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Adrian POV

After we won the match the crowd went wild I looked over at Jayden to see she was being dragged away by Victoria me and Carter looked at each other before leaving the gym, leaving her stuff behind following quickly behind them.

We came to a stop as we saw Victoria and Olivia at the end of the hall cornering Jayden making it hard for her to escape.

" Did you help them win?" Olivia asked with annoyance as Victoria paced around the hallway.

" No I didn't why would I do that?" Jayden said defending herself as Victoria turned around angry.

" DON'T FUCKING LIE TO US!" Victoria yelled before calming down and continued, " There's no way she knew how to do that so you HAD to tell her."

" B-but I-I didn't." Jayden stuttered as tears formed in her eyes.

" Then what did you do with her? Hmm?" Victoria asked as Olivia looked uncomfortable at the question but stayed quiet.

" I d-did nothing I-I swear." Jayden said now crying making Victoria's eyes fill with even more anger.

" DON'T LIE TO ME!" Victoria yelled punching her on the face making her fall and that was the final straw.

I walked over to them grabbing Victoria's arm throwing her into the lockers making her look up at me with an angry look.

" Don't you ever fucking touch her again or we will have problems." I told her as I grabbed Jayden's arm lightly letting go of all the things Victoria had just done.

" Come on beautiful let's go." I told her walking away letting my anger go but then I felt it the pull on my hoodie.

" You're not going fucking anywhere." Victoria said anger in her eyes making me get off the floor and tackle her letting my anger take over I punched her in the face but she pushed me off not letting me get another punching in.

She got her punches in and so did I, Olivia ran off as Carter ran off to get my parents or even the coaches Jayden stood there in shock as I hit Victoria and did it over and over again both of our faces bloody our lips were busted, face bruised, and mouths bleeding that was when I heard them mom, mama, and lastly people.

" ADRIAN STOP, GET OFF HER!" My mama yelled as my mom tried to pull me off Victoria but both of us kept going until I saw her.


" Rian, baby, stop please." Jayden said grabbing my face making me look at her she was crying, shaking, that's what made me stop giving Victoria a chance to get out from underneath me.

I wrapped my arms around her, putting my face in her shoulder, calming down instantly as she rubbed my head slowly I smiled as she did so it was calming.

My coach and Victoria's coach was standing behind all of us looking in horror at the site they had seen me at my worst my coach started talking to me.

" What happened Adrian?" She asked me as I finally told them what happened.

They were all shocked everything was shocking to them what had been going on between Jaden and Victoria, how much she had been hurting her, and with all the bullying.

" I'm so sorry Jayden that I didn't see it sooner." Her coach said looking at Jayden with sadness but then at Victoria with anger.

" We are going to have a talk later Victoria." Was all their coach said before we all went dead silent.

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