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(pov: Montana)

"Do you think he read the letter yesterday?" I asked Tennessee. I've been spending an unusual amount of time in her and Kentucky's room lately. "No I think he picked it up and threw it out the window." Tennessee sarcastically responded (not me laughing at my own writing). "Yes! He probably read it last night. And he's probably going to come talk to us.." Tennessee was cut off by somebody knocking on the door. "Right now..." Tennessee said finishing her sentence.


"Wait so you're not mad at us?" Tennessee asked. "No, I guess not." Dad answered. "It doesn't make sense to be mad at you if you were only trying to help." Me and Tennessee thought it at the same time. DONT TELL HIM. Apparently we're avoiding telling him that we got a note basically threatening us.

(pov: America)

They're not telling me something. I don't think they know that I've realized it. Anyway, I should probably send this address to EU. She did say to contact her if we find any information. And I'm pretty sure nobody else has had any luck finding clues.

To eu######@gmail.com
From ########@gmail.com
Subject UN
Compose Email

How do I start writing this email.. Something I've learned from life is that I suck at writing emails. First I should probably take a picture of the address so I can link it in the email.

Good enough

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Good enough.

Subject - UN

Hi EU,

A few of my states went behind my back, wanting to investigate, and found this
piece of paper with an address on it. I thought you might want to see it.
They said the handwriting is different. Maybe double check it?

Here's a picture of the paper:

Sincerely, United States of America

(Pov: Louisiana) yay new state :)

"You look like you just heard something you're not supposed to know." Colorado said coming up to me. "What?" I answered getting confused. "You look suspicious." He stated, clarifying his previous sentence. ( I feel old for saying that...)
"Oh.. uhhh. I might have." I said turning to look at him. ".. I was joking." Colorado replied. "Wait what did you eavesdrop on?!" He added. ".. ok first off. It wasn't eavesdropping. It was... accidentally over hearing." I stated. ".. an entire conversation." I added. Plastering a fake smile on my face. " and second of all, I might have overheard Dad talking to Tana and Tennessee about how they apparently found something connected to UN's disappearance." I finished.

"Wait so UN, Dad's... boss? Is missing?" Colorado asked a confused expression on his face. "Uh I think so?" I replied. "I heard Dad talking to Confederate about how UN went missing." South Carolina stated confirming our suspicions. "Oh. Wait have you been eavesdropping on us this whole time?!" Colorado questioned. "Uh.. yeah? I do that sometimes when I'm bored." S. Carol responded. "Like this one time I overheard Maryland and New Jersey plotting revenge on Delaware for whatever reason. And how I avoided being duct taped to the wall with Rhode when Georgia and Idaho went on a rampage." She admitted.

"Wait why would they duct tape you? You didn't even do anything?" I asked thinking back to the incident. "How do you think Rhode got their peaches and potatoes up into the cabinet?" S.Carol answered. "Ohhhhh. That makes sense." I said. "But why did you help him in the first place?" Colorado asked. "Oh! He paid me." She replied. "How much??" Colorado stated "uhhh like 40 dollars." S. Carol announced. "That much?!" I said in surprise. "Mhm"
"Lucky.." Colorado complained. "You could always help someone and get paid." S.Carol stated. "Nah I'm too busy." He responded. "...anyways.." I cut in. "As I was saying, Montana and Tennessee found something connected to UN's disappearance." I finished. "Wait UN is missing?" S.Carol asked. "I thought you were listening." Colorado said. "..uh- in my defense, y'all are boring sooo" S. Carolina stated.

"Uh rude." I said, "but yeah he's missing." I added answering her question. "So what did they find?" Colorado asked. "Uhhh I think it was an address or something." I answered. "Oh yeah! I overheard Dad talking to Confederate about how they found an address. I think it was 216.. no, 217! 217 ###### street." S. Carolina confirmed. ".. I hate to be so predictable.. but-" I started. "Predictable how?" Colorado asked cutting me off. "If you would let me finish then you when know. Wouldn't you?!" I stated. "Louise what where you saying?" S.Carol cut in. "I was saying, that I kinda wanna go check out this address. And I'd hate to do the same thing our siblings have already done." I replied. "I don't think they already checked out the address." S.Carol said.

"She means sneaking out and risking getting seen by the other countries." Colorado said "oh. That makes sense." She responded. "To be honest, I kinda of feel like we should investigate cause' last time I checked the countries aren't doing shit right now." Colorado said. "How about we wait to see if they do anything, and if they don't then we go investigate." S.Carol said. "Yeah... but it's literally been 2 days and they've done nothing." I answered. "I'm giving them 3 hours. I know that's not a lot of time but they found the note yesterday and still haven't done anything." Colorado stated.

(Pov: America's phone lol)

2 notifications

Gmail: 2+ emails from eu######@gmail.com

Calendar: Meeting from 8-9:30 pm Today

Word Count - 910
Happy Spring Break!
Well at least for me.. uhhhh
Follow @probsnotevan on TikTok for Fnaf and Countryhumans edits.
2 states left that I need to add into the story. Do you know who..?

Cya! Kreative

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