "Well yeah.. but when Alabama, Sippi, Ark, and Texas went the only reason they got caught was because their driver, who was definitely not Massachusetts btw, snitched and told Confederate. And I'm not letting that happen sooooo.. I'm driving." Tennessee stated. "O- kayyy?"
"Anyways, after we get there, since nobody is probably gonna be there, we have to find UN's office and-" Tennessee continued before she was cut off once again, "and look for clues that could have been left." Alaska finished. "Uh yeah."


"Everyone ready?!" Tennessee asked us. "Yeah!" We responded. "Wait! I need to go grab something !" Montana suddenly said and she ran out of the room. "Uh okay?" Tennessee replied.
"I'm back!"Montana announced waltzing into the room. "Montana. Why do you have a gun." Tennessee asked. "Uh.. SELF DEFENSE!"
"I- you spend to much time with Texas." Tennessee concluded "Put the gun down and let's go."

"Where's Dad?" Montana asked Alaska sitting down next to us so he could see through the railing on the stairs. "He's in the living room. Talking to Maryland." Alaska responded. "So.. we gotta sneak past him without him noticing us?" I questioned. "Uh no. Act normal. The second we act like we're doing something suspicious, somebody will tell Dad or Confederate. So be normal." Tennessee said. "Just- follow me and talk about... uh... oh! That tv show that you really like for some reason."
"You mean Bubble Guppies?" I asked "uh sure!" She replied. "Ok! So where do I start..?" I started. "Not right now! When we put the plan in motion." Tennessee cut me off.

"Oh. When do we put the plan in motion?" I questioned. "Uhm.. now I guess. Let's go!"


(Still Hawaii's pov)

"That was easy!" Montana exclaimed. "Mhm because walking down the stairs out into the backyard is normally difficult." Tennessee sarcastically said. "I mean-"
"Don't!" Tennessee interrupted. "C'mon we don't have all day."
"Where are we going?" I asked. "To the parking lot. Where the cars are." She replied. "What are you doing." Said a voice behind us. We all turned around to see Nevada looking at us with a confused expression. "Uh nothing suspicious!" Montana stated. "Seriously." Tennessee said face palming. "You know what... I'm to busy to care right now." Nevada stated walking away. "O- kay..."


"Everyone in?" Tennessee asked turning back to look at us. "Yup!" Montana, who was now squished in the middle seat, replied. "Good! Let's go."


"Wow this place is so big!" I exclaimed looking up at the huge building in front of me. "Yeah" Tennessee agreed. "I wonder how Папа finds his way around it." Alaska commented. I think Tennessee forgot that he was here because she jumped when he said that.
"Uh yeahhhh." She said slowly. "Let's go!" I yelled running towards the building. "Hawaii! Wait for us!" I heard Montana yell to me. Now I can run pretty fast if I do say so my self, but Montana can run faster so she was catching up to me quickly.

"So now what?" Alaska asked once we all got to the door. "We go in?" Tennessee answered stepping into the heavily air-conditioned building. "It's cold in here." I complained. "It's warm in here." Montana said looking over to me. "How do we find UN's office..?" Tennessee wondered aloud. "Maybe it would have a sign on it?"Montana answered. "Maybe.. but wouldn't that be too obvious?"

"Apparently not!" Tennessee said, answering her own question from a few minutes earlier, as we stared up at the sign on the door, United Nations' Office. ".... Let's go in." Alaska said. "Good idea, because someone's coming." Montana replied swinging open the door. We stepped inside the office and Tennessee quickly shut the door. We all watched through the clouded glass as somebody's shadow passed the office door.

"We should look around for any clues as to where this guy is." Tennessee announced after she had made sure the person had left. We all spread out around the room looking for anything that looked suspicious or out of place.

[10 minutes l8r]

"Uh guys..?" Montana said stopping by the desk. "What is it?" Tennessee asked walking over to him. Montana bet down and picked up a piece of paper of the floor and said,"An address."
"That could literally just be like a friends house or a cafe." Tennessee responded. "But it's different handwriting?!" Montana told her. "Let me see that."
217 ####### street
"Ok maybe this is a clue." Tennessee stated. Suddenly we heard a long bang down the hallway. "Maybe we should go.." Alaska said going to the door and opening it. "..why'd you stop?" I asked. Alaska grabbed something off the floor and gave it to Tennessee. I ran over to Tennessee and looked over her shoulder at the piece of paper in her hands.

Stop digging!

Word Count - 1277
Uh hi... so I was at Disney last week and didn't have time to write again soooo.. yea.
Also I needed inspiration
Anyway! I'm gonna try to write these faster so y'all don't have to wait as long.
<3 Kreative

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