Marshall gets sick on tour and you're taking care of him

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Marshall had just finished his concert in New York and was now walking backstage. He looked really exhausted.

You are his assistant so your task was now to hand him a fresh shirt and some water.

"You did it, Marshall", you said, trying to hype him up a little. But he somehow seemed more exhausted than usual.

He simply took off his sweaty shirt and walked over to you. You simply handed him the fresh shirt, looking at him a little worried.

"I'm so fucking exhausted", he mumbled while putting on the new shirt.

"Yeah, you need some rest", you nodded. "Water?", you asked and held up a water bottle.

He simply nodded and took it from you.

"Alright, buddy", you sighed. "Let's get out of here."

"Yeah, right onto the tourbus", Marshall grumbled.

He was right. We were traveling a lot with the bus lately. That means that we'll basically spend the nights on the bus since the shows usually end late at night. Tomorrow we need to be in Cleveland, Ohio.

"Marshall, I know it's fucked up. I hate it too. But come on, we need to go", you sighed and started to put all his stuff back into his backpack. "You wanna put on that hoodie? It's quite cold outside."

He nodded and put it on.

"Let's go", you sighed before you both left the room.

You were both guided by security guards over to the bus so you could get inside safely.

Marshall went straight to the back and something in you told you to follow him. He seemed really off so you wanted to see what's wrong.

He had sat down on a seat next to the window and was simply glaring outside into the darkness.

"Marsh", you said softly. "Can I sit down."

"Why?", he asked casually.

"What's wrong?", you simply asked, watching his side profile carefully. "Do you need anything?"

"My fucking throat hurts, everything hurts. My whole body", he blurted out. "But I have a show to do in two days so—"

"Why haven't you told me?", you cut him off worried.

"Well, I did now", he shrugged and finally looked at you.

"Let me feel your temperature", you sighed and raised your hand and placed your palm on his forehead. And it was fucking burning. "Marsh, you have a fever!"

He simply closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat.

"Okay, I'll try to organize you some tea. And something to eat. Some vitamins", you sighed.

The real problem was that he couldn't take any pain killers or other pills because of his former drug addiction. That made things way more complicated.

So next you left him alone to make some tea in the little kitchen area on the bus. Next you grabbed some food too. Two slices of pizza and an some of the already sliced fruits.

After the tea was ready you walked over to Marshall again.

"Oh Marshall", you chuckled pitifully. He looked so sick. "Here, I brought you some food too." You simply placed it onto the table in front of Marshall.

"Thanks", he croaked. "Will you stay here?"

"Do you want me to?", you asked softly.

"Yeah", he said in his raspy voice.

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