special chapter 4

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May 20, 1998

Hanbi's POV

I never have a single clue what's going on ever. Minji and Haerin are acting weird I don't know what the fuck that's about. Jungwon has been calling Heesoo all day and she keeps on ignoring his calls—I don't know what that's about. Danielle is clearly pretending that she is happy and no one is noticing how upset she really is. I don't know what the fuck that's about. Hyein has been hanging upside down off of Heesoo's bed for like five minutes so I also don't know why the fuck she's doing that. I swear to god I'm the only normal one in this group.

"Damn it Hyein get up before you get brain damage!" I groaned, grabbing her long lanky arm pulling her as she groaned all the way up.

"Why did you do that?" The younger girl pouted as she flopped back on the bed.

"Because you idiot if you would've stayed there any longer you would have passed out."

"That was the point! I wanted to see how long I could stay upside down before I passed out!" Is she serious? She can't be serious?

"That is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard? Were you dropped on your head as a kid?" I furrowed my eyebrows trying to figure out what is going through this giant's brain.

"Yeah." I stared at Hyein in disbelief because it feels like all the pieces are finally aligning. This is why she is the way she is.

"Jesus Christ Hyein." I laugh getting off Heesoo's bed walking up to said girl who is writing in her diary. "What are you writing about?" Heesoo immediately slammed her diary shut looking up at me with a small smile.

"Secret, sorry." Ugh of course.

"I'm your best friend, we tell each other everything!" Heesoo laughs flopping on top of Hyein who groans.

"Heesoooo your elbow is digging into my stomach." Hyein coughs out as her breathing was being constricted by the girl on top of her. After a couple more seconds of Heesoo awkwardly hugging Hyein who was still groaning in pain she rolled over just laying next to her. I sit on the foot of the bed looking at Heesoo who seems to be in deep thought.

"Do you guys know Hyunwook? He's a senior." Who? Who the hell is that?

"No? Why?" I crawl closer to the girl in front of me growing more curious. She has never mentioned this boy before. Hyein also seemed interest by the way she popped up, turning her full attention to Heesoo.

"He works at the convenience store at the end of our neighborhood. He gives me free drinks sometimes." Oh? Why has she never brought this up before?

"Maybe I've seen him, I don't know though." Hyein nods agreeing with me.

"He asked me out." WHAT? what the fuck? Who is this man?

"What about Jungwon?" Hyein looks just as shocked as I do.

"I didn't say I said yes Hyein." Heesoo laughed, hitting her shoulder playfully. Oh thank god I don't know if I can make much more drama right now.

"Well what did you say?"

"I told him that's really sweet, but I'm seeing someone." Heesoo shrugged the smile leaving her face. Something is wrong. There's something she isn't telling us.

"So you don't want to go out with this dude?" I raised an eyebrow trying to pry a bit, but Heesoo just hesitantly shook her head.

"No, I have Jungwon." For a girl who has been trying to get with this boy for years she sure doesn't seem that happy that they are together now. I don't think I'll ever understand what goes on in these girls' heads.

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