Chapter Seven

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Y/n hung her head over the porcelain bowl as her body rejected anything she ate or drank. The mystery meatloaf she ate out of Aizawa's fridge the previous day was trying to take her out with it. She cursed herself as she knew she shouldn't have anything that had a mystery date of being made. Lunch with Keigo was almost a week ago, and she spent most of her days sleeping on Aizawa's couch. "She isn't feeling good right now. What do you need?" Y/n could hear Aizawa at the door, but she didn't have the energy to get up to see who was there. Y/n heard the bathroom door open and turned her head to see who it was. "Hey, Bakugo. Whatcha need?" She pushed herself to sit up and flush the toilet and clean her face with the damp rag on the tub. "You look like shit." "Thanks. As if I don't feel like it." Bakugo rolled his eyes and helped her up. "Deku is letting you back on." "Really?" He nodded and helped her sit on the couch. "Yeah. I argued with him for a solid three days before he finally caved. He only kicked you out because you got hurt and weren't taking it seriously. He thinks that you're treating everything as a joke, and I can see why." 

"Humor is my defense mechanism. Can't help that, but I'll try to be a bit less morbid." He sighed and looked around the living room. "Are you seriously living on Aizawa's couch?" Y/n shifted uncomfortably and nodded. "Yeah, my downstairs neighbor set the apartment complex on fire. He's letting me stay till I can move back." Bakugo sucked his teeth as he looked around. "Fucking hell." Y/n sipped on a glass of water as Bakugo's temper slowly heated up again. "Why didn't you say something?" Y/n quirked a brow up as she tried not to laugh. 

"What do you expect me to say, hmm? 'Oh yeah, my place burned to a fucking crisp. So I'm staying with a retired hero who also used to teach all of us.' That doesn't seem like something I should go throwing around lightly." Bakugo flinched a bit at her tone "Coupled with the fact that I have a fair share of enemies, I can't go spilling my damn personal business just anywhere. Especially since I'm staying with someone who can barely keep himself upright." Aizawa cleared his throat offendedly as he took a seat on his recliner. "I can defend myself just fine." "Hah! You are in your damn sixties or better, you don't need to be laying your life on the line. I honestly wouldn't have come to you to stay if I had any friends to ask for a couch to crash on." Both men in the room stayed silent. Aizawa already knew that she chose to distance herself from everyone around her age when she became official with underground work. Bakugo on the other hand felt a bit annoyed that the few people they worked with weren't considered friends. "I'll talk to him for you. It's not fair to Aizawa to have to deal with any of us after finally getting to retire." Y/n wanted to complain but found herself running back to the bathroom. 

Bakugo kept his promise and called Kirishima as soon as he had left. Kirishima almost never ignores a call, so it wasn't much of a surprise when the redhead picked up on the second ring. "Heya Bakugo! What's up?" Bakugo looked up at Aizawa's apartment complex as he responded. "Is that second bedroom of yours still empty?" "It is. There's just the bedroom furniture. Why?" Bakugo chuckled in relief. "L/n needs a place to stay. Her place got burnt down and she's couch surfing at Aizawa's." There was some shuffling in Kirishima's background as he put Bakugo on speaker. "She's got a room here if she'll take it. It's not much but it has everything she would need." Bakugo got in his jeep and connected his phone to the car. "Thanks. I'll let her know and bring her by later this week." "No prob man!" The call ended with a beep and Bakugo turned up his radio as the station was just returning from break. 

Bakugo called up Mina later that afternoon and told her to pick out some bedsheets and a comforter for Y/n's room. Mina wasn't entirely opposed to Y/n living with her boyfriend, but she was a bit wary. It wasn't till Bakugo told her that he was pretty sure she was sucking face with Hawks that she seemed more upbeat. 


Finally able to hold down more than just water, Y/n was taking her afternoon walk through the park. She stopped to get a sip of water from a drinking fountain, amidst her guard being down, she felt someone pinch her hips and she spun around already armed with her talons out and wings hardened. "What the fuck Keigo?" He laughed it off as he darted away from her attack. "I didn't think I'd actually catch you off guard. My bad... So where have you been these last few days? I haven't seen you around much." She put her talons away and sighed "I ate some meatloaf that was clearly bad. I was practically sucking face with a toilet for three days." Keigo cringed with a laugh "Damn. So your weakness is meatloaf, noted." Y/n rolled her eyes playfully as a familiar heat of embarrassment crept up her neck. "I'm all better now. But I don't think I can look at a meatloaf the same." 

"So you really lost your wings? I can't even fathom how I would go on without mine." Keigo nodded as he thought back on the fight. "I had to rehabilitate my body before I got them back. And I had help from a little girl. She has an amazing quirk and she was able to rewind my body to how it was before I lost my wings. It's all thanks to her that I am even still in this line of work." Y/n's smile widened as she put two and two together. "It was Eri wasn't it?" Keigo looked at her bewildered that she knew. "How?" Her smile softened "Well, Aizawa took her in after everything that happened to her. He took me in as well when my life was flipped over. So I like to think of her as a little sister." Keigo grinned in excitement "Damn! I would've never thought that you and Eri are so close." Y/n shook her head as his mood deflated. "I chose to distance myself when I started underground work. I didn't want to put her in danger again because of my own selfish reasons. I still see her from time to time, last I heard she was in her third year at U.A." He could tell Y/n missed spending time with Eri, it has probably been a while since she saw her last. "I can tell you're very proud of her." Y/n nodded, slightly tearing up. "She's doing what I couldn't. And if anyone tries to get in her way I'll beat their asses!" He laughed and agreed with her as she finished off her lunch. 

"Hey-" Keigo couldn't help his irritation when Y/n's phone started blaring. Seeing Bakugo's name scrawled across the screen just further irritated him. "Sorry, I gotta get this real quick." She apologized and answered the phone. "Yo." Keigo felt his feathers bristle with envy at how she was able to talk to Bakugo. "I told you that wasn't necessary!" "But thank you for sticking out for me. Just come by tomorrow." She hung up the phone and turned back to Keigo. "What were you saying?" Her sweet smile knocked him out of his thoughts and he tried not to look as jealous as he felt. "Oh, nothing much. What was that about?" He noticed her smile fade a bit "Well, my apartment burnt down, so Bakugo made arrangements for me to take Kirishima's guest room. I can't complain much, It's definitely better than a couch in Aizawa's apartment." Another pang hit him in the chest as she explained her situation. "Oh. I'm sorry, I wish you would've said something. I have an extra room at my place." Y/n shook her head as she jokingly nudged him. "I try not to make it a point to rely on someone else for everything." He nodded, her logic was understandable. 

"So, I was wondering if you would humor me a bit." Y/n quirked a brow as he drew closer to her. "And what might that be?" His smile deepened as he leaned closer to her. Y/n couldn't say that he wasn't attractive, but she wasn't exactly looking for any relationship. "I'd love to take you out for a nice dinner, a date if you will?" He watched her reaction as she took in his offer. "If I agree, and it doesn't work out, we have to stay friends. Agreed?" He didn't waste a second to nod his head. "Are you free next Saturday?" He couldn't help the goofy grin that splayed out on his face. "Yeah, I'll meet you wherever you decide." 

Word Count: 1,537

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