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April 11, 1998

All I could think about after I left Haerin's house last night was the way she was looking at that photo of Danielle. She's never looked at me that way. I mean she looks at me—like a lot, but never how she looked at that photo of Dani. Heesoo called earlier today saying she was going to stop by since my house—past Minji's house is on the way to Hanbi's. This time I saved her number just in case anything happens when I go back so Minji will be able to call them. The phone rang loudly, hurting my ears. I ran up to the phone and picked it up.


"Hi." Haerin. A small smile crept onto my face hearing the cat-like girl's voice on the other end.

"What's up?" It was silent for a moment. I could only hear the faint noise of her exhales on the other side. Is she okay?

"Are you mad at me?" I furrow my eyebrows, shaking my head. Why would she think that?

"No, of course not. Why?" I hear her hum and shuffling around on the other side.

"You left in a bad mood last night. I thought I did something." Oh. I was kind of in a downer mood towards the end.

"No—I was just tired."

"Okay." I heard the doorbell ring in the background startling me away from the phone. Oh its probably Heesoo.

"I have to go, Heesoo is here. I'll talk to you later." Haerin didn't say anything else, just made a weird noise and hung up the phone. Okay? I jog over to the front door opening and am met with a smiling Heesoo.

"Hey!" She smiled big and pulled me down into a quick hug. After she let me go I guided her into the house and into the living room where we both sat next to each other. "What have you been up to today?" I sigh leaning back against the couch, Heesoo mimicking my actions making me laugh a little.

"Nothing really, just reading, watching tv, I just got off the phone with Haerin." Heesoo sat up clearly confused with something I said. I don't know what though everything I said was clearly self-explanatory.

"Haerin called you?" I sat up as well, intrigued by her question.


"She hates calling on the phone. One time I called her and she threw and broke the phone. One time Hanbi was on the phone with Jungwon and she took his phone and threw and broke it." What the fuck. Why would she break his phone as well?!?!?

"Um well she called me." Heesoo eyes widened even wider than they were before when she was telling me about Haerin's vendetta with phones.

"Goodness it must have been an important phone call if she was the one that initiated it. Is she okay?" it wasn't that important of a call was it? She barely even said anything on the call.

"I guess she's fine. She just called and asked if I was mad at her." Heesoo raised an eyebrow at me with a frown on her face.

"Well are you?"

"No." Heesoo sighed, flopping back on the couch while crossing her arms.

"You should go talk to her. She is probably really worried about it, she wouldn't call you for no reason." I nod looking at the phone I was just on. I probably should have reassured her more instead of dismissing her like that.

"You just got here though—I can talk to her later." Heesoo just laughs getting up from the couch grabbing her bag.

"We can hang out later, I was going to Hanbi's anyway. You need to deal with this first." I nod not wanting to argue with her. I get up as well and walk her to the front door and send her off. Heesoo really is the most understanding person I know. I wish I could have seen this side of my mom while she was alive.

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