7 - fifty-oneish

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(POV: Confetti continued)

"Well why not?" America asked. "Why the hell would I chase after them." I replied. Some times I don't think Union uses his brain tbh. "Okay, as much as we would all like to watch you two fight, we have a real issue to deal with." EU interrupted. "We can help!" Texas said triumphantly. "No, you four go back home. We'll talk about this later." Union stated. Texas shuffled out of the room with a look of defeat on his face. The other three states reluctantly followed him out the door.

(POV: America 😬)

"Uhm.. meeting dismissed.." EU said after the states and Confetti had left. If that was written in a book, her statement would have had a question mark at the end... (oop hehe) "America, can wait a second." EU asked as everyone was leaving. I'm not going to pretend that I don't know what this is about. If I were EU, I would wanna know what was going on as well. "Yep.." I answered. Great. Now she's gonna want to know why I hid them from everybody.

"So, uh, who were those kids, and the country?" EU asked. "Okay, first off, his name's Confederate and he's not a country. Secondly, the kids are my states." I responded. "So your states are personified?" She questioned looking confused. "Yes..." I answered, knowing where this was going. "Omg- how, uh, how many children do you have to deal with on a daily basis, America!" Eu asked looking concerned.


(Pov: Arkansas)

Tense would be an understatement if you were trying to describe the car ride home. Nobody said a single word. Texas didn't even ask if we were there yet. I'm guessing we were all thinking the same exact thing, how much trouble did we just get ourselves into? At least that's what I'm thinking about.

We arrived at home and got out of the car. Walking into the house, I turned to my left and went up the stairs to the 3rd floor where my, Sippi's, and Bama's room is. I didn't bother asking Confederate if we were in trouble because, 1: I already know the answer, and 2 cause I don't wanna listen to he rant 'bout how that was irresponsible of us blah blah blah. Cause that's boring as hell. I flopped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. It had glow in the dark stars all over it because me and Bama thought it was too plain compared to the rest of our room which had many posters and souvenirs decorating it. Alabama entered our room, after a few minutes of me staring at the ceiling, and climbed to the top of he and Mississippi's bunk bed. To my surprise, he didn't say anything and presumably started staring at the ceiling or wall as while.

"Are you two just gonna lay in bed and stare at the ceiling until Dad gets home? Or are you going to do something?" Sippi asked, walking in to the room. "Well, what do you suggest we do?" Bama answered, sitting up, "We're already in trouble."
"... We could-." Sippi was interrupted by the sound of feet running towards the front door. "I guess Dad's home." I commented sitting up. "Guys! Guys! Dad's back!" Texas said rushing into the room. "We know!" Sippi and Bamas said in sync. "We are in so much trouble." I stated. "Yeah...." Texas answered as he stepped away from the doorway. "Wait... IS DAD GONNA LOVE US LESS THEN OUR OTHER...uh..51..50..49...48..47.. 47! OF OUR SIBLINGS!" Texas asked tears forming in his eyes.

"No. I'm not." Dad stated appearing in the doorway. Texas, who apparently had enough of holding it in, started crying and was immediately pulled into a hug by Dad. "I'm not going to love any of you less. Honestly, the looks on some of the countries faces made my day." He continued. "Wait so we're not in trouble?" Bama questioned. "parently' not" I commented. "No you're not in trouble. They were probably going to find out eventually anyway" Dad said rubbing his eyes. "But you are on dish duty tonight." He added. "Great." Sippi said flopping down on his bed.

[very big time skip brought to you by Oscar the Grouch]

(Pov: Ame)

Me and Confetti were talking when EU called me, "hello?" I asked answering the call. "Hi, America. I was wondering if you could ask uh.. Confederate? If he would come to tomorrow's meeting, many of the countries are confused about who he is." Eu responded. "Uh, yeah, I'll ask, though I doubt he'll want to come with." I said. "Perfect!" EU said and she hung up.

"So?" My half asked. "So, nothing." I replied looking down at my feet. I honestly didn't want to be there to see his reaction when he found out that he was coming to the meeting tomorrow. "Really? Somebody just randomly called you and said nothing." Confederate questioned. "That is not. What I meant. And you know it." I stated looking up. "Are you going to tell me? Or do you have to force it out of you?" He said walking towards me. "Fine! You're coming to tomorrow's meeting with me!" I said, "and you can't say no!"

Word Count - 885

Why did this chapter take... hold on....10! Days! Gosh.
Hope you liked this chapter cuz I do not.

¡Chao! Kreative <3

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