Snacks From Jayden

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Carter POV

After our win with our other team everyone was energized and ready for the final match against South Colom high school the air was heavy everyone could feel it me and Adrian decided to go sit outside but I stayed behind for a bit because I was hungry so I went to the food stand.

But as I was walking up to the stand I saw no other than Jayden she was buying some thing I didn't know what because I couldn't see but I walked faster to see because I'm nosy.

I stood right behind her as I looked at the menu to see what they had but that's when she realized I was there.

" Oh hey Carter I heard that you guys won your match." She told me with a smile as she looked back at the person at the stand and she was ready to order.

" Hello ma'am what would you like for today?" The man asked with a flirty smile making me freeze, did this dude think he had a chance with Jayden?

" I would like a water, Gatorade, and some almonds." Jayden said while pulling out her wallet.

" And which color of Gatorade would the pretty lady like?" The man asked shooting a wink at Jayden I was about to say something until I felt the presents behind both me and Jaden and I knew exactly who it was.


She wrapped her arms around Jayden's waist and kissed her forehead lightly.

" Hello beautiful," She said to Jayden who smiled at Adrian who was glaring at the man.

" Are you two-"

" Yes they are now leave her alone." I said interrupting the man as he shivered in fear.

" I want the red one please." Jayden said with a kind of voice as he handed Jayden what she asked for but he was so scared of Adrian he never said the price so we got what we wanted for free.

Jayden sat Adrian down outside knowing that she was annoyed.

" Why was he even flirting with you? Like back off." Adrian said with a huff as Jayden got behind her playing with her hair seeming to calm down Adrian as she relaxed at the touch.

" I got you water or Gatorade with almonds." She told Adrian as she looked up at Jayden.

" But I don't want to eat any-"

" You're going to eat Adrian you haven't ate all day, and that's final." Jayden said with a serious tone making Adrian smile.

" Thank you love." Adrian said as if I wasn't even her making Jayden smile.

" Your welcome, now Carter you make sure she eats and if she doesn't tell me." Jayden said as I nodded with a smile.

Yes ma'am." I replied to her as she walked away making Adrian smile turn into a brown but then Jaden stopped almost like she knew what Adrian had done and turned back around.

" And good luck on your next game and do good because I'll be watching." She told Adrian kissing her forehead before leaving again but this time Adrian smiled stayed.

" Your so whipped for her." I said laughing as Adrian smiled chuckling.

" Your damn right I am." Was all she said before we all headed back in for the final game.

North Rain vs. South Colom.

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