twenty two

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May 9, 1998

I'm still here. It's been an entire month that I've been stuck here in the past. I've spent the last couple days cooped up in my bed crying. It's not even my bed really, it's past Minji's. I want to go home. I want my dad. How long have I been unconscious in the present? It must be a while they are probably worried. I don't want them to be worried. I wish I could just take the girls and Jungwon with me back to the future. I wish I could have it both ways. Suddenly there was a knock on the door making me jolt up in my bed sitting up. Soon it opened revealing Heesoo. She's really the only piece of home I have left and something about seeing her just then set the watergates open in my eyes and the tears came back.

"Minji?" She rushed over to my bed climbing in hugging me as I sobbed into her neck while she rocked us back and forth. "You're okay. Just let it out." I don't know what came over me, but I just cried harder and harder and I couldn't seem to stop. Heesoo didn't say anything else, she just held me tighter to her. After a minute I calmed down, lifting myself off the smaller girl.

"I'm sorry for making your shirt all wet." I dryly laughed picking up the damp part of her shirt I was crying on. Heesoo furrowed her eyebrows while shaking her head. Sometimes I forget that the teenage girl before is my mom and times like this I remember and when I do I can't help the tears that flow from my eyes.

"It's just a shirt, Minji—what's going on? Are you okay?" She asked as she ran her fingers through my hair in a comforting way. I can't tell her, she's the one person I know for certain can't know who I really am.

"I'm just a little sad. I'm sorry for not hanging out with you guys lately." The smaller girl pulls me into a hug squeezing me in her embrace as she places a kiss on the side of my head.

"You don't have to apologize for having feelings Minji. If you're sad and want to be alone then we won't bother you, but if you want us around I am more than okay with hanging out with you. We can cry together and eat ice cream and watch movies with hot boys in them—well I guess girls for you..." We both laugh at her last comment taking a break from my constant sniffling.

"Thank you Heesoo that really means a lot." The smaller girl smiles, giving me one last pat on my shoulder before standing up.

"Well I hope you are up for some company because Haerin is downstairs. I didn't know you were crying when I came here. If you don't want to see her I can just say you don't feel well." Haerin has been down there all this time? It's been like ten minutes.

"No it's fine she can come up." Heesoo smiles as she heads for the door. Once she gets there though she turns around and looks at me.

"I'm actually going to leave. I'm going out with Jungwon later and I need to get ready." Oh? Are they together now?

"Are you two like?" I trail off at the end, raising an eyebrow at the girl before me. A small blush makes its way onto her face as she smiles.

"Not yet—hopefully soon." I nod giving her a little smile.

"Good luck." She says a quick thank you and makes her way out of my room. I don't know. I'm glad she's happy and likes Jungwon and he's a really nice guy. However I can't help but wonder where my father is in all of this. Have they met yet? Does he know about Heesoo and Jungwon? Is he hurting right now? It's so confusing the feelings I have. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Haerin's head popping up from behind the door.

"I brought you some cookies." She said not moving from her position behind the door. I laugh a little bit at the cute look on her face as she continues to peak at me.

"Well are you going to come in?" I ask as I try to wipe the rest of the tears from my eyes so Haerin doesn't have to see me like this. Haerin immediately came into my room shutting the door behind her as she set the cookies she brought on my desk.

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