You meet at a LA party pt.4

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"You can't imagine how much I've missed you, Marsh", you said after you've arrived at his house and were now standing in his kitchen.

Marshall was leaning against the kitchen counter and you were standing right in front of him. You had placed your hands on his stomach and waist and were simply smiling up to him.

Marshall smiled back before leaning forward a little to kiss you. You had missed his kisses so damn much. So you simply wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately.

Marshall had wrapped his arms around your waist and was now sneaking his hands under your shirt, tracing his fingers over your bare skin.

After a while you stopped kissing and you simply leaned your head against his shoulder and took in his scent.

"I never wanna leave your arms ever again", you whispered.

In response to that Marshall simply hugged you even tighter and leaned his head against yours.

Marshall seemed really stressed out lately and it was honestly freaking you out.

He had been on the phone for quite some time and was now slamming doors and shit.

"Baby, what's wrong?", you asked softly and got up from the couch and walked over to him. "You look pissed. What happened?"

"Nothing happened", he stated. "I'm just fucking exhausted."

You placed your palms onto his chest and looked up to him.

"What do you need?", you asked him.

"A hug", he mumbled.

So without waisting a second you wrapped your arms around Marshalls waist and hugged him tightly.

He surprisingly simply buried his face into the crook of your neck.

"Thanks, sweetie", he mumbled exhausted and loosely wrapped his arms around your shoulders and let out a big sigh.

"Alright", you said softly, rubbing his back a bit. "Let's sit down on the couch and you'll relax a little. Marshall, you need some serious rest."

"U-hu", he simply mumbled before pulling away, walking straight over to the couch.

Next you both sat down but you decided to place a pillow on your lap and instantly pulled Marshall over to you.

He quickly understood and placed his head onto the pillow.

"Marsh, take a big breath for me", you said while starting to softly brush your fingers through his short brown hair. He looked so unbelievably cute right now.

So he took in a big breath and let it out. And next he simply turned to the side, facing my stomach, before he simply buried his face into my sweater.

"I'm tired", he mumbled.

"I know", you said softly and traced your fingers over his head and shoulders. "Tomorrow you have a day off, right?"

"U-hu", he mumbled again.

"Are you hungry, baby?", you asked him.

"U-hu", he nodded. Oh he really wasn't talkative today.

"Alright, I'll order you something. What do you wanna eat, Marsh?", you chuckled amused.

"Pizza", he groaned and glanced up to you. "With extra cheese."

"Oh yeah?", you smiled down at him.

"Yeah...I know I wanted to lose weight but I just need it now", he grumbled.

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