You are on vacation with Marshall and you get really sick

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"Babe!", Marshall called out. "We wanted to go out for dinner. Where are you?"

You had just laid down on your bed, not feeling good at all. You had gotten ready already. You were wearing a light green bandeau top, white linen trousers and some matching green heels. You had curled your hair a little and had done your makeup already.

"Baby, what are you doing?", Marshall asked again before entering the bedroom. "Oh you look beautiful", he exhaled, staring down at you.

You just looked at him, not being able to sit up since your head hurt and you suddenly felt as if you were burning.

"What's wrong?", he asked concerned and instantly walked over to you. "Hmm?"

He was wearing a white shirt, black jeans and some white sneakers. He looked very handsome.

"I don't know, Marsh", you whispered. "I feel like I'm about to throw up. I feel like shit."

"Seriously?", he mumbled worried and placed his palm onto your forehead to check your temperature. "Shit, y/n, you have a fever."

"Marshall", you whined. "I don't wanna be sick! We're on vacation..."

"It's okay", he whispered.

Next he started to take off your heels before he also carefully took off your jewelry. "I'll take care of you, baby."

Before you could blink he had picked you up bridal style and walked you downstairs. You loved that he was so strong and a lot bigger than you so he could carry you easily.

You weakly leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes. You felt Marshall pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.

You two have met through Marshalls best friend 50 Cent actually since you were both invited to his birthday party a few years ago. There he actually was the one who started talking to you and you surprisingly instantly got along. Of course you knew him beforehand and you had also always thought he was really hot and attractive... But you would've never thought that he liked you back since he was also slightly older.

Anyways, so first you were dating secretly for a while actually before you officially got together and soon after also moved in with him. You just loved him so so much.

You two have booked a beautiful house in southern France for a little vacation. It was so cozy in here.

"I'm sorry", you whispered on the urge of crying. "I'm ruining our vacation."

"Baby", he chuckled. "You're not, come on."

Next he walked into the living room and carefully put you down onto the couch so you were laying comfortably. Then he placed a fluffy blanket over your body.

"I'll make you a tea, okay?", he asked softly before bending down and pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Are you hungry?"

You simply shook your head and grabbed his hand. "Will you lay down next to me?", you croaked.

"I will", he smiled softly. "But Imma make you a tea first. You need that now."

With that he left the room.

Only a couple of minutes he came back and put the tea on the coffee table to cool down a little.

Next he sat down on the edge of the couch and since you were kinda laying on your side his hand went up to your back and started to brush his fingers up and down, comforting you a little.

You simply closed your eyes, enjoying his touch. His fingers trailed up your body and started to brush through your hair.

"You need to drink your tea, sweetie", he said softly and helped you to sit up. Next he handed you the tea for you to drink it. You simply leaned into him, enjoying the warmth of his body that was surrounding you.

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