You had dated pt.1

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Marshall pov

I was just about to give this fucking interview in my studio here in Detroit when the interviewer walked in.


I know her. I know her very well. So well... We were together for almost two years in 2009 or 2010. And man...we didnt ended things on good terms.

Since we broke up, we never talked to each other again.

But now here she was...

"Yo what the fuck, Paul? What the hell is she doing here?", I asked my manager loud enough so she could hear it.

"I didnt know it was her", he just shrugged.

"Tell her she can leave", I grumbled and glared at her again.

And something caught my eyes that I somehow didnt expect. She looked kinda...hurt.

"Marshall it's just a quick interview", Paul said annoyed and leaned back on his chair. "Don't be such a drama queen."

Now I glared at him and was about to give him the finger when I heard y/n clearing her throat hoarsly.

"I'm sorry...I didnt want to do it either. But I needed the money. And you know I work for this magazine anyways so-...", she started shyly but Paul cut her off.

"No don't worry, its fine."

"Okay", she sighted and quickly took a seat in front of me.

For a few moments we just stared at each other. She still almost looked the same.

She still had that same beautiful hair and eyes. She wore wide blue jeans and a light green hoodie.

She looked beautiful actually...

But then we both just cleared our throat and she started with the first question.

"So, Mr Mathers, what inspired you to write another album and base it off this whole Alfred Hitchcock theme?", she asked.

"Yo, dont call me that", I snapped.

I dont even know why I snapped at her but there was something i didnt like about her calling me Mr Mathers.

"Man what else do you want me to call you?", she asked, already angrier than before. "Is it Marshall or Em or Slim or...Baby?"

She blinked a few times but I couldnt focus anymore.

"Marshall, what the fuck is this?!", she snapped. "I'm just here to do the fucking interview. What is wrong with you?!"

"You look so fucking beautiful and I hate you for it! That's what's fucking wrong!", I suddenly yelled and stood up. "Goddamn!"


Y/n pov

More silence.

Marshall just called you beautiful...

"I-...Why would you say that?", you asked confused and watched him pacing around the room.

"Because I can't focus. I cant fucking focus when you sit there in front of me making jokes about calling me baby!"

"Marshall, calm down", Paul mumbled.

You almost had forgotten that he was still being in this room so you were slightly embarrassed right now. But Marshall seemed far from embarrassed right now.

"I cant fucking calm down right now!", he yelled.

"Marshall lets just get this over with. You can still talk afterwards", Paul sighted.

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