Chapter Ten

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Hearing the rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor, Y/n jolted out of her slumber. The monitor started to rapidly beep as her anxiety rose. "Hey, you're okay. You're in the hospital." Y/n's eyes met the doctor's and she scowled at him. She started to pull cords and lines from her body as she got up. "No shit Sherlock." Was her reply to the doctor who now looked panicked to get the injured woman back into the bed. "Miss! You can't do that, you need those!" Y/n's glare shut the doctor up. "You can't hold me here against my own will. I'm getting out of this bed and going home." The door swung open, making her pause with what she was doing. Seeing Bakugo walk in calmed her down a bit. "Sit your ass back in that bed. You need professional medical help." Y/n listened and did as he said. "You got the living hell beaten out of you on top of being shot multiple times. I know you hate hospitals, but for the love of fuck, just get the help you need at least." Y/n stared at him with bewilderment. "What happened after I passed out?" Bakugo sent the doctor out and sat in the chair beside the bed. "You kicked some ass. But you were severely outnumbered. If it wasn't for me following your dumbass, you'd be dead right now." Bakugo hooked her IV and heart monitor back up to her as she settled back into the bed. "I don't really remember fighting all of them, most of it was a blur for me. I remember seeing you and after that, I'm pretty sure I passed out." Bakugo lowly chuckled at her as he patted her shoulder. "You did pretty well on your own. I found you after you fought all of them, if I had been any later you would've bled to death." His voice uncharacteristically softened towards the end. 

"Sorry for rushing in without anyone. And thanks for playing captain save a hoe. Even if I woke up in this shitty place, I'm glad I woke up at all." Bakugo smiled hearing her. "If you wanna make it up to me I have an idea." Her tired eye met his ruby ones. "Let me take you out." Y/n paused for a second, Bakugo could tell she was flustered as the monitor gave her away. "You can't lie to me with that attached to you." His smile made her heart rate pick up again. "That sounds nice. But let's wait till I'm not looking at the equivalent of a dead body." "Alright, you got me there. Can't take you anywhere looking like a corpse. You got some other visitors if you're feeling up to it." She didn't get a chance to deny them when the door swung open and several familiar faces walked in. "I see Bakugo managed to convince you to stay." Y/n rolled her eyes at Aizawa's comment "He made a valid point, so I can't argue. And he might be bribing me with food." Aizawa huffed and took a seat in the other chair. "When you get out of here you have to stop by my agency and give a written statement of your count of what happened."

Holding onto a bag of her shredded clothes, Y/n cringed as she realized she couldn't leave in them. "Got some clothes for ya." Y/n perked up seeing Bakugo walk in. "Thank you." "No problem. I told Mina to get some of your clothes. And I told her that it needed to be something comfortable since you're still recovering." Her smile didn't go unnoticed as she slipped into the bathroom with a handful of clothes. A simple pair of jeans and a tank top were perfect, Mina's choice of underwear not so much. But they were better than nothing. Y/n left the bathroom dressed and ready to leave. Following Bakugo through the winding halls, she could've gotten confused really easily if she didn't have help. Bakugo opened the door for her and she gladly took a seat in his jeep. "Thank you for giving me a ride." He scoffed as he cranked his car. "And let you fly home while still in recovery? None of us would let you do that. I don't want to listen to anyone's nagging if you ended up back at the hospital because I didn't pick you up." Y/n buckled her seatbelt and shifted into a more comfortable sitting position. They didn't go far when Bakugo pulled over and shut the car off. "Why'd you stop?" He didn't answer her as he got out and opened her door. "Lunch dumbass. Hosu Hospital doesn't give breakfast or lunch to patients who are leaving before lunch." She didn't respond as she got out. Feeling embarrassed that it was such a simple answer. 

The two sat at the table by the window, both of them didn't like the entrance out of their view. The little cafe was having a slow day and they were glad about that. "I'd like the club sandwich." "I'd like a slice of the apple pie." The waitress skittered off to the back to get their orders. "So about that date" Y/n tore her attention from the busy sidewalk to pay it to him. "Tomorrow night, I'm picking you up and dropping you back off. Whatever you wear dictates where I take us. Give me your phone." Y/n reluctantly handed hr unlocked phone over. Bakugo put his number in her phone. "Can I pick where we go?" Bakugo's interest was piqued as she fumbled with her phone. "Yeah, just don't go breaking my bank." He couldn't help but admire how her mood lit up and that smile made her eyes crease. Both of them gladly chowed down when their plates were dropped in front of them. 

Bakugo didn't really want to drop her back off at his best friend's apartment. He had done a lot of growing since his teenage days at U.A. He didn't really focus on relationships or the girls around him. He didn't particularly care if he had a girlfriend or not, he valued his dreams over any chick. But now that he held the position of the Second highest-ranked Pro Hero, he was starting to see the little things he missed as a teenager. He had to admit, yeah he screwed around here and there, but he didn't pursue anything that could have been permanent. He got to touch his dream multiple times over the years. He and Deku bounced back and forth between the top two. And slowly over the course of the last two years, he's started to hate the silence in his apartment, without someone to come home to. He nearly envied his best friend and Deku. Kirishima has Mina, Deku has Ochacco, Kaminari has Jjiro, and Shoto has momo, but He didn't have anyone. He certainly doesn't regret keeping himself shut out from relationships, but he now wanted to have someone all to himself. 

Word Count: 1,169

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