Enemies to Lovers pt.1

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"This is so fucking stupid", you snapped into the phone. You were on the phone with Paul.

"I'm not kidding", he said equally annoyed. "We're still at the Berlin airport. There's a huge storm so we can't take off."

"What the fuck?!", you said pissed.

Marshall and Rihanna were on tour. You're Rihanna's assistant and last night there were some complications at the airport in Berlin.

You had all already arrived a little late at the airport and somehow you and Marshall were the only ones that could pass security. The rest of the crew is still in Germany while you two had just landed in Argentina. And apparently the others couldn't just take the next flight like they had planned since there will be a huge storm in a few hours and it's to dangerous for takeoff.

"Can I talk to Marshall, please?", Paul asked.

Without another word you simply handed Marshall the phone.

He was pissed off as well. He was here, without his bodyguard. That was also why you were hiding in a quiet corner

For the next couple of minutes you simply listened to Marshall and Paul argue over the phone. You have never seen him so angry before.

And it wasn't like you two got along in general either. You're almost arguing everyday. So that it was only the two of you now wasn't making things easier at all.

After a while Marshall hung up and handed you back the phone.

"And?", you simply asked and looked up to him.

"They need to stay at the airport for two more days", he simply stated and glared down at you.

"Are you kidding me?", you asked upset.

"Nope", he simply said and shook his head.

"Then what are we supposed to do now?", you asked panicky. "We're in fucking Argentina! Only us two, what the fuck?!"

"Well, first we need to get to our hotel. Obviously", he stated before grabbing his backpack and suitcase and simply started walking over to the exit.

You quickly grabbed your stuff as well and followed him. He was walking so damn fast.

As you walked outside you noticed in horror that it was freezing cold. Shit...it's winter here.

"This is so fucked up", you groaned. "It's so fucking cold."

"Could you stop whining for one second?", Marshall asked.

"Asshole", you grumbled. You hated when he was so bossy.

Next you followed Marshall to one of the cabs waiting on the streets and only a minute later you were sitting in the car and the driver drove you to your hotel here in Buenos Aires.

You were really tired since you almost haven't slept at all on the plane. Nevertheless you felt really comfy in your gray sweatpants and hoodie.

You drove for about half an hour before the cab pulled up in front of a very nice hotel.

You thanked the driver before getting out the car.

It was dark outside already and you were so goddamn tired.

You walked inside the hotel with all your luggage and you checked in for the both of you. Next you walked straight over to the elevator.

Inside, you carefully looked up to Marshall and noticed how he was simply glaring at you.

"Marshall, what the fuck?", you asked confused. "Don't act like all this is my fault. Trust me I didn't want to spend three days alone with you either."

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