You are a young female rapper under Marshalls wings pt.1

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Disclaimer: This is gonna be a longer story. Hope you like it <3


"What's going through your mind right now?", Marshall asked after you were quiet for a while.

You were working together on some songs for your upcoming album. Marshall had just signed you to his label about a month ago and things are going really well.

Also, it's very chill and easy to work with him and it helps a lot that you two get along so well because you just feel like you can trust him which feels pretty good.

But still, a lot of rather negative thoughts were running through your mind which was freaking you out. You just worry a lot about how the media will react to your music in general because you have put a lot of hard work in it and rap about things that mean a lot to you and it's very personal.

"Y/n", Marshall pressed a little.

You knew you could tell him stuff like this because he obviously had to deal with a lot of those thoughts himself. But still...

You leaned back in your swivel chair and shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just thinking about a lot of things. Like, for example, what if everyone simply hates my music. What if nobody wants to listen to it. It would be so disappointing..."

Marshall simply nodded but also smiled a little. "Y/n, stop worrying. I love your music, you know. I really do. You're an amazing writer and your lyrics are so meaningful. So I don't believe nobody will listen to it. And those who dislike your music must either have a bad taste or just have really fucked up ears. Trust me."

Wow... To hear something like this does feel really good. Especially coming from one of your idols.

Like really, sometimes it still feels so surreal to be working with one of the best selling artists ever... Like what the fuck?!

"Thanks", you said quietly and looked down.

Marshall pov

I liked her. Honestly, she's really adorable sometimes.

I've stumbled across her music a few months ago while I scrolled through youtube and watched a music video from her. It took some time to figure everything out with the label but she finally could sign the contract which is why we are now working a lot together.

I also see myself kinda responsible for her because she doesn't have a manager yet since she's only 23 years old. But nevertheless I saw the talent in her and really want her to pop up because I really do believe she's gonna be really successful in the future.

I just feel like I still need to teach her a lot of things, especially the right mindset.

"Y/n", I chuckled softly because she honestly looked quite upset. "Stop worrying, seriously. You're so talented and still so young. My first album didn't make me famous instantly but I just kept working and didn't let them critics put me down. Trust me, it's gonna be okay. You need to have trust in yourself."

"Okay", she nodded, still staring down at her feet.

I chuckled softly. She really was kinda cute.
"Y/n", I said and rolled over to her with my chair and stooped right in front of her, caging her knees in with mine.

I reached out for her chin and carefully pulled it up so she would look at me. "You can trust me, okay?", I said reassuring before I rolled a few feet backwards again.

"Thanks, Marshall", she said with a slight smile.


1 week later

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