Chapter One

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Fluttering above the darkened city, Y/n kept her eyes peeled for any unusual activity. She liked the nights when she could rest more than fight, but fighting and apprehending criminals brought in money. Even if she didn't really need it right then, she liked to keep a bit extra tucked away just in case. Vigilante work does not pay retirement or disability, so if she got hurt she'd be shit outta luck. Seeing a scuffle in a darkened alley, she swooped down and let her body weight drop onto the assailant. In their hand was a gun, and she snapped the man's wrist as she took it away. "It's not even loaded. Piece of shit." She tossed the gun to the man who had been fighting with the one she was currently standing on. "Dynamite. Nice to see you around these parts. What's brought you to my end of town?" The pro hero looked pretty pissed that she had swooped in and disrupted his fight, but answered her. "Following a lead on an ongoing investigation. Which you are currently impeding." Her low chuckle would have made any spineless male shiver, but the pro simply smirked. "Is it the quirk erasing bullets one? I've heard my fair share of what's going on, and I have a few... tactics for getting guys like him to cough up information." She stepped off of the man and snatched him up with one hand. Handcuffs clicked over his wrists and she shoved the man into Dynamite's arms.  

"Where do you think you're going?" The woman hummed as she turned to see firey eyes. "I still have a job to do too. And it seems like you can handle the pest." Dynamite dropped the unconscious man to the ground and lunged for the woman. "You are coming with me, and assisting in my reports for why he was so beaten up." The woman sucked her teeth and dropped her arms. "Fine. On one condition, food on the way." The angry blonde stiffly nodded and snatched the man up from the ground. 

"How in the hell did you manage to drag THE Midnight Valkyrie in with you?" An electric blonde was nearly zapping with jealousy. Dynamite shrugged as he plopped into a swivel chair. His coffee and pastry had gone cold and he was annoyed his food went cold while birdie got to eat hers hot. "She nabbed our lead while I was trying to avoid bullets." As if that would get the blonde to leave him alone, it only made his curiosity grow. "What do you mean?" "What I fucking said! I was fighting our lead and he had a gun. She swooped him and took his gun and it wasn't even loaded. She said she's heard a few things about those special bullets though. So I needed to bring her in so we can see if anything she knows is the same old news." The other blonde finally left him alone. 

"So, you need to figure something out in the next thirty minutes. Otherwise, I am free to leave. By law, you cannot keep me against my will unless you have incriminating evidence of a crime." Dynamite sat across the table from her with a grimace that continued to deepen. "You talk too much for a vigilante." He stopped short as he saw her tinted lips upturn into a smile. "You too fucking grumpy Katsuki Bakugo." She grinned when his face twitched at his name falling from her mouth. "How the fuck do you know my name?" She shrugged as she stood up and poured more water into her cup from the machine. "I was your upperclassman when you were in your first year at U.A. Why wouldn't I know your name when I was supposed to be working with you at Best Jeanist's Agency?" Bakugo's brow twitched as his anger turned to confusion. "I didn't have anyone with me when we did work studies." Y/n sighed as she sat harshly into the wooden chair. "I was expelled for unauthorized use of my quirk." Bakugo scoffed as he leaned back into his chair. "Maybe you should've listened to the rules." The woman before him shook her head. "That's what everyone says." Bakugo eyed the woman as she spoke. "You and Deku are trying to weed out the corruption, right?" Bakugo nodded as he sat back up. "I want in." Bakugo stayed silent as she downed the rest of her water. Before she could stand to leave, the door opened and the Number one Pro hero walked in holding a metal kettle of coffee and three cups. 

"Start singing Birdie." She rolled her eyes at the nickname Bakugo gave her. "The bullets are quirk erasers. They don't work on people like me because my quirk is more of a mutation and I had these features when I was born. They are being mass-produced in several locations across Japan, and it seems that Japan is the only place they are being created. I know the league was brought down, but there's talk on the street of some of the stragglers making a come-back. And there is a cure for the bullets, but I haven't heard anything regarding what it is." She took a sip of the coffee and sighed. "So you have some information. Are you able to acquire more?" She nodded at Deku's question. "Very easily depending on who I need to extract it from. Sometimes all it takes is looking at the right rat." Bakugo smirked, seeming to like her methods. "Need some help with interrogations?" Deku sighed before taking a seat on an empty chair. "Maybe, but we need someone who is able to run around the underground without being out of place." The woman smiled as she took another swig of her coffee. "Sounds like you need my help. I'm more than willing, but I want one thing in return." Deku quizzically looked at her as she put her empty cup down. "I want in on dragging the corruption out of the commission." His brows softened as he stood up. He jutted a hand out for her to shake but she smiled and patted his shoulder. 

"Deal. Catch you on the flip side. I need some sleep." The two top Pro heroes watched as the woman walked out of the room and jumped out an open window. 

Word count: 1,064

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