(Pov: Delaware)"So?" I questioned once Oklahoma and Maine had come back. "What happened?" Just because I'm supposed to be the responsible one doesn't mean that I'm not curious about whatever psychotic things my siblings get themselves into. "Mission accomplished." Maine said before walking off. "Stupid British lady was behind this whole thing!" Oklahoma exclaimed. "British lady.... You mean the British Empire?!" I asked, surprised that she would do such a thing. "Uh yah." He replied. "What did you do?" I asked, slowly. "I didn't technically do anything." Oak responded. "What does that mean?" I questioned. "I gave my pan to a very specific country and uh- gave him the idea to.... Hit her... with it." Oak said. "Wha-" I started. "In the head" Oak added. "What the actual- fuck." I commented. "Wha- what country did you tell to hit her." I asked. ".. Poland." Oklahoma answered. "And he agreed?!" I said. "I have a very hard time believing that." I stated. "It's true!" Oak exclaimed. "Uhm- ok, Maybe we should avoid telling Dad this teensy tiny insignificant detail about you being involved." I suggested. "Agreed." Oklahoma said.
[time skip brought to you by all 50 states]
| 4 months later |
*knock* *knock* *knock*
"I'LL GET IT" I yelled from the kitchen. I opened the door to see three familiar people. "Hi Delaware!" Uncle Canada said. "Hi Uncle Nada!" I replied letting him, UN, and EU inside. "DADDDDDDDDDD!" I yelled up the stairs. "Coming!" He yelled back a few seconds later. "He's coming." I said, turning to the organizations. Uncle Nada had already been pulled away by Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota. "This house is a lot less chaotic then I expected." EU commented. "You say that now.." I muttered. Eventually, probably like a minute later... it felt longer, Dad came downstairs and started talking about some random stuff with the organizations. Dad's always been good at connecting with people.
Ever since the countries, +Oak and Maine but we don't talk about that part, saved UN, he and EU have been visiting a lot. Dad's family visited a lot as well, mostly Uncle Nada though. I still don't really trust his Dad. Dad's friends are really nice though. His friend Japan always gives us presents which makes me wonder how much money she has laying around to spend on us. Presents for 51 children must cost a lot of money. Surprisingly, Hawaii has decided that Japan is her new bestie. Kinda ironic if you ask me.. One time like maybe a week after saving UN, Poland came over and Me and Maine had to distract Dad so Poland could give Oklahoma his pan back. The first time that Poland visited North Dakota and South Dakota told him that their names were switched, so North Dakota was South Dakota and South was North . He kept calling them the wrong names until finally Pennsylvania corrected them.
[time skip brought to you by my friend Caitlynn]
"Okay I've changed my mind. Your siblings are crazy." EU said sitting down next to me. "Told you." I replied. "Two of your siblings were just like casually drinking in the living room." She stated. "I'm guessing it was probably Nevada and Alaska." I commented. "Isn't it illegal for people under the age of twenty one to drink in the US?" EU asked. "Yup!" I answered. "Nevada doesn't really care though because so many people break the law there."
"What about Alaska?" She questioned. "I really don't know.. Russian DNA? He used to be part of Russia." I explained. "I don't doubt it." She replied. "He was literally chugging a bottle of vodka."
"Yeah.. he likes vodka, Nevada likes wine or champagne, and sometimes you'll see Confederate drinking whiskey." I stated. "What the heck is Florida doing? You know what I don't wanna know!" I said, watching my younger brother do whatever it is he's doing. Probably something that will cause more chaos."Del?" Arizona asked coming up to me. "Wha-" I started turning to him to see him on fire. "Seriously?"
"Yeahhhh.. Cali started on fire and set me on fire.." He replied. "What about Nevada?" I questioned. "Nope. He's fine."
"K c'mon." I said getting up to go get the nearest fire extinguisher. You heard me 'nearest' we have several fire extinguishers around the house because California is always lightning up.(Pov: America)
"No my states are basically fearless." I said to the winged organization. "Really? They're just children." He replied. Before we could continue our conversation though, Texas interrupted, " Dadddd! My pistol is stuck in the tree!"
"How does a pistol get in a tree?!" I questioned. "Iowa threw it up there!" He exclaimed. "Why- you know what I don't want to know." I replied. "I'll get it!" New Mexico said, climbing up the tree as if it was a ladder. " You better be able to catch!" He yelled down to Texas. He grabbed the gun and tossed it down a Texas who caught it , but accidentally shot the tree. New Mexico then jumped from the tree to the ground and landed on his feet."Your states really are fearless." UN commented. "Yeah.. sometimes a bit too fearless." Suddenly everyone standing outside heard Florida yell,
Here we go again.
Word Count - 891
(5/20/23)... last chapter.
Caitlynn Joy - For helping me create a plot for this story
The statehumans fanfics I've read - for inspiring me to write thisYou - for giving me the motivation to write this (and for reading this)
Thank for reading this :)
Love, the one and only, KRE4TIVE

FanfictionDISCLAIMER: I wrote this in 7th grade. Only read this is you like to suffer in 2023 countryhuman fandom. xoxo, k America has 51 (psychotic) children to take care of and the only other person that knows is his half, Confederate. He's constantly late...