You are his assistant pt.1

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Like every other morning you drive to Marshalls house for work.

You work as his assistant for four months already. So that meanw you have to do things like cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping while he's at the studio and you sometimes cook for dinner. And in the other hand you also have to make sure that he gets all the information. Because his manager Paul usually calls you or texts you and then you have to tell Marshall, weather its bad news or good news.

You like your job. I mean you get paid very well and you're allowed to eat at his house or watch tv and stuff like that, as long as youve done all the work for the day.

When you enter the huge house you instantly notice that something is different because there wasnt any music playing in the kitchen.

Usually Marshall already sits in the kitchen, eating his waffles and listening to music before he drives to the studio.

But today it was totally quiet.

You step out of your shoes, take off your coat and the scarf before you look for him in the kitchen and the living room because his shoes were still standing in the hallway.

"Marshall?!", you shouted.

But you didnt get an answer.

You went upstairs and knocked on his bedroom door where you suddenly heard caughing.

"Marshall?", you asked softly and opened the door.

You were pretty surprised when you saw him still laying in bed. Because when you learned one thing in the last four months, it was that he hated to be late and that he always wants to be at thr studio as early as possible.

"You okay?"

But he just pulled the covers over his head as if he was embarrassed which made you chuckle a bit.

You werent sure weather you should ask again or just leave the room again and start working.

But when you looked at him again you saw that he was looking at you.

He looked...definitely sick. Red nose, puffy eyes and even more pale than usual.

"Oh man what happened to you?", you sighted. "What did you do this weekend?"

"It's just a cold I guess", he said in a raspy voice and started to caugh again.

You slowly walked around his huge bed and stopped right next to him.

"I don't think its just a cold", you mumbled when he closed his eyes again.

Then you just layed your hand on his forehead to feel his temperature.

And boy...he was sick...

"Marshall you have a fever...", you said softly. "I'll make you a cup of tea, okay? I'll be right back."


After you went back into his room his bed was empty. So when you looked in the bathroom you saw a shirtless Marshall kneeling on the floor in front of the toilet, puking.

"Oh my god...", you mumbled to yourself and went over to him and layed a hand on his bare shoulder because you didnt know what else to do.

After a time he got up again and walked back to his bed and layed down again.

"Marshall, that isnt just a cold", you sighted slightly worried.

What worried you the most is that he has a live tv performance in three days...

"I don't know what it is", he whispered because now his voice was comoletely gone. "But everything hurts."

You just put the tea on his night stand, walked into his closet and came back with a warm hoodie.

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