Music video shoot pt.1

978 18 1

You are actually about to meet Eminem. Yes Eminem.

Last week you took part in a casting for a big music video shoot without knowing for whom it would be for.

Yesterday you got a message that its for Eminem. First you were kinda shocked. I mean youve heard a lot of him through the media so youre actually a little scared.

But right now youre simply excited and are actually looking forward to meet him.

You are in the dressing room, putting on the right clothes. Your make up has been already done earlier.

You wore a blue jeans and a white crop top. Your blonde hair still had its natural curls. And your make up was very natural which you really liked. You would actually dress like this normally too so right now you're quite comfortable.

"Bella?", a voice asked through the door. "Are you coming?"

"Yes", you yelled, took a deep breath and followed the woman that was calling you.


You arrived on set and even if there were like thousand peolpe running around, you directly noticed Eminem.

He was wearing black jeans and a grey Hoodie.

He didnt look at you because he was talking to the producer. But then someone interrupted them and pointed in your direction.

The man turned around and within less than a second his eyes scanned up and down your body. Was he checking you out? No, you hope not.

Then he walked over to you and stopped in front of you. He had dark brown hair and a beard. You remembered reading somewhere that he had turned 50. But honestly, he looks a lot younger.

"Hey, I'm Marshall", he introduced himself to you. He sounded so much nicer than you expected him to be.

"Hi I'm Bella", you said shyly.

"Thanks for coming", he continued.

"Oh, believe me, you really dont have to thank me", you mumbled and looked away.

"Okay, anyways, I think we'll start in a minute or so. So you wanna come with me? We'll start over there", he said and you followed him.

"Have you already talked to the regisseur and producer?"

"Yes", you answered. "I talked to them yesterday on the phone. They already explained everything to me."

"Okay good."

You were already prepared for the role you were playing. You were here to play Marshalls girlfriend. The first scene will be in a hotel room and you just have to act like a realistic couple. The imagination of it was actually really weird, considering you only know each other for less than ten minutes. Anyways...


"And action!", someone yelled.

You were sitting on the bed, recording yourself and Marshall walked into the room, over to you.

"Hey", he sighted and pressed his lips to yours for a short time.

"Hey", you said.

"What are you doin?", he asked while stepping out of his shoes

"Nothing", you answered and looked at him through the camera screen when he was walking over to you.

It wasnt really planned what we should do exactly because the producers said they trusted you two so you didnt really know what Marshall would do next.

Marshall got onto the bed and layed his arms around your waist from behind. Then he placed his chin on your shoulder so that your cheeks were touching.

You actually shot a lot of other little scenes like that, for example you two laying in bed together, cuddling and stuff like that.

You filmed the whole day so you were quite exhausted at the end of it. You got yourself a waterbottle, leaned against the wall and let yourself slowly slide down to the floor.

So now you were just sitting on the floor in a more quiet corner, leaning against the wall and drinking your water.

You just let your head fall down into your lap out of exhaustion until you suddenly heard a well known voice.

"Everything okay?", Marshall asked.

You looked up to him confuesd and just nodded. "Yes...its just a bad headache. But i guess I'm fine. Thanks."

"Okay...", he said. You thought he would walk away now but he actually didnt.

Surprisingly, he sat down next to you so that your arms were actually touching.

"You did a great job. Thank you", Marshall said.

"No stop it, Marshall. I have to thank you. Thank you for giving me that chance."

"No I mean thank you for not acting different aroumd me just because I'm Eminem or something. Thanks for just calling me Marshall... you know I made a lot of bad experiences with women on set with me", he confessed and you were very surprised he would be so open.

"I can only imagine...", you mumbled.

"Yeah honestly i was just a bit scared of the kiss you know...couldve been a lot more difficult if you were one of these crazy girls that wouldve never let me go", he chuckled.

"Hmm, maybe I should try that technique tomorrow", you joked and couldnt stop smiling.

"Oh dont you even think about it", he said trying to stay serious.

"Okay, if you are that scared of me, then I maybe wont do it", you giggled.

"Hey stop being so mean? I'm Eminem, remember?", he joked and playfully nudged you with his ellbow to the side.

"Heyy, thats mean", you said, trying to sound upset.

Is this really happening right now? Are you really joking around with Eminem right now. Eminem?!

"Anyways", he sighted. "I think I need to go now. You too?", he asked and you nodded.

Then he stood up and to your surprise he helped you up as well. Then he layed and arm around your shoulders and guided you to the exit.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow", he smiled.

"I guess so too, Eminem", you said bluntly.

Marshall just rolled his eyes at you even though he couldn't hide his smile. Then he suddenly pulled you into him and gave you a hug.

It actually surprised you because you would have never thought Marshall would be like I dont know. Also, you feel stupid now for thinking you needed to be scared of him. Stupid, stupid....

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