Chapter Seventeen

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"Are you sure your parents will approve of me?" Y/n twisted her hands nervously as Bakugo drove his Jeep to his parent's old place in Musutafu. "My mother approved of you the second she suspected I had a girlfriend. I never really dated around, and I refused to bring any girls home. My crazy hag of a mother would've scared any normal woman off. So I guess it's safe to say she doesn't care how you look." If he wasn't driving he'd have his eyes all over her. She had put on a red pleated skirt that stopped just short of her knees, and a cream-colored sweater that hung off her shoulders. She wore skin-toned tights and a pair of heeled black leather boots and her signature leather jacket. She had slapped on some mascara and lip gloss and had straightened out her hair the best she could. He saw her fidgeting out of the corner of his eye again. "Y/n, my parents honestly will love you. I can tell you my dad will like your taste in fashion and my mom will be ecstatic that you can put up with my bullshit. So quit your worrying." He reached over and grasped her hand in his, pulling it up to kiss her knuckles. 

Y/n didn't even get a chance to open her door when an older woman, nearly a carbon copy of Katsuki flew out of the house. For someone in their sixties, she moved so fast that she actually startled Y/n. The woman stepped back after swinging the car door open recklessly. "You must be Y/n L/n! I'm so excited to see you! I haven't ever heard Katsuki talk about a girl before, and when he finally slipped up and mentioned you, I felt so relieved that he finally found someone!" Y/n smiled as she stepped out of the jeep. "I'm more than thrilled to meet you Mrs. Bakugo. I have to say, I know where Katsuki got his looks." She winked at the woman, Mitsuki held a hand over her chest. "Quite the charmer! You'd better not screw this up!" She barked at her son. "And please, call me Mitsuki darling." Y/n nodded with a smile and walked alongside her. Katsuki and Masaru were left to pull their luggage out of the car. 

"So how'd you two meet?! Katsuki wouldn't tell us anything!" Mitsuki handed her a teacup. "Funny story, I kinda saved his ass." "No you fucking didn't! I could've handled that shitbag myself!" His mother pulled off her slipper, ready to throw it at her son. "He was fighting a suspect in an alleyway and they had a weapon. I saw the struggle and literally dropped down on the assailant. My first impression of him was 'he's an ass.' but as I got to know him better I started to like him." Mitsuki swooned hearing stories of her son. "He has a temper but I slowly worked my way around it. He's just a big ole softy behind his anger issues." Katsuki was standing behind her and she didn't realize it till he reached down and pinched her side playfully. "You act as if you are a calm and reasonable person. I haven't forgotten how you about threw that one guy off a skyscraper." Y/n rolled her eyes and tilted her head up to see him. "If I didn't dangle him over the edge of the building you probably would've basted him off for the comment he made about my figure." Mitsuki watched their interaction with a smug smile. "What the fuck is that look for?!" She innocently waved her hands "Nothing, just that your father and I were the same way when we started dating." Y/n snickered as Katsuki swore and stomped off. "He's really matured. Used to he would continue arguing and yelling with me." She smiled at Y/n "Oh I'm aware of how he was in high school. We both went to U.A. He was a first-year and I was a Fourth year. He was the walking definition of a bomb back then." Mitsuki laughed "I can't say you're wrong." 

Mitsuki kept Y/n busy as her boyfriend and Masaru set the table. "-and this was him when he was three. He and Izuku got along back then and they both were huge fans of All Might. He begged me for months for that action figure he has in this picture. He won't admit it, but he used to sleep with it, and he still has it in his room!" Her voice lowered as she leaned over to Y/n's ear. "What fucking lies are you trying to feed into her?" Katsuki leaned over and snatched the photo album away from the two women. "I was just showing Y/n some of the cutest pictures of you." His mother grinned. "It's in his bedside table drawer~!" Y/n grinned chaotically as she got up. Katsuki warily looked between the two, he dropped the album on the couch as Y/n dashed for the stairs. "Y/N! Don't you fucking Dare!" He caught a glimpse of her feathers cutting the corner to his room and he yelled a swear. Y/n's jaw went slack seeing his room. It had some band memorabilia scattered around, but he had his own stand full of All Might figures and a bookcase of any manga about the retired Pro Hero. His bedsheets were red and blue themed and popped nicely with the warm black walls of his room. She plopped onto his bed and opened his bedside table drawer. She didn't dare touch the figure but grinned seeing it. When Katsuki's body thudded against the door frame she looked up. 

"You were such a nerd! Granted, no one can resist the all-powerful All Might!" she joked as he stalked into the room. He kicked to door shut as if he'd done it a million times and tackled her onto the bed. "Take it back!" she shook her head with a giggle "Nope! Cause it's true! You were a little nerd, an adorable one at that!" his eyes darkened at her words and he planted a rough kiss on her lips. When he finally released her lips she grinned "If calling you a nerd earns kisses I might just have to do it more." he growled and lightly pinched at her sides earning hysterical laughing from her. He leaned over her as she panted, her face red from laughing, and kissed her softer than before. Her hands traveled around his neck to pull him closer. When she felt her lungs burn for air she grabbed a fistful of his spiky yet soft hair and pulled his head back. "We should go back downstairs. Your parents are probably waiting for us." Katsuki nodded and got up, he was a bit flustered feeling her hand pull at his hair. He was glad that he wore his baggiest pair of jeans. Y/n brushed her hair out before leaving his room. 

"I was starting to think you two weren't coming back down." Mitsuki was amused by how flustered her son got. "Leave the boy be, Mitsuki." Masaru passed a bowl of rice to you and Katsuki after he put some on his and Mitsuki's plates. "So Y/n, where are you from?" She shift in her seat and tried not to let the question bother her. "Well, my parents moved around a bit when I was little, they settled in Hosu city when I was around five. Unfortunately, I lost them when I was seven to a house fire. I bounced around in the system till I was finally placed with a foster family when I was ten. They lived here in Musutafu, and I went to the same schools Katsuki when to. I didn't really know him in school, I heard of him but I never really talked to him." Masaru felt bad for bringing up such a sensitive subject and tried to apologize. "No! No! It's quite alright. It feels good to talk about it. Honestly, Katsuki was the second person I actually opened up to about all of it. He's a good listener." Mitsuki smiled proudly at her son. They continued on with their chatter as the night drew in.  

Word Count: 1,373

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