special chapter

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Haerin's POV

Another day has passed and Minji hasn't come back to school. It's been only two days this time. I waited by the roof to see if she was up there like she usually is when she misses school, but she isn't. I went again today even though Dani told me not to. I got to school an hour earlier, which Jungwon wasn't happy about but he didn't say anything. He would do anything I asked him to without question. I never understood when people would talk about how annoying or how much they hate their siblings, but then again I don't understand much about what people say.

"Haerin she isn't coming today...we need to go." Danielle has been sitting next to me on the roof for almost the entire time I've been up here. She was upset at first, but then she just settled down and read a book while we waited.

"Five more minutes." I heard her heavy sigh next to me, but I was too focused on the door to the roof to comment on it.

"Class starts in five minutes if we don't leave now we'll be late." I just nod standing up from the cement roof Danielle doing the same. She reached for my hand interlacing it with hers. As we were walking down the halls for class it was louder than usual making me feel anxious. I hate loud noises.

"Dani please." It feels like my whole body shuts down at times like this and I can't breathe. I could tell Danielle was starting to panic, not really helping the situation. She opened her bag and pulled out a pair of headphones she always keeps in there for me and immediately puts them on me and then everything is muffled. I felt my body start to calm down as the older girl caressed my face waiting for me to be okay again. I heard a faint ring of a bell in the distance indicating we were late for class but that didn't stop Danielle from making sure I was okay. Soon she grabbed the headphones off my ears and placed them around my neck.

"You're alright I got you." Dani wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her as I wrapped mine around her waist hugging her tightly. The whole time I was in her arms I was thinking about what Minji was up to right now. Is she sick? Did she find a new place to hide during school now that I found where she goes? Did she like the drawing I made her? I wish I could talk to her better. I wish I was able to express myself better. I wish I was normal.


Heesoo's POV

I'm getting frustrated. I have called Minji twice the past few days asking if she was okay and everytime her father picked up saying she didn't want to talk. She just agreed to try harder yet here we are back to square one. I feel like no matter what I do or say it'll never change.

However, I'm not easy to give up and something in me is telling me to help this girl so I will even if Hanbi thinks I'm being stupid. Even if she clearly doesn't want help. I just have an innate sense in me to protect and help her. I don't know how to describe it in any other way than an instinct.

"Heesoo did you hear me?" I shake my head leaving my thoughts turning to Hyein. I didn't realize she was talking to me.

"No, what did you say?" Heyin groaned as she laid her head on my lap. I started brushing my hands through her long brown hair as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Jungwon broke things off with Wonyoung." I froze for a second, stopping the brushing of her hair with my fingers. When did that happen? How come he didn't tell me?

"How do you know that?" I looked down at the tall girl in my lap who had a big smile on her face.

"I saw Wonyoung crying in the bathroom screaming at someone about it." The younger girl smirked, turning her head on my lap so she could watch Hanbi and Jungwon pass a soccer ball. Wow it must have been a bad break up. I'm not close to Wonyoung in fact I've never really talked to her, but she always seemed nice. So the fact that Hyein found her screaming at someone is kind of funny.

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