Enemies to Lovers pt.3

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For the next three days you and Marshall didn't do that much. You mainly spent time at the hotel, either at the gym or at your room. At night you always went for a little walk.

Tonight the others will finally arrive.

"I'm not really excited to see Riri", you sighed as you walked back into your hotel room after you both went for a little walk by the beach again.

"Are you still mad at her?", he asked, dropping his coat on one of the chairs.

"Yeah", you said. "I mean she's my best friend. And it just made me so upset that she only called me because you reminded her. That's fucked up!"

"Have you talked to her about it since?", Marshall asked, sitting down on another chair, simply watching you. You were still just standing there, your jacket still on, simply watching him.

"No", you shook your head. "Okay well, she had tried to call me a few times but I didn't answer", you shrugged.

"What? Why would you do that?", he asked confused.

"Because I am mad?", you replied irritated.

"Y/n, how's she supposed to apologize and explain herself when you won't let her talk to you?", he asked, visibly getting upset with you.

"Are you defending her right now?", you asked upset.

"What?! How is this me defending her?", Marshall asked loudly. "She was fucking wrong for what she did and you have every right to be mad. But trust me, she didn't do that on purpose."

"See? You are defending her", you snapped before taking off your jacket, threw it across the room and quickly walked into the bathroom and closed the door shut.

"You're behaving like a goddamn child!", Marshall yelled after you. "How can you be so stubborn all the time? I can't fucking believe it!"

Oh he was fucking angry...

"Shut up!", you simply yelled before you hopped into the shower.

You probably showered for almost thirty minutes, quietly crying to yourself in self-pity.

After a while you got out of the shower, put on this huge white bathrobe and brushed your teeth before exiting the bathroom again.

Marshall had changed into some basketball shorts and a black shirt. He was sitting on the bed, watching tv. And he completely ignored you.

You simply grabbed your pajamas and walked back to the bathroom to change.

"Don't think I didn't hear you cry in there", Marshall pointed out without even looking at you.

You didn't know what to say. You simply stared at him.

Next you simply walked over to his side of the bed. "Marshall, I'm sorry", you mumbled. "There was no need for me to yell at you like that."

"Yup", he simply said, still just watching the tv.

"Marshall", you said, almost begging.

"What?", he sighed annoyed.

"Are you mad at me?", you asked carefully.

"No, I really enjoy you yelling at me all the time and being so stubborn", he stated sarcastically, still not giving me one look.

"Marshall, I'm sorry", you said desperately and reached out for his hand. That made him look at you. Finally. "I'm very sorry. It was stupid..."

"It was", he nodded. "You need to stop being so impulsive, buddy", he said a lot softer now. "We could've just had a normal conversation about this."

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