Enemies to Lovers pt.2

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You both really did sleep in the same bed even though you had still tried to convince Marshall that you were fine sleeping on the couch.

But that just had made him pretty fucking angry at you which was why you caved in and agreed on sleeping in his bed.

Right now you have just woken up from the sunbeams coming through the huge windows.

It was your 30th birthday today.

You tiredly turned around to see if Marshall was awake already. That was when you noticed he had apparently gotten up already since his side of the bed was empty.

Almost simultaneously you heard the bathroom door open and when you looked in its direction you spotted Marshall...with only a white towel hanging low around his hips.

Why was he always shirtless around you?

"Oh hi", you mumbled surprised.

"Hey", he said before he walked straight over to your side of the bed. "Happy birthday, y/n", he said before he simply bent down to give you a quick hug and even pressed a small peck onto your cheek so you felt his beard tickle on your skin.

"Thanks", you smiled shyly after he had straightened up again.

"What do you want for breakfast? I was just about to order something", Marshall asked and went over to his suitcase to pick out some clothes.

"Uhm...I think I wanna have the same oatmeal thing that you've had yesterday", you shrugged. "Oh and can you order a tea for me. My throat is feeling a little sore."

"Sure", Marshall nodded and called the room service.

"Thanks", you mumbled before you slowly rolled out of bed as well.

You were eating together in silence while you were sipping your tea.

"I hope my friends don't forget it's my birthday because of the time difference you know", you mumbled after a while. Because normally you would've woken up to at least a hand full of birthday messages. But today Marshall was the first one...

"Nah, I don't think so", Marshall shook his head and leaned back in his chair, watching you for a while.

"Hmm", you simply hummed and shrugged.

You were so fucking miserable today. The day had went by and there were still only a few messages. Your mom has called you... But other than that there was nothing...

Honestly, it was making you really fucking sad and Marshall probably noticed because he was actually being really sweet to you today.

You were right now both in the hotel gym. And you were both boxing next to each other. It was great opportunity for you to let out your anger and frustration.

"Y/n", Marshall sighed after a while. "Take a break, you're exhausted."

But you just kept on going. You were too stubborn to quit now.

"Y/n", he sighed again before he simply grabbed your wrist and pulled you over to him. "Stop that shit."

"Marshall", you hissed. "Leave me the fuck alone."

"No", he argued. "I see what you're trying to do. You obviously have a lot of anger in you right now. Talk to me, y/n. What's making you so upset?"

"Leave me the fuck alone, Marshall", you snapped but he only pulled you closer.

"Who hasn't called you yet?", he asked softly. "What call are you still expecting?"

Of course he knew...

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