Chapter Four

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After a week of hardly any work, Y/n was told to periodically stroll through areas where she had heard rumors about the bullets. She now found herself on the steps of Giran's old place. His son now ran the business, but his son knew her well enough to give her anything she needed free of charge. Stepping in from the humid night air, her eyes traced the walls of the familiar place, it was pretty barren from Giran's trophies and new paint had been added. 

"Whatcha need this time Val?" She didn't know his name, but with her reputation, anyone has heard of her. Most just didn't know of her appearance. "I need a bit of information on some special bullets." She could see the man's sweatdrop as she loomed closer. "I don't know much. My dad died after he tried to chase some info on them." The man felt increasingly nervous as her eyes rolled over his body. "Your body language says otherwise, Junior. You know my reputation and still, attempt to lie to me. We both know whatever information you have is worth a pretty penny, but is it worth more than your life?" He nodded his head. "I don't know anything." The smile on her face fell flat as she stepped closer to the man. "If you don't cough it up I know where your girl and kid are. I don't like to stoop that low, but I will if I can't get what I'm looking for." 

"Donny! Donny. He has been a supplier of the bullets to me. I'm just a third party who sells them. Donny sells them to me, but I don't know where he gets them." Her smile returned as she patted the man on the head. "See? Was that so hard? I need the entire stock you have of those bullets." His face paled to a sickening color. "A-All?" Her glare met his as he scurried off. He only returned with a small coin pouch that had a handful or two of the bullets. "Is this all of them?" He nodded as he handed her the bag. "Thank you so much, Junior!" She turned to leave but stopped short of the door. "Just so you know. Your old man was much better at this job. You have some big ass shoes to fill kid." With that, she shoved the coin pouch into the interior pocket of her leather jacket and took off. 

Y/n returned to Deku's agency after spending three days looking for a man who was found dead. "You said you had something?" Deku and Bakugo were sitting in a meeting room with Kirishima and Mina. Y/n dropped the coin pouch onto the table. "Bullets?" She nodded and sat in one of the chairs. "The very ones we are trying to find the source of." She clarified as she sipped on her cold cup of coffee. "Did you find out anything else, or are you just wanting a pat on the head for being a good dog?" Y/n's eyes darted to the Blonde who insulted her. "I got a little information, but it led me to a dead end. Quite literally. I talked to Giran's son and got info on who sold the bullets to him. He gave me a name and by the time I got to the guy he was filled with enough lead to kill a bull twice over." Kirishima and Mina were the only two who showed even the slightest bit of worry for her. "Are you sure you're safe with gathering all the info yourself?" Y/n simply nodded to the pink-haired woman. "I've been in worse situations before. I'm probably amongst the few who have training in that shithole of a place." Mina cringed at her terminology as Y/n leaned back in her chair. "Who trained you?" "Aizawa. He was- is the best instructor I've ever worked with. He taught me the ins and outs of the underground and he taught me that a bit of blood and dirt don't hurt." Her nonchalant way of referencing torture methods made Mina a bit queasy. 

"Did I say too much?" Y/n asked as the pink girl swiftly strode out of the room. Deku rubbed at his temples as he sighed. "Mina doesn't do well with blood and guts. She isn't comfortable talking about her reasons for it either." "Oh. I'll apologize later. My bad." Deku simply shooed her away as he discussed with Kirishima their next plan of action.

"Could you find a fucking working brain cell in there or am I gonna have to beat it into you?" Y/n smirked feeling the heat radiating off of the irritable blonde. "I wouldn't toss threats around so easily with no intention of fulfilling them, Dynamite." He faltered mildly at her quick response. "How fucking dumb are you? Learn to read a room, shitshow." Y/n's smile twitched as he insulted her again. "If you're going to insult me, do it properly, ya fuckin pomeranian." Y/n could hear the sounds of pops coming closer to her as his feet hit the floor harder with each step. "Learn your place, fucking shitty mongrel." Y/n's face fell flat as she bore holes into Bakugo's eyes. She hadn't been called that since she was in her early twenties and it wasn't a pleasant memory. He felt a shiver run up his spine at the thousand-yard stare she drew into his eyes, her eyes nearly looked lifeless as she spoke up. "I know most of you don't like me being here. But watch your fucking words, because if you continue to call me a dog I'll show you a fucking mongrel." With that, she spun on her heel and strode off into the stairwell. Bakugo knew he fucked up, he didn't have to be told because he could still feel that stare she practically stabbed into his soul. He hadn't felt anything that close to fear since he was in middle school and had bullied Deku. Thinking of the devil, he appeared and had to shake Bakugo's shoulder to snap him out of the trance he was left in. 

Word Count: 1,023

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