Chapter Eighteen

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Deku put the investigation on hold till Nejire could return to Japan. He wanted more backup and another eye for the case. So the whole group got together at one of the bars in Hosu city. 

"Bakugo! Who's the sexy beast you brought?" Y/n looked around for the voice and turned around to see a man who stood just under five feet tall. He had a lewd expression on his face, making Y/n want to knock his lights out. "Watch what you call me, I might drop you from a thousand feet in the air." Mineta stepped back sweatdropping. "Sorry..." Bakugo smiled with pride seeing her reaction. "Who invited the fucking perverted midget?!" Y/n smiled at her boyfriend's outburst. "It is a class reunion..." Kirishima patted his friend on the back. Mineta seemed to disappear into the crowd. "The usual?" You nodded to Katsuki and sat back with Mina and Momo. "So Bakugo finally got a girlfriend?" Mina nodded profusely at the raven-haired woman. "Yeah! I don't know how his grump ass scored a hottie such as Y/n, but it seems like she's mellowing him out!" Y/n didn't bother with the gossip and shook Momo's hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n, I assume you are Ms. Yaoyorozu?" Momo nodded with a smile "Yep! I'm glad to hear Bakugo finally got into a relationship. I mean, he's had a few over the years, but none of them lasted more than a couple of weeks. His brute personality scares women off." Y/n's brow scrunched at her words. "Katsuki isn't all that scary. Sure he has his moments, but I think those women aren't strong enough to handle a good man such as Katsuki." Momo and Mina blanched at Y/n's words. "Ain't no fucking way you said that about the Katsuki Bakugo. Are you sure you're talking about the same man?" Y/n nodded as her boyfriend returned with a neat Whiskey and his own beer. "Talking about who?" his voice was rough, Y/n leaned into him and kissed his cheek. "You of course. I was just telling them how any other women who ran off just couldn't handle a man as good as you." Hearing her words, his free hand wrapped itself around her waist and he held her to his side. 

"Did she somehow do a personality transplant on him? I have never seen him so... Docile?" Momo whispered to Mina. "I don't know. He's like a totally different person when she's around!" Kirishima wrapped his arms around Mina's waist and pulled her into a hug. Shoto Todoroki found his way over and even showed a soft smile toward Momo. "You sucking face with Icy-Hot?" Momo's face twitched. "Oh look, Bakugo is back." "The fuck do you mean by that?!" He yelled, but Momo was already falling back into the crowd. Y/n wrapped an arm around his waist and hugged him softly. "She was talking about your temper and the nicknames you gave to your old classmates." She pecked his lips, but he leaned down and deepened the peck into a full kiss. When they pulled away she saw a familiar bright blonde making his way through the crowd with a certain indigo-haired man in tow. "Mirio! Tamaki! It's good to see you guys!" 

"You know we couldn't resist dropping by, Kirishima invited us!" Tamaki wouldn't look y/n in the eyes, he saw her kissing Bakugo. He knew his chance was gone once again. "Icy-hot is covering the tab this time, he said to feel free to order food or drinks. I swear that bastard wipes his ass with hundreds!" Mirio laughed and patted Tamaki's shoulder "We won't be around very long. We just wanted to drop in and say hi before we headed in for work." Y/n released Bakugo and gave her two friends a hug. "Don't be late on my account. I can catch up with you guys later!" Bakugo didn't worry about Tamaki making any moves. He knew that Tamaki didn't stand a chance against him and that Y/n only thought of him as a friend. 


Stumbling into his entryway, Katsuki fumbled with his shoes as Y/n did with hers. Both of them were tipsy and had to break up a steamy make-out session to get into the apartment. As soon as their shoes were off, he picked her up by her thighs and carried her into the living room before dropping her onto the couch. "Wait." Y/n panted, her lips longing to reconnect with his, but she didn't want to suffer a sprained wing from getting steamy on the couch. "Let's go to your room." She didn't have to tell him twice, he growled lowly and picked her up, this time by her ass and pinning her hips against his. He never fully closed any door in his apartment, so he didn't have to fumble annoyingly for a doorknob. Marching straight to his bed, he dropped her onto it and immediately started ripping clothes off of himself, watching her do the same. Clothes were scattered on the floor, and the only thing between each other was underwear. His red eyes danced over her figure as she fell back onto the bed. Her wings and hair splayed out, and as much as he wanted to admire the view, his body dropped down over her. His teeth grazed her neck as his lips traveled back to hers. He felt her groin grind against his own as he loomed over her body. Her back arched as his hands slid around and unclasped her bra. He carelessly threw it behind him as he marveled at the view of her body. "You. Are. So. Fucking. Perfect." A soft moan escaped her as his hands groped her. His lips hungrily fought with hers as his hands wandered over her. A sharp gasp from her broke their kiss as his hands dragged over her wings. "Oh~ You like that, huh?" moans fell from her as he brushed his hands through her feathers before dragging his nails lightly down her back. 

He snatched her panties off in a swift movement, and with an antagonizing slow speed, he kissed his way down to her core. Relishing the way she squirmed under him. Her moans now were putting the ones from before to shame as he dragged his tongue over her. He continued to toy with her till she was getting close to her high, then stopped. He received a whiny moan of disapproval from her as he stood up to pull his boxers down. "I have something better in store for you baby~" He loomed over her again and captured her lips in another heated kiss. "You better buckle up, cause you're not gonna be able to move when I'm done~" 

Word Count: 1,125

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