You are his assistant pt.6

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You can't really explain it but since you had walked out his office after he lifted you off that chair, it's even weirder between you two.

You try to act as normal as possible around him...but man, its hard.

You already have to deal with the fact that he is obviously very attractive and good-looking. So he can't just do things like that...or look at you like that...

Tonight you need to go to a friends wedding so because Marshalls house is on your way anyway you just took your stuff that you need to get ready with you.

You planned on wearing a light green dress and a beige blazer with matching heels. You thought it would match with your green eyes.


You arrived at Marshalls house.

He already knows about your plans so he knows that you'll leave at 5pm.

Right now you were just wearing a black leggins and an oversized blue tshirt.

Then you just did your work.


You just finished getting ready when you heard Marshall coming back from the studio.

You wore the tight green dress which showed the majority of your long legs, and the blazer that was just a bit longer then your dress.

You just curled up your long hair a bit so it would still look natural. And you were pretty content about your make up as well.

You normally hate wearing make up and if you even do you just put some conceiler, mascara and lip balm on.

But right now, you couldnt even deny it; you looked beautiful.

You added a few sprinkles of perfume before you left the bathroom and walked downstairs.

Your heals clacked on the floor with every step you took.

You walked into the kitchen to grab a water bottle before you would go to the wedding. But of course Marshall sat there and instantly looked at you when you entered the room.

"I'll leave now", you said without looking at him while taking out a waterbottle out the fridge.

When you turned around you caught Marshall staring at your bare legs before his eyes went up, scanning the rest of your body before his eyes met yours.

"You're wearing a dress", he just stated as if it was the weirdest things ever.

"I know?", you said with a questioning look.

He just frowned at you which made you feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Trust me Marshall, only because I run around your house in sweatpants and hoodie without makeup on doesnt mean I can't pick a good outfit."

"You look good", he mumbled without even listening to you.

It definitely caught you off-guard but you didnt want to show it so you just went with a smirking "I know."

That just made him raise an eybrow, overdramatically.

"But thanks", you chuckled.

You somehow even ejoyed him looking at you like this even though it still felt weird.

"Bye Marshall", you smiled. "Oh and I left my stuff upstairs but I'll take it home with me tomorrow, okay?"

He just nodded.

Without even thinking about it you went over to him and gave him a hug.

What the fuck?!

It definitely caught him off-guard because he didnt have anything smart to say to that.

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