Chapter Fifteen

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After Kirishima's call, Bakugo decided that he needed to get a move on. He needed to take her out more so he could actually call her his girlfriend. He wasted no time sending her a text. 

Bakugo: I'll be by tomorrow to pick you up. 

                                                                                                                      Y/n: Okay... Everything okay?

Bakugo: Everything's fine. I'm taking you out for another date. 

                                                                                                                     Y/n: Good to hear, what time tomorrow?

Bakugo: Noon

He couldn't help the soft smile that fell over his lips. She worries too much. He laid back on his bed, feeling better after hearing from his friend. At least she wasn't gonna get swept up off her feet by some other shitty pro hero. 


Y/n had grabbed a shower and gotten ready without alerting Mina to what she was doing. She felt like a teenager sneaking around their parents, all because Mina was a bit too much when she heard about any blooming relationships with her friends. Y/n checked herself again in the mirror. She had her pair of dark blue jeans, a black band t-shirt, a red plaid zip-up hoodie, and her black lug boots. She didn't have much trouble getting her wings through the slots of her clothes. She didn't do much makeup, and simply let her hair do whatever it does. Bakugo would have to just deal with how she looked since she didn't feel like getting dolled up. Shoving her phone and wallet into her jeans, she left her room. "Where are you running off to?" She paused, cursing herself for not making a run for it. "I ran out of f/s. So I'm gonna run down to the convenience store and see if they have some." Mina sighed and snuggled back up to Kirishima on the couch. "How you wound me! Lying to your bestie!" Y/n cringed at her overt display of heartbreak. "I know you're hanging with Bakugo, you don't have to lie." Y/n huffed and chunked a throw pillow at her. "See you later Mina!" She popped up from the couch. "I better not! You better end the night in his bed!" Y/n slammed the door a bit harder than she meant to but didn't turn back.

Y/n didn't have to look for Bakugo, his Jeep was parked at the curb waiting for her. "So where are we headed?" Bakugo smiled sinisterly. "Seeing as how it has been raining since the sun rose, I am taking us out for lunch, and then I figured we could just watch movies at my place." Bakugo pulled out of the parking lot. "Sounds nice. Do you have anything planned for lunch?" He smirked and nodded. "It's a surprise, so you're just gonna have to see when we get there." 

"Sushi? That was the surprise?" Y/n wasn't disappointed, but she didn't understand why he made it a surprise. "Yeah, you said you liked sushi, and this is the best restaurant in Hosu." She smiled as they followed the waitress to their table. "So why was this supposed to be a surprise? I do love sushi, I'm happy you brought us here, I just don't understand why you were trying to surprise me." Bakugo wanted to slap her with the menu, but he restrained himself. "Well, our last 'date' was just a ride on my bike, some drinks at a bar, and we watched tv at my place. I wanted to take you out for a real date." Y/n looked over her menu, already gathering her order. "Honestly, you could have had us sitting down with coffee and books and I would consider it a date." Bakugo rose a singular brow and smirked. "Oh so birdie is a bookworm?" Y/n set her drink back down "Romantic novels with twists sharper than mountainous roads are where it's at." She winked at him "I can't say I've been a romance novel fan, but I do enjoy the fan-made manga series someone's been writing about me. They are pretty good with details of my hero suit and my fighting style." 

"Sounds like you have a number one fan. I can't say I've had much publicity, most I've had was the few fan boys who literally stalked me when I was twenty five. They backed off when they realized I don't take too kindly to people taking pictures of my apartment windows." Bakugo quietly seethed over this revelation. "What did you do about it?" Y/n chuckled "I couldn't find them at first, when I finally did get my hands on them I gave them a heart attack." She sipped on her water. "They were stalking me because they were running a blog about me. Apparently they were curious about what I like in bed and if I had any lovers. Let's just say they were picking camera parts out of their asses after I was done with them. I guess the physical threat scared them enough because the blog and the entire website they created magically vanished." Bakugo laughed "They probaly thought you were a sadist and freaked out." 

Both fell quiet when the waiter returned, they quickly gave their orders and the waiter left. Bakugo didn't like how the waiter's eyes lingered on Y/n. "I have a serious question for you, and if you lie I'll leave." Y/n leaned her elbows on the table "Are you actually interested in dating me, or are you only looking for someone to throw around in the sheets?" Bakugo looked a bit taken back at her question, a somber expression washing over his face "If you want my honest answer, both. Since I met you, I've noticed you don't take shit from anyone, you play along with my bullshit and call me out when I go too far, and you keep me on my toes." He took a breath "I'll only say this once, I want something more than just dating you. I can't stand admitting my feelings like this, but I really like you." And that hag of a woman will have my damn head if I don't fucking fess up. His thoughts wandered a bit. Y/n looked stunned as her lips twitched upward "Alright then, I'll humor you. If I date you, you better not play the game of fuck around find out. Because I will curb stomp you through your own agency." His expression twitched as his aggression tried to break through. "Last time I checked, fuck around find out is a game for cheating shitbags. So humor me, be my girlfriend." Her laugh settled any antagonism that had started to stir in him. "I wonder how well you'll fair as a boyfriend, Katsuki." hearing his name fall from her like that made a chill run through his body before it heated up. 

Word Count: 1,116

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