Twenty five

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May 17, 1998

I've been trying to distance myself from Haerin lately. It's just I feel like we don't know what to say to each other anymore. I didn't go see or talk to her at all yesterday—she even called me, but I didn't answer. We're eventually going to have to break up right? I mean I can't be with her when I'm in the future, that's a whole different type of long distance. I want to be here with her. I can't imagine my life without her now that she's in it, but I also can't imagine my life without Hanni. I miss her so much. I miss going to the lake with her. I miss running around doing random shit in the middle of the night. I miss doing homework with her at our houses. I miss hugging her and laughing with her.

Haerin is the only thing keeping me here. I love the other girls too, but Haerin is different. I know we are in a weird place right now, but that doesn't change my feelings for the cat-eyed girl. I don't know if I'll ever be able to move on from her.

"You look depressing as shit." I looked over and saw Hanbi scowling at me. God why can't she just act like Mrs. Pham?

"I'm just stressed right now." I sigh, packing up my bag since the whole gang is going to the beach. I wasn't going to go because then I would have to face Haerin, but I can't avoid her forever.

"About what?" I looked over and for a second I thought Hanbi was showing genuine concern—but I probably imagined it.

"Just stuff." I can't tell her why I'm really upset. It's already bad enough that Haerin knows I can time travel. I felt a small hand being placed on top of mine stopping me from packing my towel in my bag.

"You can talk to me, Minji. I know I'm kind of harsh, but you're my friend and I take care of my friends." I look up and for the first time since being here I see genuine care and worry from the girl touching my hand. Maybe I can just kind of tell her.

"Thanks I just think Haerin and I aren't going to make it." Hanbi's eyes immediately furrow as she takes back her hand.


"I'm just uh I'm moving really far away and I don't think the long distance thing will work. Especially since Haerin has a vendetta with phones." God I probably shouldn't have said that. Past Minji will be back if I leave and they aren't moving that I'm aware of.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hanbi looked kind of sad, but I doubt that she's already showing too much emotion.

"I just found out." I gave her a small smile as I finished packing my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. She just nods as she purses her lips as if she was thinking about something.

"I think you should just tell her how you feel. Haerin likes you a lot. That's clear as day, but if you wait till the last moment to tell her it will break her." I just nodded again, wrapping my arm around the smaller girl who struggled to get out. However she eventually stopped trying to escape.

"Thanks for the advice." It would have been good advice if Haerin didn't already know. I should apologize for being weird around her lately.

"Are you guys hugging?" Hanbi immediately shoved me off of her as she awkwardly looked around, shaking her head at the tall girl.

"No! Jesus Christ Hyein of course not! Minji was choking on something so I was doing the heimlich!" What the fuck? Hyein's confusion soon turned and a big bright smile came across her face as she wrapped her long arms around both of us pulling us into her embrace.

"God you guys are so sweet! I love hugs!!" Hyein tightened her hold on us as she rocked us back and forth giggling. Even through her loud laughter ringing through my ears I could hear Hanbi groaning.

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