twenty eight

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October 7, 1998

Heesoo's POV

Minji never called us. I gave hope on that around sometime in July. I knew she wouldn't so I'm glad I told her what I did. Our Summers that were usually full of excitement and fun were filled with disdain and torment. Not even just over Minji. Everyone was doing their own thing over the summer in separate groups. We all haven't been together at all since that time on the beach when Minji and Haerin broke up. It was hard for me. It was like my family was breaking up. Thank god things started to settle down when school started back. It's finally our senior year. It's exciting, but also I'm scared. Will we all go our separate ways after this? Will I see them ever again?

Everything is as normal as it's going to get at this point. Jungwon and I are finally back on speaking terms. Haerin and Danielle seem to be closer than ever. They've always had a special bond that I could never understand. Of course Hanbi and Hyein are still bickering everyday, but they are doing good as well. It makes me happy that everyone is doing well—it's like I can finally be at peace.

"So when are we going on our camping trip this year?" Oh yes. Every year we go on a group camping trip for a weekend. Usually we do it during the summer, but this year it was kind of difficult with everything everyone was going through during the summer.

"I can't go anytime this month. I have conditioning for basketball every weekend." Jungwon frowned as he munched on a chip in his mouth.

"We could go during winter break sometime. That starts at the end of November." That would probably be best for us since we won't have any school activities to worry about. God this is the first thing I've been able to look forward to in a long time. Everyone else agreed to that saying we would pick a specific date later.

"Oh I can drive us this year! I got my drivers license." Jungown reached into his wallet and held his license like it was a trophy in the air. God I don't know how he got his license he can barely ride a bike.

"Fuck no. With you behind the wheel there is no chance we are making it back alive." Hanbi yanked him back down into his seat smacking his shoulder. The boy just pouted, putting his license back in his wallet.

"He's good. He drove me the other day." Haerin spoke up, gently patting her brother's head. Ah the twins are always sticking by each other.

"No offense Haerin, but there is no way I trust him to drive me. I'm precious cargo." Everyone laughed, even Jungwon who was pouting.

"I promise I'm good! I'll be really safe, it'll be fun. At least we won't have to have one of our parents drive us then pick us up?" It was silent for a moment as we all waited for Hanbi's response. I don't know why we were leaving the decision up to her, but we were.

'Fine. I swear to god Jungwon if I die I'll never forgive you." She huffs getting up to throw away her tray. Hanbi is always so dramatic.


Haerin's POV

"I think you may end up being the top of our class at this rate Rin." I look to my left and see Dani looking at my perfect score on our math exam. I nod my head turning back to the teacher. I don't want to be number one, because then I have to give a speech in front of the whole class, and their family and friends. I don't think I can do that. "What's wrong?" Dani leaned over patting my arm when the teacher turned her back to us.

"Nothing, just thinking about the speech I'll have to give." I've gotten better at communicating and just being around people in general in the last several months. In a way I think Minji is the reason. When I realized what I felt for her and gained the courage to tell her, ever since then it feels like I can do anything I want to. I don't think about her as much as I used to. Don't get me wrong, I still do, but it's not at the forefront of my mind anymore.

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