You just lost everything pt.2

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You woke up on a couch. It took you some time to remember where you were.

At Eminems house.... Right, you fell asleep in Marshalls arms a few hours ago.

It felt so weird that you stood up to search for him.

You quickly found him in the kitchen. He was sitting at the kitchen counter, eating some waffles.

"Hey", he instantly said. "You hungry?"

"Marshall...", you started. "This doesnt feel right. You dont have to do this. We dont even know each other...its just weird..."

"Y/n, I already told you I dont mind having you here at all. If you dont want to its alright, but I feel like this is the best option", he sighted.

"I know...I just dont want you to think I'm just using you for your money and stuff-"

"I'm not thinking that!", he said almost slightly offended. "It was my idea to stop by and check on you. And I'm doing this because I want to. I can be your friend if its easier for you to stay here then."

"I know...Thanks", you mumbled.

"So are you hungry now?", he asked softly so you just nodded. "You want waffles?"

"I love waffles", you smiled and walked over to him.

But instead of handing you the plate with waffles, he suddenly pulled you over into his arms.

"Marshall", you said surprised. "What are you doing?"

"I'm hugging you", he said softly.

He was still sitting on the barstool and you were practically standing between his knees so you could lean against him.

"Thank you", I mumbled into his chest. "Really, I dont know what I would do without you..."

"It's okay", he whispered and gave you a peck on the crown of your head which unfortunately made you blush.


Two weeks later

Marshall and you had talked a lot. Like really a lot. You were still living at his place.

Even though you still constantly had offered to just stay at a hotel, Marshall wouldnt let you. And honestly...youre just so thankful...

You dont know how it happened but you somehow became really good friends over the last few days. It just feels like you knew each other forever.

You would just always sit down in the evening together to watch a movie or something or just talk. It just kinda became like a habit.

Marshall also insisted to buy you new clothes. You told him he doesnt have to pay for it but of course he did anyways. He is just being so nice and protective. Honestly, he's just the sweetest.

One time you had another breakdown at night. It had been really late already but he came over to your room anyways because he had heard you crying and he had stayed with you until you fell asleep again.

Right now Marshall and you just chilled in the living room. You layed on the one side of the couch, he on the other. One of his legs was lazily laying over yours. He just did things like that under the radar without even paying attention to it. But you appreciated these moments because it showed you that he trusted you.

He was on the phone with his manager, discussing a lot of things. But every now and then you had the feeling that they were talking about you.

"No Paul!", you heard him say into the phone. "I'm sure she want to do this and she'll do an amazing job. ...Yeah...all right, call you back later."

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