Chapter Fourteen

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"I'm pretty sure I'd know if I had a crush on a friend." Mirio groaned as Tamaki refused to admit his own feelings. "I saw how you look at her. Maybe she's what you've been missing?" Tamaki threw the damp hair towel at his friend as he pulled his black jeans on. "Mirio, one more word, and I'll kick your ass." Mirio grinned at his friend's threat. "Ohhh, so you do have some balls under that shy facade of yours?" Tamaki turned around, buttoning his short-sleeved shirt, leaving the top two buttons open. "I'm serious Mirio. Please drop it. I don't want to scare her off or end up making things awkward after not seeing her since high school." Mirio pouted as he watched his friend pace the room as he got ready. He was already done, his blue jeans and a plain yellow t-shirt with sneakers were more than enough. "Fine. I'll leave it alone, but only if you agree to talk to her more. I think you two would be fucking adorable." Tamaki simply rolled his eyes and shoved his friend out the door. 

Y/n had gotten seated and told the waitress she had two more people on the way. She went ahead and ordered their drinks. It wasn't long before a familiar bright blonde and an indigo-haired man walked through the door. They didn't stop at the hosts' stand as they walked right to her. "It's nice seeing you guys. I kinda wish Nejire was here too. Then it'd be a full reunion for the big four." The two men smiled softly as they picked up their menus. "We were worried when we suddenly didn't hear from you again. We started to see you around doing hero work underground, but we can't just walk up and start a conversation during a fight or chase." Y/n grinned "The Tamaki Amajiki worried for me?" Tamakitried to keep his face from betraying him. "Y-yes. I was the first one to suggest looking for you, Mirio supported it, but Nejire was convinced you had just moved." Y/n's playfulness left her as she saw how concerned her friend looked. "I wouldn't have gone no-contact like that if I had just moved." Mirio's expression was serious as he leaned on the table. "What really happened, Y/n?" She wasn't going to tell her friends about what caused her expulsion, but she would tell them about the reason for no contact.

"After Aizawa took me under his wing, I took my GED and aced it. I could've gone to college, but I strived to be a hero. Before becoming an underground hero, Aizawa explained that I needed to go no-contact with everyone except him. We didn't want to risk you guys losing your diplomas and career paths over my own recklessness." The waitress returned, taking their orders while attempting to flirt with the two Pro heroes. After she left Tamaki sighed deeply. "You still can't handle the flirts, huh?" Y/n joked as he shook his head. "No." "So what did you do to get expelled from U.A.? Considering how much of a mess Deku and Kirishima's class were, you'd had to have done something really bad." Y/n bit her cheek as Mirio's eyes stared into her. "It wasn't really my fault... I fought off a pro hero who was trying to take advantage of me. I used my quirk and the commission backed the hero up. U.A. couldn't keep me on as a student after seeing the case they built against me." Both men before her wore expressions of anger with undertones of pity. "We are so sorry. We should've been there to help you-" "I lived on the opposite side of town, there's no way you could've. Don't blame yourselves for what happened. I should have figured out a way to get out of the situation without my quirk." Tamaki placed his hand over hers and held it tight. "We won't blame ourselves, but you also can't blame yourself for the disgusting actions of such filth." Y/n looked up into his eyes, surprise coloring over her face. In the three years, she knew him in high school, he'd never been so mad. 

"Thank you, I didn't know I needed to hear that." He pulled his hand away as the waitress returned with their plates of food. Y/n delightfully dug into her f/f dish as her friends did with theirs. Tamaki pulled out his phone and opened his contacts, he slid it over to Y/n and smiled "Add your own contact, and I'll shoot you a text so you have my number. If you ever need anything you can call me." Y/n carefully picked his phone up and typed in her info. Mirio watched the exchange between them with awe. Tamaki wasn't ever willing to hand his phone to him or Nejire, yet here he was putting so much faith into Y/n. Mirio copied Tamaki and passed his phone over to Y/n. "Same here, but you'll have more luck getting a hold of Tamaki faster than me. I have a tendency to leave my phone on silent." Y/n laughed and repeated the same steps on Mirio's phone. "Sounds about right coming from you Mirio. Then again, back in high school, you'd ignore someone's call because you were singing along to the ringtone." He pouted at her jokingly. "Damn, you didn't have to at me in front of the world." he feigned hurt as he laughed. 

