Chapter Five

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Bakugo didn't see Y/n for a few days, it was just shy of fourteen days when she finally showed back up at the agency for a meeting. She didn't show up till halfway through the meeting and Bakugo felt relief flood him after seeing she was alive. He didn't want to be the one responsible for someone's death, intentional or not. "Valkyrie. Nice of you to join us-" Deku was cut off as the woman smiled and slapped a manilla folder on the table. "Found something!" He took up the folder and his face scrunched up. "Where'd you get this?" She smiled madly. "I'm glad you asked! I had a bit of a chit-chat with Giran's boy. I finally got another lead from him, and I found one of their facilities!" A few murmurs interrupted the woman as she stood at an awkward angle and held her side. "Shush! Anyhow, I looked into the facility and there was nothing there. Upon further investigation, I found evidence of the bullets being made there at some point even though the equipment had been relocated." Deku looked concerned as the woman wobbled a little with a cheerful smile painted on her face. "You don't look too well, what happened?" Her smile didn't drop as she took a seat. 

"I ran into a bit of trouble on my way out of that place. I may or may not have gotten shot in the process." Deku's eyes widened as her face paled more. "Okay, it was more like a few shots. They thought those quirk-erasing bullets would work on me. Fucking dumbasses." She laughed. "You've been shot?! Why the hell did you come here?!" Bakugo's booming voice made everyone else fall silent. "Aw somebody worried? It's just a few bullet holes and blood. I'll be just fine. I just need a shower, bandaids, and sleep." Her nonchalant attitude made everyone uneasy. She sat back up and went to leave. But she stopped at the door. "I'm sorry for being a mess, Mina. I would've showered beforehand, but I had to finish my mission before resting." No one knew what to do with that woman as she limped her way out of the room. 

"Y/n! Please go to the hospital!" She waved off Kirishima as she grinned. "I'll be more than fine Red. I'm headed home, if anyone needs anything just give me a call." Bakugo joined his best friend in the hall. "Just go to the fuckin hospital." Her smile finally dropped as her eyes met Bakugo's. "The hospital is where people go to die. Fuck that shit. I'm going Home." He muttered curses as he jogged up to the winged woman. "If you are so persistent on going home, I'll take you." Y/n gave in since a ride sounded better than using a wing that had two bullets in it and had already gone thirty miles after getting them. "Thank you." Bakugo barely heard her over the slam of his Jeep's door being slammed. He was feeling pretty thankful for taking the jeep to work instead of his sports car.

Feeling a soft tug of the seatbelt, Y/n woke up. She saw Aizawa'a familiar apartment and smiled. She slid out of Bakugo's jeep and grunted feeling the sprain in her ankle slowly starting to pulsate. "If you need help, just fucking ask." He took one of her arms and slung it over his shoulders as he redirected her body weight to him. He kicked his car door shut and locked it with the fob. "Apartment 307." She muttered as he clicked the third level button. When she finally got to the apartment she felt around for her key ring and grumbled. "I left my fucking key in the damn lock box at the agency. God fucking damn it." Aizawa had given the spare that he used to keep outside to her. She banged on the door and stepped back. It was a minute and a few rounds of knocking later before someone finally answered the door. "Hey, dad." Bakugo's eyes nearly bugged out seeing his former sensei. "What the fuck did you do Y/n?" Aizawa narrowed his eyes at Bakugo but was pushed aside as Y/n walked into the apartment. "It wasn't his fault. I went after a lead alone and got shot at." Aizawa let Bakugo in as he went to his bathroom. "How many?" "Assailants or bullet holes?" "Both." "Well, there were three of them. They fired a few bullets each, but I think I only got hit with four or five in total." Aizawa handed the kit to Bakugo. "I can't stitch her up. I don't have steady hands anymore." "And you. How many fucking times do I have to tell you not to be so fucking stupid?" 

"Sorry. Alright? I got caught up in the moment and rushed in without fully checking out the perimeter." Aizawa sat across the room, and Bakugo was pulling slugs from her wings. Her wings had the most damage. She only got one bullet to her side and it was in a relatively safe place. "I think she should go to the hospital." Y/n protested as she pulled away from Bakugo. "Taking her to a hospital won't help her. If anything she will have a panic attack and sedate her and make it even worse." Bakugo looked at Aizawa with the most blatant expression of confusion. "Why are you so fucking scared of hospitals?" Aizawa raised his hands in defeat and left the two to sort out their conversation. "My parents died in Hosu General. After a villain attacked them, the doctors and nurses misdiagnosed what the villain's quirk was doing to them and gave them the wrong treatment. I watched as they both flatlined." 

Bakugo didn't say anything as he stitched her wounds shut. "I know it wasn't the hospital's fault for their deaths. But I still can't bring myself to even look at one since their deaths." Bakugo silently listened to her as he tied off her stitches. "I'm sorry." Once again there was that smile that Bakugo was starting to hate. "Don't be. None of it was your fault." He snatched the woman into a hug. "Quit acting like you're peachy when you're not. You need to fucking let shit go before it kills you." He let her go and cleaned up the mess he made. "I gotta get back to work. Call me if you need anything, don't bother that old man in there too much." Y/n nodded as she stood and carefully stretched. "I'm not gonna bother him. I am going to bed, I probably won't wake up for a couple of days, so don't wait up on me at the agency." He simply nodded and left.  

Word Count: 1,126

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