Chapter Six

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"Why the fuck are you back here?!" Y/n sprung up from the vending machine with a soda and a grin. "I dunno. I felt like it." Bakugo's temper flared at her response "I mean why are you here when you are supposed to be resting? Bullet holes don't heal overnight." "What bullet holes? I see no injury nor feel no wound." She fluttered her wings around and showed him the previous places where she had once had stitches. "I'm a bit stubborn and have connections. Cashed in a couple of favors and here I am. All is well and good." He inspected her wings incredulously as his temper simmered back down. "As long as you are in good health you are free to work." She nodded as he walked off again. It seemed like the closer they got, the further apart they strayed. 

"No. We have enough information. We can figure it out from here. You're free to go L/n." Her brows furrowed as Deku dismissed her. "I am not taking that for an answer. If I'm in this, I'm in it till the end. Now tell me what I need to do next." Deku's tired green eyes didn't leave the paper as he stood up. "Go. Home." He left, leaving her with more questions than answers. And nothing to keep her mind off of other things. 

Y/n found herself sitting idly on a park bench, watching children chase ducks around the pond. She was enjoying a day when she didn't feel tired when the sun is up. Cloud coverage is the only thing making it possible. "Heya birdie, How's hero work treating ya?" She craned her neck to look up at Hawks. "It's gone well. But I think I got kicked off the case. I'm not sure. What about you?" He chuckled and sat on the bench beside her. Their wings made it hard to keep distance between them on the small bench. "Same old, same old. Being the eyes in the sky is a pretty lax job. If you got kicked off your old one maybe you should join me in the air. I wouldn't mind having someone else to help me up there." Y/n considered it for a moment and smiled "I'll join you if I lose my job. I appreciate the offer." Hawks hummed as he let his eyes travel over her body, Y/n knew he was looking but didn't bother to say anything. "So how fast are you?" Her eyes met his with a playful spark. "Probably faster than you." He stood up and took off into the sky "Catch me if you can!" He yelled, he didn't have to since Y/n was already in the clouds when he looked back down for her. 

Seeing a black mass darting through the clouds, Hawks started to evade Y/n. For him to be flying as fast as he could, and her still keeping pace without a sweat was a bit concerning to him. "You gotta be faster than that Hawks!" He pushed himself further trying to find a way to lose her. He spun around a skyscraper and doubled back towards the park. Thinking he was in the clear, but actually not. He celebrated too soon that he lost her, but sweatdropped when a heavy force hit his back and trapped his arms and wings to his sides. "I told you so." He groaned as they fell. "That wasn't very nice of you." "You didn't specify what I was to do other than catch you." Y/n flapped her wings and lowered them back to the earth. "I didn't think you'd actually be faster than me." 

"I'm an underground hero. I have to be faster than my opponent or I'll wind up dead." She deadpanned to the winged hero. His smile fell as he looked at her. Something about her drew him in and also shut him out all at the same time, and he didn't know if he loved or hated that. "You can be a pro with those skills." She shook her head and shook her wings out. "I never finished schooling. Got expelled three months before graduation. So I can't get a license legally." He looked around as she spoke, keeping an eye out as they walked. "I'm pretty hungry, wanna grab a bite?" He changed the subject, feeling she wasn't ready to share much about it. She immediately nodded and grinned.

They sat inside a little mom-and-pop sandwich shop. Their orders have already been placed and conversing over childhood memories. A certain hot-tempered blonde walked in with a sweet redhead. "-I remember I jumped off a building to train my wings and someone saw me. Cops were called yada yada. My foster mom was fucking livid. And she wasn't one to easily anger usually." He laughed as their plates were set in front of them. Upon hearing a familiar laugh Bakugo whipped his head around to see not one set of wings but two. "I'm pretty sure I did something similar when I started training under the commission. I was on restricted sidekick duty for three weeks!" When he heard her laugh Bakugo stormed over, his temper getting ahead of his thoughts. "What the hell are you doing here?" Y/n looked up from Keigo, as he told her to call him, and met with ruby eyes. "Hey, Bakugo. Keigo offered to get lunch for me." His eyes shifted between the two at the table and scoffed. "I thought you were working?" Y/n's face dropped as she tried not to let her mood ruin lunch. "Well, I'm pretty sure Deku kicked me off of the case." Everyone could hear the noticeable muffled popping that sounded from his closed palms. 

"Why the fuck would he kick you off? You've been the only one bringing anything in!" Bakugo's anger stewed as she shrugged her shoulders. "He said that they had what they needed to figure out the rest. I tried to argue it, but I don't see the point." He spun on his heel, not knowing if he should be mad she was on a date with Hawks or that Deku kicked her off the case. "Let's go shitty hair." He dragged his friend by the arm as he stormed out of the shop. 

Word Count: 1,046

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