Soon enough after the news was heard, the countries and organizations had formed a plan and were headed to get their... friend. back. To be completely honest, by plan, I mean separate into cars, drive to carnival, attack. There isn't really a.. "plan" it's just kind of there. They arrive and.. simply get UN back. But... is it really that simple?(Pov: Germany)
"Russia put the gun down. We're not even there yet." I said pushing the gun down to point at the floor. "Yes, thank you for pointing a gun at my head for the last 20 minutes." Polan added. "You are very welcome." He responded. "We are still 10 minutes away, Rus." China stated, turning the gun around in his hands. "Yah so I gotta question." Poland suddenly announced. "Go ahead. There is no such thing as a stupid question." Russia replied. "Why do we need this many countries against one?" He asked. "Stupid question." Russia stated. "Ok but seriously, it's just one country. Why do we need 20 countries to get UN back?" Poland continued. "What if she has backup?" China suggested. "I don't think anyone actually liked her. Even if she was so stubborn that I doubt she would want help." Poland argued.
(pov: Maine)
"Hey Del?" Maryland asked, walking into the room. "Hm?"
"Do you know where Dad is?" She asked. "He and Confederate had to go to an 'emergency ' meeting" South Carolina said, flopping onto the couch. "What she said." Delaware replied, motioning to S. Carol. "What kind of emergency?" Oklahoma questioned. "I feel like you're getting a stupid idea, and i'm just going to remind you that Louise, Colorado, S. Carolina, Westie and Virginia just got in trouble because of a stupid idea." Delaware stated. "You dont need to tell the world our business ya know." S.Carol exclaimed. "Wait, how did you even know that?"
"New york" I replied. "Since when were you here?" She asked. "I've literally been here this entire time.""What if they found UN.?" Maryland suggested. "That's impossible. We searched that entire f---- carnival." S.Carol exclaimed "Its not impossible just extremely unlikely." I stated. "Well was there anyone else at the carnival? Besides you and the countries." Del asked. "No! Well actually yes. This ghost lady, uhh the Kingdom of France. Who apparently is also our great-grandmother." S. Carol replied. "Maybe she found him." I suggested. "Either way, They are going to get him back, and I wanna help." Oak announced. "Okay. Good for you. I'm not getting involved this time." S.Carolina said. " Why were you involved last time." Del asked. " I was bored. And- oh wait. I owe Wesie and Virginia 50 bucks each. bye!"
"Where is she getting 100 dollars from?" Oklahoma asked. "Its probably better if we don't know." I responded. "Aren't you worried about getting in trouble?" I said. "He shouldn't be because you guys are not doing anything that will get you hurt or in trouble." Del stated. "Say who?" Oak asked. "Says me." Delaware answered. "What if we pay you?" Oklahoma suggested. " I feel like you should know this by now, I can't be bought." Delaware replied. "Can you unsee?" I asked. "What?"
"If you don't see us leave, did we really leave?" I questioned. "Fine. Oak if you wanna go you have to bring Maine with you." Del stated. "Okay fine by me." Oak said grabbing me arm and dragging me out of the room."Wait so what are we doing?" I asked Oak who was still dragging me. "First we are getting my pan." Oak replied letting me go. I followed Oak upstairs to his room to get his precious frying pan. "Who the heck keeps a frying pan in their bedroom?!" I questioned while following him into he and Texas' room. "Me." Oklahoma responded, grabbing his pan. "And who is allowing you to keep it here!" I exclaimed. "Texas." Oak said, cheerfully. "I don't think he has the power to do that." I answered. "Welp, until someone else moves into this room and says otherwise, I get to keep my pan." Oak said, leaving the room with me following him.
