Music video shoot pt.2

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The next day you again shot many scenes together but this time in a two were boxing.

Marshall was pretty good at this but you had no idea what you were even doing.

But luckily that wasnt a problem at all because the whole scene was about him showing you how to do it. So it worked out just fine.

Marshall wore a black long sleeve shirt and red boxing shorts. You wore biker shorts and a sports bra. And of course you both had these giantic gloves on.

It was actually quite fun and it seemed like Marshall liked it too because it just felt so natural, not like you were just shooting a video.

When you finished the scene you had a break so you went outside to calm down a bit because the boxing was quite exhausting.

You pulled out your phone and suddenly saw that your best friend tried to call you a couple of times.

She also left you like a bunch of text messages so you opened them and oh my god....

She litterely sent you photos and videos of your boyfriend making out with another girl at a party...

You didnt even know why but you instantly started to cry. You're normally not the type of girl that starts crying immediately but this time.... but that really just... It felt like someone just punched you right in the face.

You instantly stood up, went inside and wanted to go to the bathroom. You didnt need other people seeing you like still needed to be professional.

But on your way to the restroom you of course ran into Marshall...

"Y/n? What happened?", he asked confused.

"Nothing", you cried and tried to walk past him but he grabbed you by the wrist.

"Come on, you can talk to me", he said worried and pulled you over to him. "What's wrong? What happened?"

You didnt know how it happened but you suddenly let yourself fall into Marshalls arms.

He instantly wrapped his arms around you and just let you cry into his chest.

It honestly is crazy that you're doing this because you only know Marshall for two days but somehow you knew you could trust him. The way you joked around yesterday...It just felt like you know each other since forever.

"Come on we'll go to my dressing room. There we can talk", he said and guided you upstairs into a private dressing room. By the time you entered the room you had already stopped crying.

You sat down next to each other on one of the benches. Marshall stayed quiet and just layed an arm around your shoulders and you simply leaned your head against his chest and you were glad he didnt complain about it.

"I just found out that my boyfriend cheated on me...", you mumbled, trying to control your breathing so you wouldn't get all panicky again.

"Shit...I'm so sorry", he immediately said. "How'd you find out?"

"A friend sent fotos and videos to me. You wanna see 'em?", you asked, surprising yourself with that offer.

"Y/n, you don't have to-", he started but you interrupted him.

"Here", you said and showed him the video.

"Shit...thats bad. But trust me someone like that doesnt deserve someone like you", he said in a soft voice.

You still tried to hold back your tears so you couldnt say anything. Your whole body started to shake just from the sobbs you were trying to surpress.

"Y/n?", he asked with the same softness in his voice as before. "It's okay to cry, okay? We can stay here for as long as you want and I wont leave you, dont worry."

"Thank you Marshall", you sobbed after you fully started to cry again and were now buring your face into the soft fabric of the shirt he was wearing.

Marshall wrapped both of his strong arms around your body and pulled you closer. Noramlly it wouldve been so weird to let yourself get hugged by an almost stranger. But right now you could care less.

"It's okay, I'm here. And everything is gonna be okay, I promise", he whispered and gave you a peck on the hair.

He just gave you a kiss?! Man he is so sweet.... You were so thankful right now that he is there for you and just lets you cry against his chest, even though we dont really know each other but it just means so much to you.

"Do you think you can continue working or should I ask Paul if you can go home and you'll do the other scenes tomorrow?", he asked after a time.

"No, I dont want anybody else to know about this. I think I can do it...", you said and tried to sound convincing which seemed to work a little.

Because honestly, you just didnt want to go home to your boyfriend. You werent ready for that yet.

"Okay", Marshall sighted thoughtfully. "You wanna come to my place afterwards so we can talk a little more?"

"No, its okay, I-", you stumbled, not sure how to answer that.

"Y/n", he sighted. "We could just get something to eat and we can talk a bit more. Maybe you feel better if you dont have to go back to your boyfriend today", he shrugged.

"Okay...Thank you Marshall", you smiled shyly and straightened your back before you got up and went into the bathroom to wash your face.

After you didn't look like youve cried anymore you went back to Marshall who was still sitting there. Was he waiting for you? He was being so sweet...

"Are you coming?", you asked and he nodded.

"Y/n, are you sure?", he asked, looking into your eyes but you just nodded.

"Okay, lets go then", he sighted and got up.

Marshall walked to the door and held it open for you. Then he walked over to you and you walked back togethter.

When you almost reached the others Marshall layed his hand on your lower back, probably to calm you down. And he did it just for you because the others couldnt even see it.

So when you stopped in front of the producer you quickly looked up to Marshall and gave him a thankful smile.

The producer told you a lot of other important stuff and after that you continued shooting some other scenes. You definitly didnt miss how Marshall looked over to you a few times, probably checking on you. He really looked worried...


Two hours later you finally finished and you were totally exhausted but youre still looking forward for tomorrow even if its the last day for the shoot.

Right now you were in the dressing room and changed into some chill clothes. You decided to put on some black leggins and a black hoodie.

By the time you finished and were just packing up you heard a soft knock on the door.

You opened and saw Marshall standing there, wearing grey sweatpants and a white tshirt.

"Hey", he mumbled and just walked in. " still wanna take my offer? It would be absolutely no problem."

"I mean if its really no problem...", you started.

"Okay youre comin", he grinned and took my bag. "Lets go then, I'm hungry."

"Marshall", you groaned. "I can carry my bags myself you dont have to."

"Oh man...come on", he chuckled

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