A few hours passed, and they had gone for a walk as they caught up with one another. It was starting to get late, and the sun was making its downward descent. "You don't have to walk me home. Last time I checked I am a hero." Tamaki smiled shyly and shrugged. "I'd feel better knowing I made sure you got home. I guess I still feel a bit guilty over what happened to you." Y/n whirled around and faced him. She flattened her hands and held his face, slightly smushed as she pulled his head down to her level. "I told you not to feel bad over it. It's in the past and it wasn't your fault... Now quit the guilty bullshit and smile, I haven't been able to see you guys in years. And I'll be damned if you guys act like what happened was any of your fault." She released his head, but he stood there blinking in shock. "Don't tell me I broke you." she flicked him on the nose like she did when they were in high school. "Reboot Tamaki." His face darkened with embarrassment as he straightened himself, Y/n was nearly crying as she laughed. "I didn't think it would work!" His lips twitched upward as he chuckled seeing her laugh. They continued their walk to Kirishima's apartment, he walked her to the door and waited till the redhead answered the door. 

"I thought I gave you a key-" Kirishima locked eyes with Tamaki. "I left it, it was in my costume's pocket and I was in a rush this morning," Y/n answered as Kirishima let her in. He allowed Tamaki in, even though he didn't want to. He was friends with the man, but he was closer to Bakugo. And the fact that he walked her all the way to the door, with that dopey-ass smile on his face. Kirishima knew that look and didn't want his best friend to go ape shit. "Thanks for walking me back Tamaki, I'll see you and Mirio next weekend. Shoot me a text when you get back home, alright?" Tamaki nodded, the red in his face had faded, but his ears were still tinted pink. "Will do, see you later Y/n. Sorry for the quick drop in Kirishima, I'll see you tomorrow morning for briefing." The redhead nodded and shut the door with an irritated groan. He needed a drink before he could call his friend. Y/n might not have feelings for her friend, but Tamaki sure does feel something for her. Kirishima saw her in the kitchen and followed. 

"So... Are you and Tamaki a thing?" Kirishima tried his damnedest to talk like his girlfriend. Y/n turned around nearly dropping the beer in her hands. "The fuck, Kirishima?" The redhead backed up a step, clearly stepping right on the line. "Sorry, I was wondering if you had a thing for him." Y/n dragged a hand over her face as she sat down at the bar. "I can't say I think of him as anything more than my best friend. He's been my friend since middle school, and honestly, he's almost like a brother to me. Why do you ask?" Kirishima's lips pursed as he tried to avoid her question. "Well, I know Bakugo took you out for a date. I haven't heard whether you two are actually dating, and I didn't know if you were interested in Tamaki or not." He half lied. He knew that Bakugo wants to date her, he just can't swallow his hefty ass pride to ask her. "Nah. I like Tamaki, but not in a romantic way. Now, your buddy Katsuki, I have to say there's something bubbling in me for him." Kirishima choked as he nearly spat up his water. "First name basis huh?" She nodded as she sipped on her beer. "So you have a thing for Bakugo?" again she nodded with a grin. "He's grown a lot since high school. I didn't know him much back then, but I know he was one hell of a brat. Seems like he's mellowed out over the years, clearly matured, and might have even grown a heart." She joked as she polished off her beer. "I'll have to tell you you said that." She scoffed "The fuck you will. I'll tangle your vocal cords and break some fingers of yours if you try." He sweatdropped at her threats. "Seem like you and Bakugo have a few things in common. Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut." Y/n sighed with a smile. "Thanks, Kiri, catch you later. Deku wants me to get up and do patrols during the day." Kirishima grinned as she turned the corner into her room. He stepped out of the apartment and dialed his best friend's number. He wasn't going to spill all of it, but he was going to tell his friend not to worry about Tamaki.

Word Count: 1,729

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