5 - not so perfect sense

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(POV: America, continued)

"But.. uh.. wa..... HOW?" I asked the information hitting me like a brick. "HOW. DO. YOU. KIDNAP. UNITED. NATIONS."
"Well we shouldn't assume that he's kidnapped, maybe he just went home..?" EU said, trying to put a positive spin on the situation. "Yeah, makes perfect sense. He's just playing hookie and skipping work.. have you ever met this bitch! HE DOESN'T JUST SKIP WORK!" I stated.
"America, relax he probably went home." EU said. "And not said anything? I think not." I replied. "I don't know. He came to work, said hi to everyone, and went to his office. Probably to prepare for your meeting with him and the meeting later today." EU told me. "ASEAN said that he went to go ask UN something and he wasn't there, so he asked around and nobody had seen him. We all started looking for him and nobody can find him. He's not answering his phone either."
"So.. what do we do? Everyone is going to freak out."


"DADDDDDDD!" Canada shouted from across the house. "EU TEXTED"
"WHY?" I asked. "Emergency meeting." New Zealand said walking into the room. "Then let's go. Let's not be late like your brother." I said, referring to America. "Kiwi, go get your mother and Aussie."
"Okay!" Zealand said running off to go get France and his brother.
"Is everyone ready?" I asked my family. Minus America, my eldest son, because he lives in his own house. "YEAHHHHHH" Australia screamed. "No need to yell and burst my eardrums, I'm standing right next to you." I stated. "Also where's Nada? We're going to be late if we don't go soon."
"IM IN THE KITCHEN GETTING MY wONdeRfuL SYRUP." Canada yelled from the kitchen. "HURRY UP!" Aussie yelled at his brother. "I'm right here." Nada said suddenly just..well....appearing. "Let's just go." I said walking out the front door.

[time skip?]

We got to the UN Building, where we have our meetings, and Canada ran off to go talk to Ukraine. I guess they've been becoming closer lately. (Side note; The Russian Ukrainian war, is not happening in this story.) The rest of us entered the building, followed by Japan and South Korea, who seemed just as confused about the meeting as the rest of us.

Surprisingly, America was already in the lobby doing something on his phone with a..uh....worried? look on his face. I don't think worried was the right word, more like distraught. If America is here, then something really important is going on. "Ame?" Kiwi asked his older brother. "Do you know what's goin on?"
"I've got an idea, though I think EU would explain it better." America said, glancing up from his phone. I would have asked him what he meant, but EU called all the countries into the meeting room.


EU started off by saying,"You are all probably wondering why I called this emergency meeting. I'm sorry that this meeting is so early in the morning, but this is a very serious matter. This means that you all actually need to pay attention. No fighting. No selling random items. No drinking."
"No falling asleep." North Korea commented, which earned him a glare from EU. "Anyways, as I was saying, a very serious issue has come up that I would like to address." EU continued. "So, uh, what is this issue?" Poland asked. EU sighed, "I'm not really sure how to say this, but UN has gone missing."

(Pov: America)

That..was....one way of putting it.

Nobody said a word after EU's statement. I swear it was so quiet in there you could've heard a pin drop. I'm guessing the other countries didn't know whether to believe her or not. To be completely honest, I would have burst out laughing, thinking she was pulling an elaborate prank on everyone. I think I was the only one in the room who didn't have either a shocked, confused or scared expression. Even EU, who had said the statement had a look of fear on her face.

Suddenly the room broke out into indistinct chatter. Basically, nobody could hear what anybody else was saying or asking. I don't think anyone could even tell what they, themselves, were saying either. Eventually everyone quieted down and Germany asked, "so, what are we going to do about this problem?"
"Nobody is doing anything right now." EU answered. "For now all of you are going back home. If you come up with any ideas of who could be behind this, notify me. Meeting dismissed."

[time skip brought to you by a sour patch kid]

As I pulled into the driveway I noticed that it was unusually quiet outside my house. In a house with 51 kids, it gets very very loud so silence is extremely unusual. I checked my phone for the time just to see it was 5:30 pm. geez. How long was I sitting around before that meeting? I went inside just to be confronted by Confetti.

"What's up with you, you look very.. distraught." My half questioned. "UN has gone missing." I bluntly stated. "What do you mean?" Confederate asked a look of confusion appearing on his face. "United Nations has disappeared. Nobody's seen him since like 5 this morning. We believe he was kidnapped. Although I'm not sure how. Anyway where are the states?"


What happened with UN today made no sense. How do you just kidnap United Nations? Although it made perfect sense on why someone would want to kidnap him, it didn't make sense how.

Word Count; 935
Welp- this took literally forever. I could not figure out how I wanted to write this chapter. Anyways, I'm not going to post for a while, I've got championships next week and not a lot of time to write.

Hope you enjoyed, Kreative

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