(Pov the amazing Poland)
This is the most boring fight scene I have even seen. Nobody can get close enough to do real damage to this lady because she keeps teleporting. "Can you stop teleporting! Your making it extremely hard to fight you." Russia yelled in frustration. "That's the point." The British Empire yelled back. America stepped forward to try and prevent her from teleporting around. " I suggest you take a step back. We wouldn't want any children to get hurt?" She sneered, a smile appearing on her face. "Stay away from me and my children." America stated "Don't I have the RIGHT to see them?" She said, smirking. "I thought you were 'the land of the free'"
"And I thought you were dead, yet here we are." America stated.I honestly have no idea how this lady lived so long. I also have no idea how UK dealt with her being his mother. She's just straight up annoying. She's not psychotic like... uh.. Reich. She knows what she's doing, but at the same time I don't think she does. "If ya' were just gonna annoy the shit outta us then why bother?" Confederate asked. This is really dumb. Half of us are just kinda standing on the side watching while Russia, America and EU are failing at beating the shit out of this lady. Apparently I'm also the only one who is paying attention to the world around us, because I'm the only one who notices two children sneaking around.
"What are you doing?" I asked, probably scaring them. While one of them, who for some reason is holding a frying.. pan, the other says, "I dunno anymore." "Okay.. what are your names?" I questioned. "I'm Oklahoma!" The one with the pan answers, cheerfully. "Maine." The other says. Wait aren't those two of the names of America's states? "Aren't you two of America's states?" I asked. "Yep!" Oklahoma replied. "And why are you here?"
"Why do you think we are here?" Maine asked. "Fair. Aren't you worried about your dad knowing you're here?" I questioned. "Yep!" Oklahoma started. "Which is why I'm going to ask that you take this pan, sneak up on this bitch, and hit her in the head with it."
"You really thought this through." I responded, taking the pan from him. "Nope! I thought of that literally 2 minutes ago." He replied."Okay! .." I said, pausing for a second. "What?" Maine asked with a concerned look on her face. "Am I really doing this?" I questioned, second guessing myself. "Yep! Because by the looks of it, y'all ain't gettin nowhere right now." Oklahoma stated, motioning to Russia who was getting more frustrated that this British lady kept teleporting. "So, sneak up behind her and-" Maine stopped talking and made a swinging motion with her arm. "Ok I can do this." I said gathering my courage. "Yeah, ya can. Now go. Also let's avoid telling Dad that this conversation happened." Oklahoma suggested. "Yeah. Your dad is going to kill me if he finds out." I agreed.
Gathering up my courage, I snuck behind the British Empire, weaving in and out of rumble that had fallen from some of the structures and a letter "Y" that had fallen off of a sign that now read, Help us . Japan at some point realized what I was doing and made a weird face at me. I shook my head "no" telling her not to draw attention to me. Wait why was Japan even here? While Russia, Ame, and EU were uh- doing whatever it is they are doing, Germany and China set out to free UN, leaving me and Japan to do something else that would be considered useful. Japan eventually caught on to what I was doing and started insulting, well trying to insult, this freaking Brit, distracting her.
I got behind her, ready to swing and Japan looked the British Empire right in the eye and said, "You seem to be getting tired.. maybe you should go to sleep." Giving me my queue,
and with that I swung hitting her right in the head.
Instead of hitting the ground, the British woman faded into thin air. Leaving nothing but a silver dagger with a shiny red ruby on its handle.
... "now what?" America asked, breaking the thick silence that had followed the bang of the metal pan. "We leave?" EU suggested. At some point the Kingdom of France had shown up to watch the fight which gave Japan the idea for her next sentence, "One ghost, two ghost, gone ghost," she said pointing to where the British Empire had been standing, "new ghost!" She said motioning to Kingdom of France. That sentence earned an eye roll from almost everyone there. "C'mon let's go, Germany texted saying they are bringing UN back to the building." EU announced. I picked up the dagger and handed it to EU. "Thought that UK might want it."
"He probably will." She replied, before heading back to her car.Word Count - 1530
(5/15/23)This is not the last chapter.
I'm honestly kinda sad that this book is almost finished. This has been apart of my life for 5ish months. Maybe I'll write another book... ;)
Sincerely, Kreative

FanfictionDISCLAIMER: I wrote this in 7th grade. Only read this is you like to suffer in 2023 countryhuman fandom. xoxo, k America has 51 (psychotic) children to take care of and the only other person that knows is his half, Confederate. He's constantly late...