Twenty four

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May 15, 1988

"Minji? Are you okay?" I look up trying to calm down from the revelation I just had. It can't be. There is no way I was here then—this is the first time I've time traveled here. I grab the cat-eyed girl dragging her out of the store and into the alleyway next to it. She looked startled and confused, but I had no time to comfort her. I need answers.

"Haerin, did you know me before we met that day Hyein hit me in the head." She furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head.

"Well yeah I saw you a couple times on campus, but you were new and never went to classes. You were always on that roof." Okay that wasn't me that was past Minji. God damn of course she wouldn't know that. She or any of the other girls would have clearly said something if they knew this all happened before.

"Jesus Christ what is happening." I step away from the girl groaning in frustration as I run my hands through my hair. Think Minji!

"What's going on?" Haerin steps away from me, putting a considerable amount of space between us. I'm probably freaking her out, but I'm freaking out! I'm feel like I'm going fucking crazy. I look at the photo in my hand and shove it in Haerin's face—albeit a little aggressively.

"I have this fucking picture in my room at home in the future with the exact same thing written on the back." Haerin takes the picture with wide eyes examining it like it will tell her what's happening. She looks up at me confused.

"Minji, how do you have this picture? It doesn't make any sense you just took the photo. How would you be able to get it?" Haerin clearly was starting to get stressed. Fuck I need to calm her down. I try to reach for her, but she slaps my arm away.

"Where did you get the picture from Minji?" I sigh, closing my eyes. Whatever might as well say it.

"My mothers closet." All I could do was watch the smaller girl's eyes widen as she began pacing. She won't let me touch her right now. There's nothing I can do.

"Why would it be in your moms closet?" She continued pacing for a moment then she stopped abruptly looking dead in the eye. "Minji, who is your mom?" I feel my heart rate increase. Fuck if I tell her it might ruin everything. This is too much. This is all way too much! Fuck. Haerin walked closer towards me with a frown on her face.

"Haerin I can't. I can't tell you."

"Who is it?" I try to step towards her, but she stops me by holding up her hand. "Tell me."

"It's Heesoo." The wave emotions of the girl in front of me can not be put into words. Sadness, anger, disbelief—fear. Now that I've spoken it into existence I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what the future holds for me and everyone I love. Haerin closed her eyes as if she was trying to wish herself away from here. Then she opened them and I could see how shiny they were. If this were under any other circumstance I would tell her she looks absolutely beautiful, but it clearly isn't the time.

"You told us your mom killed herself—that she's dead." I feel my whole body freeze and my world crumble before my eyes. "Is it true? Is she dead?" I just nod, the words not being able to form in my mouth. Haerin's heavy breathing comes back as she falls to her knees on the concrete below us sobbing. I stand above her looking up at the sky trying to prevent the tears that are threatening to pour from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I look down at Haerin who is crying so hard and yet I can't do a thing.

"No! She wouldn't do that!" Haerin looks up at me raising her voice as she wraps her arms around her own body like she's trying to feel secure. I slowly go to the ground in front of her.

"Haerin I'm so sorry I didn't want to tell you this—I knew it would hurt you guys too much." She still sobs into her knees pulling them closer to her chest rocking herself back and forth. I tentatively place my hand on her knee and she lets me keep it there. I just let her cry as I rub small circles on her knee.

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