14 - seven

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( pov: Virginia)

When you meet someone new, that first thing you should say is not, "i dOnT cARe" especially is that someone has the power to expose you to your father who didn't know that you had snuck out. By now he has probably figured it out because none of us were in our rooms or downstairs. I wouldn't be surprised if one of these countries had already texted Dad.

"Does your Dad know that you are here?" Uncle Canada questioned. "No-" Louise said. "By now, he has probably figured out that we snuck out though." I added. "But no he doesn't know we're at this exact location."
"You shouldn't just leave without telling anyone." EU stated. "What if you got hurt but nobody knew where you where?"
"I used to sneak out all the time and I was just fine." Uncle Aussie announced. "Aussie, not helping." Aunt Kiwi said. "I wasn't-" He was cut of by Louise, "look! It's that cat again!" She pointed towards the entrance of the funhouse where, as she had said, the same black cat was running off with a sense of urgency.. if cats can even be urgent.. "Does anyone else find it kind of weird that the same cat is just appearing?" S.Carol asked. "Not really. Isn't that what cats do though?" Westie answered. "They just kinda appear."

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Said the lady standing by the entrance of the funhouse. "Well lucky for you, you aren't me." Colorado stated. "Uhh who are you?" Louise questioned, ignoring Colorado. "I am the Kingdom of France. Who are you?" She said looking down at her. "I'm Louisiana!" Louise said happily. "Isn't she Mom's mother?" I heard Uncle Australia ask Canada. "I think..?"
"Do you have a daughter by the name of France?" Uncle Nada asked the Kingdom of France. She paused for a second, looking confused, before saying, "I do.. how did you know that?"
"France is our mother." Aunt Kiwi said, motioning to Aussie and Canada.

"Wait, so that makes you our great-grandmother!" I concluded, looking towards Kingdom of France. "Wait we have a grandmother?" S.Carol asked. "Yes! Dad didn't just appear out of thin air?!" I responded. "I thought we only had a grandfather?" S.Carol said. "We have grandparents?!" Louise said, in shock. "Oh my gosh.." I answered, face palming. "Wait shouldn't you be dead then?" Louise asked turning to the Kingdom of France. "She's a ghost, dummy!" Colorado stated. "Ohhh, that makes sense... wait isn't Confederate supposed to be dead too? Why isn't he a ghost?" Louisiana questioned. "We don't really know." Westie replied. "I'm asking him when we get home." She concluded. "Who's Confederate?" Uncle Aussie asked. "Tell you later." I answered.

After a minute of Colorado and Louisiana trying to decide whether or not to go inside of the funhouse, Kingdom of France suddenly made a weird face. I turned to see what she was looking at and saw the same freaking black cat. Was this cat like following us or something?!
"What are you looking at?" Westie questioned looking from me to the Kingdom of France and then back at me. "Witch." She stated as the rest of the group looked at the cat. "I forgot you're from what? 100 B.C?" Colorado commented. "Actually I was founded in 987." She said. "Uhm.. ok?" Louise replied. "I'm stealing this cat." S. Carol commented. "You can't just take some random cat off the street!" EU stated. "I'm not." S. Carol said, "I'm taking a not-very random cat from an abandoned carnival."

(Pov: Canada

South Carolina picked up the cat, who just meowed at her, and said, "I'm naming you Seven."
"Isn't seven like a lucky number or something?" My younger brother, Australia asked. " And aren't black cats supposed to be bad luck?" Kiwi questioned. "That's why it's funny." South Carolina replied, petting her new abandoned carnival cat. "I mean, our brother Florida has a alligator named Sincerely. I think weird names is kinda what we do." Virginia said. "It was kinda funny when Florida called Sincerely over to him for the first time." Westie said. "The look on Dad's face was priceless." Colorado commented, laughing at the thought. "So are you going to explore or investigate this place?" The Kingdom of France questioned. "Yep!" Kiwi said a little too cheerfully. "Let's go then!" EU said, leading the way.

"Well this place is creepy." Aussie said, once we had walked deeper into the funhouse. "Literally everything here is rusty and ....damp." Colorado commented, pulling his hand away from the wall. "Ew." Louise answered. "We should split up so we can cover more space and find whatever we're looking for faster." Westie suggested. "Seriously?! Haven't you even watched any horror movies? You dont friggin split up in a place that murderers probably hang out at!" Louise exclaimed. "How about we spilt into 2 groups?" I asked, trying to come up with a compromise. "Sure I guess." Louise agreed. "Me, Kiwi, Colorado, Westie will go together and Aussie, EU, Louisiana, and Virginia go together." I stated. Our two groups separated and went deeper into the funhouse.

[time.... rewind? 45 minutes earlier]

Canada - bold
America - italic underlined


What's up?

So me, Aussie, Kiwi and EU went to explore that address thing.

Ok? And?

And 4 of your states are here.


As expected. Why didn't you tell us you had kids though

Uhm I'll tell ya l8r. Byeeee.

If any of my states get hurt...

They won't! Chill.

Word Count - 931

That is me :)I said I would write it quickly

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That is me :)
I said I would write it quickly. And it took me.... 9 days. I think.
Oops, Kreative

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