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It's been almost an entire week since I've gone back in time. It's also been a whole week of Hanni ignoring me every chance she gets. It hurts seeing her at school and her just avoiding me. She's never done this before like this. We've never been upset with each other for more than a day even when we were eight and I accidentally broke Hanni's favorite Barbie. She was only mad at me for two days and I think that was the longest.

That's why I'm standing here in front of the Pham household knocking on the door. I can't take anymore of this or I think I may die. After a couple seconds of knocking the door finally flung open revealing the girl I was here to see.

"What are you doing here?" Hanni stood with the door open crossing her arms over her chest frowning at me. I sigh moving up and down on my heels trying to figure out what to say to the girl. I didn't think this far ahead.

"I missed you." I gave her an awkward smile which seemed to loosen her up by the small smile she was cracking on her face before it was quickly replaced with another frown. "I'm sorry for kicking you out last time." This time Hanni's frown completely disappeared as she uncrossed her arms and flung them around my neck.

"God do you know how hard it was to be mad at you!?!?!" I furrowed my eyebrows, holding on to the shorter girl's waist pulling her closer to my body.

"Why were you trying to be mad at me?" Hanni just giggled pressing her face into my neck nudging her nose in it.

"Because you hurt my feelings, but I can't stay mad at you no matter what you do." I smile taking in the warmth of the smaller girl's body contradicting the cold breeze of the day.

"I'd love to hug all day but it's freezing cold out here." I laugh as Hanni jumps off of me immediately pulling me into her house shutting the door.

"Sorry I forgot it was cold outside." How do you forget it was cold? She was literally standing in it with me. Hanni guided me into the kitchen where her mother stood making dinner. I froze staring at the middle aged woman making food. This is so weird. Will she remember from the past now that I've been? "Mama Minji is here!" Mrs. Pham immediately turned around with the biggest grin on her face completely disregarding the food she was making walking up to me hugging me tightly.

"Kim Minji! Where have you been? You haven't been over in weeks!" Mrs. Pham let go of me, giving me a firm look making me smile awkwardly.

"Sorry I've just been really busy and you know..." her stern look soon turned sad realizing what I was talking about. She lost someone too, they used to be best friends. Well at least when they were younger. I wish I knew what happened to them.

"Minji i'm sorry about your mother, she was a very special girl and I'll miss her forever." I sigh as I feel Hanni place her hand on my back, rubbing it in random directions and different shapes.

"I'm sorry too. I'm so sorry." I felt something at the back of my throat burning wanting to escape out of me and then suddenly the floodgates were let loose and the tears would not stop flowing from my eyes.

"Sweetie, why are you sorry?" Mrs. Pham ran her hand through my hair as she wiped the tears from my face with the back of her other hand. "It's okay Minji." I looked over and Hanni looked confused and sad as well. God I hate crying in front of people, it's so embarrassing.

"I'm sorry I think I should go." I ran out the door hearing Hanni and Mrs. Pham...Hanbi calling after me but I didn't stop. I kept on going as I cried.


Boom. I fell to the ground scraping my knee. I sit Observing the scrap. It's not that bad, just a few scratches and some blood, but when I looked up instead of being in my neighborhood I was on top of a roof. Damn it I don't even get headaches anymore when I go back it just happens now.

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