twenty six

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May 27, 1998

Heesoo's POV

Minji hasn't come and seen us in two days. I miss her. I know she's going through a lot right now, but isn't that what friends are for? She shouldn't have to go through this alone. I know she loves Haerin a lot. I understand what she is going through. I broke up with Jungwon too. I spent my whole life trying to get him to like me and when it finally happens it doesn't feel right. I love him, he's one of my best friends, but when we were together even though the time was short it just wasn't right. We both changed and that's the last thing I wanted to happen. I don't want anyone or anything to change. Is that too much to ask for?

"You need to stop pacing, it's giving me a headache." I look over at my bed and see Hanni laying on her stomach reading some pop culture magazine. She has been here all day and for some reason hasn't left. I mean I don't mind her being here, but she usually gets tired of hanging out with anyone for this long.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried about Minji. She hasn't called or answered any of my calls in a couple days." I sigh sitting next to the Vietnamese girl, who hasn't looked up from her magazine. What could possibly be that interesting in it?

"We can go check on her later." Oh? I felt a small smile replace the frown that was on my face prior at Hanbi's small act of showing care.

"That's so sweet that you care about her Han." I get on my stomach next to her leaning against her side. Hanbi just scoffs, knocking me with her shoulder slightly. There was a little pink tint on her face, making me laugh a little. I didn't comment on it because I don't want to embarrass her any further. "Not that I mind or anything, but you've been here since nine in the morning and it's almost seven. Is something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to hang out with you." Hanbi shrugs, closing her magazine, laying her head on her hands on the bed looking at me. I mimic her posture and look at her.

"Something is wrong. What is it?" The smaller girl sighs, propping her chin on her hand looking forward instead at me.

"I think I really hurt Hyein's feelings yesterday." I was with Hyein, Hanbi, and Danielle all day yesterday. She didn't seem upset then.


"When we walked home from Dani's house yesterday we were just bickering as we usually did and I think I went too far." Jesus christ.

"What did you say?" Hanbi rolls on her back looking at the fan spinning above my bed for a few seconds before she replies.

"I told her that no one likes her and her mother giving birth to her was the biggest mistake she made." WHAT? My eyes widened as Hanbi flinched at her own words. What in the world would possess her to say that?

"What the hell Hanbi?!??! Did you apologize?" Hanbi groaned, glancing over at me, but she quickly avoided eye contact. I can tell she is upset with herself even if she won't show it.

"Yes! As soon as it left my mouth I apologized! I didn't mean it. We always talk like that to each other!" I know she doesn't mean it. Hyein holds a special place in Hanbi's heart. Hanbi may be my best friend, but Hyein is like her family.

"I just know your apology was half-assed so you need to go over there and apologize for real, then when you're done us three can go to Minji's and help her through what she is going through." Hanbi sighed, nodding her head as she got off my bed.

"What about you? Are you okay? I know you and Jungwon are in a weird place." I nod my head at the smaller girl giving her a small smile. All she did was give me a small smile back as she walked out of my bedroom door. First I need to make sure everyone else is okay then I can worry about myself.

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