Chapter Sixteen

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A couple of weeks later

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Y/n groaned as she rolled over in her bed. Sheets tangled around her legs, her hair all over the place, and her pillows on the floor. The door opened, revealing a familiar redhead. "Hey Y/n, I brought some soup." Kirishima opened the door wider as he walked in. Y/n attempted to roll over but gave up when she couldn't move her legs. Kirishima grabbed the end of the blanket and unraveled her from its grasp. Thanking whatever god there was for the fact that she wore pants and a tank top to bed, unlike Mina. He didn't want to face the wrath of his best friend for unintentionally seeing her uncovered. "Thanks, Kiri." Both of them flinched at how coarse her voice sounded. "No prob! Just try to rest and get better. Bronchitis sucks ass, if you need anything, Mina is off work and is staying here for the day." Y/n sat up and took the piping bowl of soup. 

As Kirishima said, Mina showed up and was there to "babysit" Y/n, but she wasn't alone. "Y/n? I heard you were sick." Y/n cracked her eyes open to see Mina and Bakugo. "Yeah, bronchitis. Don't get too close or you guys will get sick too." Bakugo rolled his eyes as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "Kirishima and I consume too much Vitamin C, we don't get sick." Y/n chuckled then coughed. "Kirishima says you haven't left your room for three days." Y/n nodded to Mina as she sat herself up. "Sunlight will help you feel better, come on, get up." Bakugo helped her out of the bed and down the hall. She practically fell onto the couch when Bakugo let go of her. Y/n hissed as Mina snatched the curtains open. Y/n's hopes of it being overcast were drowned out as sunlight blinded her. "Shut up. You need to wake up and eat. And don't lie to me, I saw the bowl of soup that was untouched." Y/n grumbled as Bakugo left the room. 

"Try this." He shoved a bowl into her hands. She smiled seeing Udon in the bowl. "It better be spicy." She croaked, picking up the chopsticks. Her eyes widened as she tasted it. "This is so fucking good!" Mina and Bakugo laughed as Y/n moaned taking another bite. "Well, it better be good, my mother made it." Y/n looked up at his eyes, her own eyes wide. "Seriously? She made this?!?" He nodded and plopped onto the couch beside her. "Yep, the old hag wants to meet you soon. I told her my girlfriend was sick and she damn near choked me out for not telling her sooner." Y/n dropped her chopsticks in shock. "Hah?!" He rolled his eyes as he propped his feet onto the coffee table. "Yeah, I called you my girlfriend. Get the fuck over it." Mina grinned as she hung over the back of the couch between the two. "Awwe! When did you guys become official?!" Bakugo rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth. "A couple of weeks ago. He asked me and I threatened that if he played fuck around find out that I'd fuck him up." Mina laughed and patted Y/n's head. 

"So when do you want to meet the old hag?" Y/n shrugged in response, Mina had left and they were snuggled up watching tv. "Once I get over this fucking illness I guess, I'm trying to avoid getting anyone else sick." Bakugo scoffed "You know, the amount of spicy shit my family eats, I'm pretty sure they can't get sick. I'm almost a hundred percent sure Covid skipped my family because it was scared of us." He leaned down and pecked her on the nose. "I don't want to meet your family for the first time while I'm sick." He hummed as he dragged his fingers lightly over her exposed arm. "I'm assuming you're trying to fight this shit off without antibiotics?" He knew her response and wasn't surprised by her curt nod. He shifted and got up. "Stay there." He left the room and returned with a half gallon of orange juice. "Drink it." "But that's Kirishima's." He rolled his eyes and opened the container taking a swig. "There, now it's mine. So fucking drink it." She sighed and took the orange juice from him. "You better buy him more later." He grumbled mocking her as he sat back down. "He won't give a shit. He has two more unopened containers in the fridge. If he says something I'll buy him another container." He smiled as she chugged a few sips. "Besides, I need you better so my hag of a mother will get off my back." "Alright, alright. But you better not complain when I have to get up twenty times to piss." 

"Shhhh!" Kirishima normally makes a racket coming in from work. He practically froze when his girlfriend started shushing him in a hostile manner. Cautiously he peered around the corner, his eyes fell on his best friend. He inched closer realizing his friend was still awake, but Y/n was passed out. Her head rested on Bakugo's chest and her body lay between his legs. He was tracking his fingers up and down her spine while she slept. Seeing Bakugo being so sweet was quite appalling, to say the least. Bakugo noticed Kirishima and Mina ogling them. "Shitty hair, so help me, god won't be able to save you if you wake her." The redhead raised his hands in defense. "I'm just going to shower and go out with Mina." His hushed whisper as he tip-toed around the couch. Mina softly giggled but stopped when Bakugo sent her a warning glare. Kirishima didn't take long showering and changing. He was in and out in ten minutes, his hair was dampened and pulled back in a bun. "See you later." Bakugo just nodded as the two left them in peace. He hadn't felt so relaxed in a while, so he let himself doze off with his girl.

Word Count: 1,011

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