end part 2

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TW: Blood/Trauma/Death

November 28, 1998 (15 minutes before)

Heesoo's POV

The trip was going well so far. We should get there in about twenty minutes if I can remember correctly. Hyein ate all the snacks Hanbi made her within the first five minutes we were in the car. It was honestly a little worrisome how she ate all that so fast, but she's sleeping soundly on Dani's shoulder so whatever. The only noise that filled the car was Hyein's faint snoring, the sound of the music playing and the small scribbling of the cat-eyed girl in the front seat.

"I thought you finished back at my house. Are you still writing your speech?" I peaked my head over the seat to see what Haerin was doing. She didn't look up and continued to erase and write things.

"I did, but something didn't feel right so I wanted to change it before we got there." I hum in response sitting back in my seat observing the almost set sun go down. This must be some speech she's preparing. I feel like she's been writing it nonstop for like an eternity. I'm really proud of her honestly. I think Minji was really good for her, an important part of her life. Maybe they weren't meant to be together, but they were meant to meet each other I'm sure of that. Haerin has never talked so openly to us since we've known her. We would just have to kind of decipher what she meant by her eyes or her one word responses, but now she has a voice of her own and she is going to show everyone that voice when she gives this speech at graduation.

"Well I'm sure it will be beautiful Rin." Haerin turned around and gave me a small smile before she went back to her writing.

"Can you tell us what it is about at least since we can't read it?" Dani asked just above a whisper to not wake the sleeping girl on her shoulder.

"Acceptance and love." Wow. Now I really can't wait to hear it. Dani and I didn't respond because we didn't need to. She knows that we will support her in anything she does no matter what.

After a few more minutes Haerin announced that it's finally finished and put it inside her pocket to put in her bag later. Hyein woke up just in time when we were only about five minutes away. Only five more minutes until we have the best weekend of our lives. I looked out the window and could see the old white church on the hill in the distance meaning we're almost there. As I reach down to grab my phone to text Hanbi, I look out of the front window and see a deer.

"Jungwon!" I yell and he seems to notice the deer and whips the car to the othter side of the room dodging it. I sigh a breath of relief then suddenly another one comes on the road and this time he swerves again jerking the car. I grab onto the seat in front of me as if that would help me any. I hear everyone around me screaming, but I don't. I feel numb as the car crashes into the railing tipping us over at what feels like lightning speed. The car began tumbling down the rocky hill crushing us as it does. The screaming stopped and eventually all I could hear was the car falling apart and glass breaking. Then nothing at all.


I couldn't open my eyes. I tried, but I couldn't do it. Every part of my body was on fire and feels like it's being ripped to shreds. I try to move my arm, but I wince in pain trying to even move it an inch. I heard breathing that wasn't my own. I heard someone crying. I was finally able to pry my eyes open and realized that I was upside down. I looked over and saw Hyein's face covered in blood. I felt my chest constrict looking at all the blood coming from her head and dripping onto the ceiling of the car.

"Hyein." Even though my arm was on fire I reached over and pushed her shoulder to wake her up, but she just fell right back into the place she was in. No. "Heyin wake up." I shove her again, wincing in pain, but she just does the same thing. I feel myself start to choke up. I turn away from the lifeless girl next to me and finally see that they are all this way. Dani has her eyes wide open, but she isn't conscious. I won't even mention what Jungwon looks like because I feel like I'm going to throw up.

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