Chapter Thirteen

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Flying high in the sky, Y/n seemingly danced through the clouds on her way to Deku's agency. Seeing a mass in the clouds heading in her direction, she dropped down out of its trajectory in the nick of time. "Hey what the fuck man!" Vermillion wings flapped backward as he steadied himself. "Hey! I haven't seen you for a hot minute." Y/n scrunched her brows "Yeah, that's what happens when you stand your date up." His smile fell as he sighed. "Sorry about that. I got called in at the last minute, and I'm not supposed to use my phone during work." She scoffed at his petty attempt "Well, it's been weeks. You've had more than enough time to text or call to talk to me about it." He reached a hand out to her, but she moved away from him. "Look, I'm sorry. I meant to call you first thing the next day, but I got caught up in a bunch of stuff and forgot." She chuckled lowly as she got closer to him. "You missed your chance, I waited till the restaurant closed before going home. Then I waited around for a call or text the next day, only to be met with basically radio static. I can't be with someone who only wants to play phone tag. I have to get to work. Goodbye Keigo." Before he could stop her, she dropped down and flew off. 

Swooping down to the sidewalk, Y/n decided to save her coworker from a heart attack. She saw Bakugo's Jeep pull into the parking garage and smiled. She headed up to the meeting room and took her seat. The only other people there were Deku, Iida, Mirio, and Tamaki. Almost immediately Mirio was at her side. "Y/n is that really you?!" She felt his hand brush against her wing and she nearly sent him across the room. "The one and only. Damn. How many times have I told you not to play with my feathers?" Deku watched their exchange warily. He knew they were in the same classes at U.A. but he didn't know how close they were. "It's been what? Eleven years since we saw each other last." Y/n nodded and punched his shoulder, her hand went through him. "Hey Tamaki, how have you been?" She noticed he wasn't as anxious as he was in high school. He slightly smiled as he walked over. "Better. Dealt with my anxiety and I'm doing better as a hero." Y/n patted him on the shoulder and hugged Mirio. "That's good to hear. I'm assuming Midoriya pulled you guys into the investigation too?" They nodded, and Bakugo, Kirishima, and Mina filed into the room. "Yeah, even though you guys got one of their manufacturing facilities out, there's still more." Mirio phased himself through Y/n, causing Bakugo to narrow his eyes at him. "I'm not seventeen anymore Mirio, quit trying to scare me." 

"I was hoping that would ruffle your feathers. Oh! Tamaki, do the thing!" He rolled his eyes at Mirio but nonetheless obliged. He wanted to know what her reaction would be. Y/n had to hold in a laugh seeing his fingers turn into tentacles. "Kinky." Mirio's laugh made her own laugh burst out. Tamaki's face was clearly flustered as he reverted his fingers back to normal. "Sorry Tamaki, that was rude. It's been a while since I've seen you. Last I heard you were pretty much running Fatgum's agency." He smiled in relief and nodded. "Yeah, Fatgum wanted Kirishima and me to be the ones who take over when he retires. So he's had us basically running the agency. Where have you been all these years?" Y/n's smile faltered a bit after his question. "It's a pretty long story with gruesome details, so I'll sum it up. I got expelled three months before graduation, my foster family kicked me out, and I decided to become a vigilante/underground hero." Tamaki and Mirio shared the same concerned look for her. "Why didn't you reach out to us? You know we wouldn't have refused to help you." Tamaki spoke up before Mirio could even open his mouth, leaving Mirio surprised. 

"After being expelled from U.A. nowhere else would have wanted me, and I did get help... Mr. Aizawa took me in and continued to help me train. I didn't want to drag you two and Nejire into the shitshow I was going through. I didn't want to bring Mr. Aizawa into it either, but he insisted that I let him help me." Bakugo felt something stir in him as Pro hero Suneater hugged Y/n. He also didn't like how her smile was so genuine toward the two pros. "Alright enough with the PDA bullshit. We got a meeting about to start." Tamaki and Mirio sat on either side of Y/n as the rest of the heroes filed into the meeting room. Bakugo's glare never left the two as Deku started the meeting. 

The meeting wasn't really necessary, seeing as how they didn't have anything new to discuss other than adding Suneater and Lemillion to the team. They hadn't gotten ahold of Nejire-chan, she had gone to help the American Hero Commission with the fast-growing villain population in their larger cities. But they knew she was still doing well since she periodically sent the boys postcards from interesting cities. Bakugo barely caught sight of Y/n's wings as she turned a corner. He jogged to catch up and felt disappointment and jealousy burn through him. "-There's a place close by I wanted to try. We can grab lunch there if that's fine with you guys." Mirio grinned as he held a thumbs up. "Sounds good to me, what about you Tamaki?" He didn't get to answer as an angry blonde stomped towards them. Y/n frowned seeing Tamaki shy away and she turned to see the culprit. "Hey, we were just talking about grabbing lunch and catching up. Would you like to join us?" She took his annoyed grumble as a "no" and smiled. "I guess I'll see you later at Kiri's?" His face flinched at the nickname she had for his best friend. "Yeah, whatever." He turned on his heel and stormed off. Y/n tried to laugh off her own confusion as she turned back to her two friends. "Sorry about that. I guess someone pissed in his cornflakes." Mirio laughed but Tamaki just settled for an awkward smile. "I'll see you guys for lunch later!" She waved as she jogged down the hall, following a bit further behind the blonde. She didn't want to deal with any more of his irritable mood. 

Word Count: 1,105

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