(POV: America, again...)
"What was that 'bout?" Confederate questioned. "I gotta go into work early tmrw to talk about 'wHY aMeRIcA iS AlWaYS lAtE'." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Welp that sucks. Good luck with that."
(Pov: Ohio)
"....." why is it kinda quiet for once...
*vecna clock sound* (at the top)
"INDI! I WILL BEAT U!" I yelled. Indi then decided to kick the door open. "Don't bother. Also what's with you? I haven't seen you in like....1..2...FOREVER. Which is super weird even for you...."
"I don't know..... I feel like something's wrong.."
"What do you mean...?" He asked, his smile fading off his face. " somethings just off... Like something bad is going to happen."" Ohio, something bad is always happening. It's either protests, or a storm, or global warming, pollution, the point is, there's no need to worry. And if something does happen, dad and the other countries will take care of it." Indi said, trying to comfort me. " yeah... I guess you're right" although I feel somethings off, I think it would be better not to press the matter and worry everybody. Especially dad.
"....hey confederate?"
He jumped... I think I scared him. I always seem to. People think I'm creepy or something. They side eye or glare at me whenever I'm in the room. Or they flinch or jump whenever I start talking.
" you don't out there for a sec. Anyway, what did you need?"
(Time skip brought to u by the dynamic duo)
"Ok so, you think something is going to happen?"
"Yeah, like something bad." I said. "Hm, okay... well I'll tell your father for ya, try not to worry your siblings though..." Confederate responded.(Pov: Confederate/Confetti) ima call him that cuz I'm too lazy to write it out :p
Oops. I just lied to a child.... I'm not sorry.
Anyway I'm not gonna tell Union. He's already stressed about work and that meeting with UN and all that other shit.
.. I don't know why I care suddenly......
What should I make for dinner..? (Comment here ->)
Time skip number....uh..3!
"Indiana? Where's Illi?" America asked his nineteenth state. "How would I know??" Indiana said, leaning back in his chair. "Can you go get her please?" Ame said, most likely getting annoyed, although he might not be.. he's probably used to it by now. This bastard has the highest tolerance for annoying people. He literally doesn't get annoyed with anyone...besides me..and Russia..
"Be right back..." Indi said jumping outta his chair. "ILLIIIIIII!" We all heard Indiana yell as he ran up the stairs. A few minutes... actually more like a minute later Indiana dragged a not very happy Illinois into the room. Instead of getting up and sitting at the table once Indi let her go, Illinois just sat there. On the floor."What are you doing?" Maine asked her younger sister. "Sitting." Illi replied. "On floor..?" Virginia questioned looking extremely confused. "Yep"
"Uh why..?" New York asked. At this point, most of or all of the states had stopped eating and were now staring at their sister who was sitting on the floor. " you doing this in protest or something???" Maine said. "Good idea! But no." Illi answered.North Dakota at some point had gotten bored and sat down on the floor next his sister, followed by South Dakota and Missouri. By this point this was getting a bit ridiculous, even more so when Iowa and Minnesota sat down with them. Eventually the entire Midwest was sitting on the wooden floor of the dining room. Just when the rest of us thought this couldn't get any more weird, Illinois looked over at her brother and said, "Indiana, I am fining you 55 quadrillion million thousand dollars for dragging, i repeat, dragging me down two flights of stairs, into the dining room, and dropping me on the floor."
"I don't think there's even that much money in the entire world." Nebraska commented.
"Also, since when is that even a number?" Kentucky asked.
"Since the Never of Neverary." North Carolina answered."Can y'all stop bein ridiculous and sit at the table please?" I asked looking down at the 12 states on the floor. "You can't tell us what to do!" Minnesota said turning away. "But I can." Union said finally speaking up. "It's still a no." Missouri stated. "I think ima stay here." The Great Lakes State said laying down and placing his University of Michigan hat on the wood floor. D.C at this point get up from her chair, and the Dakota's must have twin telepathy or some shit cause' they both yelled "RUN" at the same time. The entire Midwest ran out of the room with D.C chasing after them.
(POV: America) Also Confederate just calls Ame, Union. Union is not a different person.
*beep* *beep* *beep*
Great. The sound of my alarm clock going off at 5:30 in the morning. Oh right, I have that meeting with UN about why I'm aLWayS LaTe. Fantastic. I'd better get ready, I don't think being late to the "why I'm late" meeting is a good idea. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a NASA t-shirt and some jeans. I'm not dressing formally for something I don't care about. At least UN can't yell at me for being late today because I'll already be there.I went downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee. Delaware says that I basically live off of coffee. By now it was 5:45 and I had to go. I left a note on the counter saying Confederate was in charge and not to break anything. I went to my office and gathered all my papers for later and put them in my briefcase. I left my office, grabbed my coffee from the counter and went out the front door. I'm honestly surprised nobody came downstairs yet. Usually at least one state, out of the fifty in this house, is already up and downstairs. Although I was starting to feel like something was off, I hopped into my car and started driving to the UN building, where we have most of our meetings.
It was still dark outside when I got to the building. Though the night was beautiful, something about it gave me the chills. When I entered the building I was stopped by EU.
"Hello America." She said with a worried look on her face. "Hi, EU, where's UN?" I asked getting confused why the organization had greeted me at the door....
"UN is missing."
Word Count - 1112
Oop. Anyways I had a lot of fun writing this.
The 'Great Lakes State' is Michigan in case you didn't know.
Credits to my Friend Caitlyn for the idea for this chapter.
<3 Kreative

FanfictionDISCLAIMER: I wrote this in 7th grade. Only read this is you like to suffer in 2023 countryhuman fandom. xoxo, k America has 51 (psychotic) children to take care of and the only other person that knows is his half, Confederate. He's constantly late...