(POV: Alabama)
"Guys! Did you hear?"
"Hear what?" Arkansas asked. "What....are you doing..?" I asked, "doesn't matter, what did you wanna say." Arkansas said. "Wait where's Sippi?" I asked because normally he's in our room doing something. "How would I know?!"
"Whatever. Anyways... UN went missing according to Dad." I said. "Wait, UN as in United Nations? Like Dad's boss?" Ark asked looking up. "Yep. I'm guessing that the countries are all super stressed about it." I answered. "We should help them." Arkansas blurted. "And expose ourselves?" I questioned. "Yep! About time anyway. Why do we even need to stay hidden? If the countries knew, maybe they wouldn't be so mean about Dad being late." Arkansas said. "True, but we need a plan." I stated. "Let's get Mississippi to help us."~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"WHERE IS HEEEE!" I asked getting tired of looking for my brother, who constantly gets called my twin, with my other crazy brother. "Who are you looking for"Arizona asked me. "Cali!" Arkansas yelled. "No we're-" I started. California, who was on fire, suddenly ran past us setting Ari on fire. "Great." Arizona said clearly annoyed. "I'm going to get Dad or D.C. see ya later." Ari said walking off.
"Heyyyyyy." Mississippi said from behind us. "Finally! We've been looking for you forever!" I said. "Anyways lets go we've gotta tell you something." I grabbed Sippi's wrist a started dragging him towards our room."So? What is so important that y'all had to drag me across the house, to our room, to tell me." Sippi asked me and Arkansas. "So to put a long-ish story short-" Ark started, "UN went missing." I stated cutting him off. "Uh- HOW!?" Sippi asked with a shocked look on his face. "We don't know, but we wanna help so." Arkansas said. "Doesn't that mean we would have to expose ourselves?" Sippi answered. "That's what I said." I added. "And if we wanna help, we need a plan. So I was thinking..."
[time skip cuz I don't wanna write out a plan rn]
"Does everyone understand the plan?" Sippi asked us, "yep!" Me and Ark answered. "Heyyyy." Texas said peering into our room, "let me guess," Ark started, "You over heard us and wanna help." "Yep! Pretty much." Texas announced. "Also, how are y'all planning to get to the UN building, we can't drive." He asked. "Hmmmmm.. I didn't think of that.." Sippi replied, "We can't drive... but we have a sibling who can and might be willing to help us." He continued as he started towards the door. "Be right back."
"I wonder who he's gonna ask, cause' I highly doubt Del or D.C are gonna help us expose ourselves. Same with Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Vermont. Yorkie is probably to busy doing... whatever it is he does." I commented."Let me get this straight, you want me, to drive you to dad's work, so you can expose us. And presumably help with finding UN." Massachusetts said following Sippi into our room. "Pretty much yeah." Sippi said. "Did UN go missing or something, why are we looking for him?" Massa asked. "Yep! Apparently he came to work this morning and suddenly just.. poof! Nobody can find him." I answered. "Fine, I'll drive you guys. But if you get in trouble, I had nothing to do with this." Massa stated. "Yay!" Texas commented.
"Everyone in the car." Massa said hopping into the driver's seat. "Where did you even get this car, Massa? This ain't one of dad's." I said confusion spread across my face. "I know some people." He replied, a smug look on his face. "I don't think I want to know what that means.." Ark commented. "Its gotta be somebody in our house, who else could it be?" Sippi said, buckling his seatbelt. "None of the countries know us, and even if they did I doubt they would give any of us a car." He continued. "Cool! Can we go?!" Texas said probably getting impatient. "Yep! Everyone's seatbelts buckled?" Massa replied with a little bit too much enthusiasm.
The drive there was pretty boring, to say the least. Arkansas was just sitting there, most likely regretting his decision to come with us. Massa was, well, driving. Texas was taking 0.5 pics of Sippi on his phone. (Explanation at the bottom.) and I don't really know what I was doing tbh.
(POV: Confederate)
"What do you need Massachusetts?"
"Alabama, Arkansas, Sippi, and Texas are planning to crash Dad's meeting. You might wanna stop them." He replied before walking out of the house. Where was he going? (To drive them to the meeting dumbass.)Well great. Now I have to stop Union's psychotic children from crashing his meetin' and exposin' themselves. Just how I wanted to spend my day. Why can't they take the day off for once! Geez. "Delaware!" I called out. "What?" He said peering into the room. "You and D.C are in charge, I gotta go stop your crazy ass siblings from reveling themselves to everyone." I replied. "Everyone.. as in like the countries?" He asked. "Yes! Now bye!" I said running out the door.
I don't know how America raised these children with going insane. I'll ask him later I guess.
[time skip brought to you by meeee]
I arrived at the World Center, where all the meetings are, to see the four states, who for some reason thought this was a good idea, walking through the front door. I ran to catch up with them observing the interior of the building as I ran. "What do you four think you're doing." I said startling them. "Uhhhh..." Texas started before glancing at his siblings and just yelling "RUN!" The four states sprinted away from me and down the hallway towards the door of the meeting room.
(POV: Mississippi)
I ran in front of my siblings looking for something that would tell me where the meeting room was. I scanned the hallway and saw a plaque on the wall that had the words, Meeting Room, on it. That must be it. It wouldn't make sense for a sign to say meeting room when it's not one.
I got to the door and froze for a second, was this a bad idea..? Before I could say anything Texas stepped forward and pushed the door open. "Hola, fuckers!" He said interrupting some random country who was talking. "Hi dad!" My partner in crime, Bama, said, addressing our father. Instead of saying hello, Dad replied with, " Isn't Confetti supposed to be watching you!?"
"I was, but I'm not chasing your psychotic states down a hallway." Confederate stated leaning against the door frame.
Word Count - 1111
IM FINALLY DONEEEEEE. Welp, this took for-freaking-ever.
Anyways, on the newer IPhones, you can zoom out to 0.5, and it makes the camera angle distorted.Hope you liked this chapter, the aMAzInG Kreative :p

Fiksi PenggemarDISCLAIMER: I wrote this in 7th grade. Only read this is you like to suffer in 2023 countryhuman fandom. xoxo, k America has 51 (psychotic) children to take care of and the only other person that knows is his half, Confederate. He's constantly late...