Chapter Two

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"You managed to get some information. Are you sure the informant is reliable?" Deku and Bakugo sat at a table with their old teacher. He wasn't too happy about being woken up at four in the morning to hear information that could've waited till noon. "Yeah, she's pretty reliable. She's agreed to help us with this and the corruption. She didn't ask for much in return." Aizawa's weary eyes looked up at his old student. "I'd check your informant out before letting them too close." His voice was rather harsh as he stood to leave. "We'll call you if we hear anything else." Aizawa wished they wouldn't, even though he wanted to be there for the end of this bullshit. 

He dropped his keys and phone on the entryway table as he shut his door behind him. He started to walk to his room but stopped short seeing a familiar winged figure on his couch. "Heya, dad. How's the old leg treating ya?" He felt his lips twitch in a half smile seeing his favorite pupil. "It's fucking annoying at times, but I'm doing well. How's the underground?" Y/n barked a laugh as she half-hugged him and patted his back. "Same old, same old. Once a shitshow always a shitshow." He nodded and sat down on the couch. "I'm assuming you're not here just to see me." Y/n's lips pursed as she tried to smile. "Yeah... I got offered a job and lost my old place... Can I stay here?" Aizawa sighed in annoyance "How'd you lose the apartment?" Her mouth opened then shut and opened again. "Well uh... My downstairs neighbor kinda set the building on fire. and everyone is out of the building till it's in acceptable living condition again." Aizawa nodded and sighed again. "Yeah, just don't bring any trouble home. I finally got my retirement and want my peace. It's bad enough that you and those kids keep pestering me even after graduation." Y/n felt her mood flatten. "I didn't graduate, remember." Aizawa realized his slip up and he nodded before leaving her alone. 

Loud rhythmic knocking disturbed Y/n from her sleep, pushing her irritation away, she stood and went to the door. She checked the peephole and saw Hizashi. She cracked the door open "Fuck off." Hizashi's mood perked up more when he heard her voice. "Y/n! I haven't seen you in ages!" He pushed the door open, for a man in his sixties or older he had pretty good strength. "Hizashi, I'm fucking tired. We can go to lunch or some shit later, but I need sleep." Hizashi's grin widened as he saw Aizawa shuffle down the hall. "All three of us can go for lunch!" Aizawa's eyes met Y/n's as he glowered at her. "Why'd you let it in?" She groaned as Hizashi dragged her to the couch. "I didn't, I told him to fuck off but he shoved me through the door." Aizawa audibly groaned as he shuffled into the kitchen.

Finding themselves stuck with Hizashi, Aizawa and Y/n gave into Hizashi's demand for the three to go to lunch. After ordering their food, Hizashi could shut up for more than a millisecond at a time. "Hizashi kindly shut the fuck up." Aizawa looked at Y/n, who started to massage her temples from the headache the blonde was causing. Only then did Hizashi shut up. "I've been doing fine. Work is still shit, but gotta make money somehow, right?" Hizashi simply nodded. "I got offered a job to assist in an investigation, the pay might be good, and this might put me in a good spot to make better money later." Hizashi perked up and grinned like a madman. "That's amazing news! Have you found a boyfriend, or maybe a girlfriend?" Y/n's expression fell flat as she glared at him. "I had a boyfriend. He didn't last long. Occupational hazard, y'know." He immediately felt bad for bringing the subject up. 

Y/n felt sluggish after lunch. With a full belly and the sun beating down so harshly during this summer, she felt like she could fall asleep at any given moment. She rubbed her eyes lazily before releasing a loud yawn. She took up to the skies, hoping the sleepiness would fizzle out as the cooler wind hit her face. Her eyes drooped as she tried to stay awake long enough to get back to Aizawa's. Her eyes weren't shut but for a second when she felt her body collide with something. Fluttering back, she blinked harshly in shock at the man she flew into. They lowered onto the nearest rooftop and she started to apologize. "I am so sorry Hawks. I shut my eyes for a literal second." His laugh rang in the air as he patted her shoulder. "It's all fine kid! You look exhausted." Her exhaustion wore off a bit as she got annoyed with him immediately. "I'm not a kid." Hawks looked the woman up and down and half smiled. "Sorry, you just look young is all. How old are ya?" Y/n felt her annoyance bubble into irritation. "I'm twenty-nine." Hawk's jaw nearly dropped as his eyes roamed over her. He hadn't met another bird-human hybrid that was around his age before. "Where are you from?" She rolled her eyes as his questions got a bit more intrusive. "I'll talk if you get me some coffee." He grinned down at her as he mock bowed to her. "Anything for such a cute lady." 

"Y/n L/n." "Keigo Takami. Nice to meet you." She simply sipped on her drink as she settled into her seat. "So where are you from?" She held the cup in her hands as she felt it work its way through her system. "I was born in Hosu, but I bounced around a lot as a kid." He hummed as he listened. "You dad a hero or military?" She shook her head. "Nope, both of my parents died when I was little. I bounced through the system all my life." Hawks felt a bit bad for her as she spoke. They fell into silence as she asked the waitress for more coffee. "With wings as grand as yours, I'm surprised I haven't seen you out in the hero ranks." Her soft chuckle had him puzzled as her eyes met his. "I'm really surprised you don't know me." "Huh?" Her smile only grew at his noticeable confusion. "Does the term 'Hel's Augury' ring any bells?" Hawks' jaw went slack as he leaned closer. "Are you Midnight Valkyrie?" "Ding ding ding. We have a winner." She waved a finger around jokingly. "Damn. I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner." A goofy grin melted over his face as he leaned even closer to her. "So, I do believe that your name talks of an omen. Is it a good one for my sake?~" Y/n rolled her eyes with a laugh. "I dunno. You might have to woo me first. So far your charms aren't working on me." He slid a card across the table with a number scrawled across the back before dropping some cash on the table for the bill and taking his leave.

"We'll see how long that lasts. Call me." 

Word Count: 1,202

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